To boost the marketing activitites on your website, you can add a uMS top bar to you website. Find a template for the top bar in this article.
Use this template to add a top bar to your website. The template can be set up and used without help from a developer.
It is recommended to personalize the popup to make it even more relevant for your specific audience.
Install the client-side script on your website to benefit from the full functionality of the template.
The top bar will not affect the styling of your existing page or website. Some JavaScript is needed to insert the popup HTML in your existing content to apply the top bar. The code also includes an option for visitors to close the top bar.
Copy and paste the following JavaScript into Umbraco Engage.
(function () {// Play with the colors and the contents of the top bar.constbackgroundColor="#ffba00";consttextColor="#333";constborderColor="#ddd";consttext='<a href="#">Get started</a> in 10 minutes';// This is the text that is displayed in the top bar.constdomElement=document.querySelector("body");// Specify the selector where the top bar is being placed.constoptions= { isFixed:true,// If set to 'true', the bar will have position fixed. inheritFont:false,// If set to 'true', the bar will have the font-family that is being used on your website. }// This is the function where domElement.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", `<div class="u-topbar__container ${options.isFixed ? 's-fixed': ''} ${options.inheritFont ? 's-font-inherit' : ''}" style="--color-text:${textColor};--color-background:${backgroundColor};--color-border:${borderColor};"><span class="u-topbar__text">${text}</span><button type="button" class="u-topbar__close-button" onclick="this.closest('.u-topbar__container').remove()"><svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M437.5 386.6 306.9 256l130.6-130.6c14.1-14.1 14.1-36.8 0-50.9-14.1-14.1-36.8-14.1-50.9 0L256 205.1 125.4 74.5c-14.1-14.1-36.8-14.1-50.9 0-14.1 14.1-14.1 36.8 0 50.9L205.1 256 74.5 386.6c-14.1 14.1-14.1 36.8 0 50.9 14.1 14.1 36.8 14.1 50.9 0L256 306.9l130.6 130.6c14.1 14.1 36.8 14.1 50.9 0 14-14.1 14-36.9 0-50.9z"/></svg></button></div>`);
Changing colors
You can change the following colors on the top bar:
Fixed topbar
By default, the top bar is fixed and always visible when the user scrolls. That means it will be an overlay on the page, and potentially hide content underneath it.
If you do not like that, you can set the isFixed option to false. It will act like a regular element that does not scroll with the user's scroll position but does not overlap with the content. You can play with the top bar element and you can change that element at domElement.
Be mindful that every website is unique and built slightly differently. We cannot guarantee that the top bar will work in all use cases.
Font family
If you like to use your website's font, you can set the inheritFont option to true.
With the top bar set up, you can change the look to fit your website. Copy and paste this CSS into uMS and your top bar is ready.