Eye Dropper Color Picker

Alias: Umbraco.ColorPicker.EyeDropper

Returns: string

The Eye Dropper Color picker allows you to choose a color from the full color spectrum using HEX and RGBA.

Data Type Definition Example

Eye Dropper Color Picker Data Type Definition

Content Example

Eye Dropper Color Picker Content

Example with Modelsbuilder

    var color = Model.Color?.ToString();

    if (color != null)
        <body style="background-color: @color"></body>

Example without Modelsbuilder

    var color = Model.Value<string>("Color");

    if (color != null)
        <body style="background-color: @color"></body>

Add values programmatically

See the example below to see how a value can be added or changed programmatically. To update a value of a property editor you need the Content Service.

The example below demonstrates how to add values programmatically using a Razor view. However, this is used for illustrative purposes only and is not the recommended method for production environments.

@using Umbraco.Cms.Core.Services;
@inject IContentService Services;
    // Get access to ContentService
    var contentService = Services;

    // Create a variable for the GUID of the page you want to update
    var guid = Guid.Parse("32e60db4-1283-4caa-9645-f2153f9888ef");

    // Get the page using the GUID you've defined
    var content = contentService.GetById(guid); // ID of your page

    // Set the value of the property with alias 'color'.
    content.SetValue("color", "#6fa8dc");
    // Save the change

Although the use of a GUID is preferable, you can also use the numeric ID to get the page:

    // Get the page using it's id
    var content = contentService.GetById(1234); 

If Modelsbuilder is enabled you can get the alias of the desired property without using a magic string:

@using Umbraco.Cms.Core.PublishedCache;
@inject IPublishedSnapshotAccessor _publishedSnapshotAccessor;
    // Set the value of the property with alias 'color'
    content.SetValue(Home.GetModelPropertyType(_publishedSnapshotAccessor, x => x.Color).Alias, "#6fa8dc");
    // Set the value of the property with alias 'theme'
    content.SetValue(Home.GetModelPropertyType(_publishedSnapshotAccessor, x => x.Theme).Alias, "rgba(111, 168, 220, 0.7)");

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