Version Specific Upgrade Details

Version specific documentation for upgrading to new major versions of Umbraco Deploy.

This page covers specific upgrade documentation for when migrating to major 10 of Umbraco Deploy.

If you are upgrading to a minor or patch of Deploy you can find the details about the changes in the release notes article.

Version Specific Upgrade Notes History

Version 10 of Umbraco Deploy has a minimum dependency on Umbraco CMS core of 10.0.0. It runs on .NET 6.

The forms deployment component has a minimum dependency on Umbraco Forms of 10.0.0.

To migrate to version 10 you should first update to the latest minor release of version 9. This will ensure you have all the database schema changes in place.

Breaking changes

Version 10 includes a number of breaking changes. These changes are unlikely to affect many projects because they're not in typical extension points. For reference though, the full details are listed here.

Database Initialization

When using Umbraco Deploy with Umbraco Cloud, a development database is automatically created when restoring a project into a local environment for the first time. With Umbraco 9 and previous versions, SQL CE could be used for this. This database type is no longer supported in Umbraco 10, so SQLite is available instead. SQLite will be the default format used for the local database.

If you prefer to use a supported alternative, you can ensure that a connection string is in place before triggering the restore operation.

For example, to use a local SQL Server Express instance, you would place this in your appSettings.json configuration file:

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "umbracoDbDSN": "Server=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=UmbracoDb;Integrated Security=true",
    "umbracoDbDSN_ProviderName": "Microsoft.Data.SqlClient"

If you prefer to use LocalDB, either set a connection string as above:

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "umbracoDbDSN": "Data Source=(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\\Umbraco.mdf;Integrated Security=True",
    "umbracoDbDSN_ProviderName": "Microsoft.Data.SqlClient"

Or set the configuration value of Umbraco:Deploy:Settings:PreferLocalDbConnectionString to true:

    "Umbraco": {
        "Deploy": {
            "Settings": {
                "PreferLocalDbConnectionString": true

If you are upgrading from Umbraco 9 and already have a LocalDB instance, you can set this value to true. This will ensure it is used rather than a new, empty SQLite database.


  • The boolean property IgnoreBrokenDependencies has been removed, and the option is now controlled only by the IgnoreBrokenDependenciesBehavior configuration key, which takes an enumeration value.

    • The default value has changed to IgnoreBrokenDependenciesBehavior.Restore, as this will most likely be what developers require (allowing broken dependencies when restoring, but not when pushing to an upstream environment).

  • CurrentWorkspaceName has been added to the Project configuration section. This will be used by on-premises installations.

    • Previously this used EnvironmentName in the Debug configuration section, which will still be used if defined to support upgrades. We recommend using the new configuration as it's more intuitively placed (that is not really a "debug" setting for on-premises installations).


  • The following classes have altered constructors taking additional parameters.

    • DeployScopeProvider

    • ArtifactRelator

    • RepairDictionaryIdsWorkItem

    • DiskWorkItemFactory

    • ClearSignaturesWorkItem

    • MemberTypeConnector

    • DeployManagementDashboardController

    • CurrentEnvironment

  • Additional methods have been added to IUmbracoEnvironment.

  • The property BackOfficeDeployOperation has been added to IWorkItem.

  • The RelationTypeArtifact class has been moved to the Umbraco.Deploy.Infrastructure.Artifacts namespace.

  • IDiskEntityService has been moved to the Umbraco.Deploy.Infrastructure.Disk namespace.

  • An additional method, previously provided by an extension method, has been added to the IDiskEntityService interface.

  • DiskReadTask has been moved to the Umbraco.Deploy.Infrastructure.Work.BackgroundTasks namespace.

  • ITransferEntityService.RegisterTransferEntityType has an additional parameter.

  • DeployRegisteredEntityTypeDetail was renamed to DeployTransferRegisteredEntityTypeDetail.

  • Removed unused class SerializablePropertyValue.

Legacy version specific upgrade notes

You can find the version specific upgrade notes for versions out of support in the Legacy documentation on GitHub.

Last updated