Version Specific Upgrade Details

Version specific documentation for upgrading to new major versions of Umbraco Deploy.

This article provides specific upgrade documentation for migrating to Umbraco Deploy version 14.

Version Specific Upgrade Notes History

Version 14 of Umbraco Deploy has a minimum dependency on Umbraco CMS core of 14.0.0. It runs on .NET 8.

Breaking changes

Version 14 contains some breaking changes. Not many projects are expected to be affected by them, as they are in relevant areas when extending Deploy to support additional entities and/or property editors. For reference though, the full details are listed here:

Async methods

Asynchronous methods have been added to the following interfaces (in the CMS Umbraco.Cms.Core.Deploy namespace):

  • IContextCache:

    • GetOrCreateAsync(...)

  • IDataTypeConfigurationConnector, IImageSourceParser, ILocalLinkParser and IValueConnector:

    • ToArtifactAsync(...)

    • FromArtifactAsync(...)

  • IServiceConnector:

    • GetArtifactAsync(...)

    • ProcessInitAsync(...)

    • ProcessAsync(...)

    • ExpandRangeAsync(...)

    • GetRangeAsync(...)

These methods all have a default implementation that forwards the calls to the synchronous methods (to maintain backwards compatibility). The synchronous methods have been obsoleted and Deploy will now always call the new asynchronous methods. Implementations should be updated to start using those instead.

Within Deploy, the following base classes and methods have been updated to take advantage of the asynchronous methods:

  • ValueConnectorBase, RecursiveValueConnectorBase, DataTypeConfigurationConnectorBase and ServiceConnectorBase: all synchronous methods are obsoleted and cause compiler errors when directly invoked (to avoid potential deadlocks, because they all forward to the asynchronous methods using GetAwaiter().GetResult());

  • All service and value connector implementations inheriting from the above base classes have been updated to use the asynchronous methods as well;

  • builder.DeployDataTypeConfigurationConnectors().AddCustom(...): both toArtifact and fromArtifact parameters now align with the ToArtifactAsync(...) and FromArtifactAsync(...) method signatures;

  • IArtifactImportExportService.ExportArtifactsAsync(...): the artifacts parameter is updated to IAsyncEnumerable<IArtifact>, so artifacts are asynchronously created when iterating;

  • IServiceConnector.GetArtifactsAsync(...) and IServiceConnectorFactory.GetArtifactsAsync(...): these new extension methods call GetArtifactAsync(...) on the relevant service connectors and returns IAsyncEnumerable<IArtifact>.

Signature notification handling

Deploy stores artifact signatures (hashes) in the database to avoid creating the artifact to for example compare them between disk/database or environments. To ensure the signatures are always up-to-date, the ISignatureService used custom notification handling via the RegisterHandler(...) and HandleExternalNotification(...) methods (because Deploy suppresses notifications during deployment). CMS version 12 introduced the IDistributedCacheNotificationHandler marker interface and Deploy 12 the IDeployRefresherNotificationHandler that will still handle the notifications during deployments. The following methods are therefore removed:

  • RegisterHandler(...): register your handler using the standard builder.AddNotificationHandler<>() or builder.AddNotificationAsyncHandler() method;

  • HandleExternalNotification(...): implement your handler using IDeployRefresherNotificationHandler<TNotification> or IDeployRefresherNotificationAsyncHandler<TNotification>.

Return type of Data Type configuration has changed to a dictionary

The return type of IDataTypeConfigurationConnector.FromArtifact()/FromArtifactAsync() has changed from object to IDictionary<string, object> to align with the Data Type configuration changes in the CMS (see PR #13605). Also, obsoleted methods and default interface implementations on Deploy interfaces have been removed (see PR #15965).

Removed code due to changes in the CMS

The CMS removed support for the legacy Media Picker, Grid layout, Nested Content editors and macros, which means Deploy doesn't provide support for transferring these editors. The following related code has been removed:

  • IGridCellValueConnector, IGridCellValueConnector2 and IGridCellValueConnectorFactory: including all Grid cell value connector implementations;

  • GridDataTypeConfigurationConnector, NestedContentDataTypeConfigurationConnector;

  • IMacroParser (in the CMS), MacroParserBase and MacroParser;

  • MediaPickerValueConnector and MacroConnector.

Due to the new backoffice, all code related to sections, trees, actions, dashboards and models have been removed or updated. The new backoffice components now also use the Deploy Management API for all operations.


Version 14 now uses permission verbs (instead of single characters/action letters) and upgrading will automatically migrate any existing permissions:














JSON artifact migrators

The IArtifactJsonMigrator.Migrate(...) method now accepts/returns a JsonNode value (instead of JToken) due to the change from Newtonsoft.Json to System.Text.Json.


JSON serialization

Deploy artifacts are serialized as JSON, either stored as schema on disk (UDA files in umbraco\Deploy\Revision), exported into a ZIP archive or when being transferred between environments. We aligned with the CMS and migrated to use System.Text.Json (instead of Newtonsoft.Json). Although we've not changed the artifacts themselves, these libraries have differences in default behavior.

No-nodes page environment restore

An empty local environment previously had the option to do an environment restore without logging in to the backoffice. This option now redirects you to the backoffice and once logged in, will show a modal to deploy the schema and restore all content from the upstream environment.

Uploaded files for import

Deploy now uses the ITemporaryFileService from the CMS to temporarily store the uploaded ZIP archive to import. This also means the cleanup is handled by the CMS and the 'Delete import archives' Deploy operation and support for the deploy-deleteimportarchives trigger file are removed.


Deploy On-prem license key

For Deploy On-premise, configuring the license key has slightly changed, as we introduced additional options for license validation. The product license keys should be moved to the following structure:

  "Umbraco": {
    "Licenses": {
      "Products": {
        "Umbraco.Deploy.OnPrem": "<LICENSE KEY>"


Transfer forms as content

The setting TransferFormsAsContent has moved to FormsDeploySettings in the Forms Deploy package. It is still bound to the Umbraco:Deploy:Settings:TransferFormsAsContent configuration key (used in previous versions), so it only affects configuration via code.


  • Umbraco CMS dependency was updated to 14.0.0.

Legacy version specific upgrade notes

You can find the version specific upgrade notes for versions out of support in the Legacy documentation on GitHub.

Last updated

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