Umbraco Forms provides an API for client-side rendering and submission of forms. This will be useful when you want to handle forms in a headless style scenario.
Enabling the API
The Forms API is disabled by default. To enable it, set the Umbraco:Forms:Options:EnableFormsApi configuration key to true.
The API supports two endpoints, one for rendering a form and one for submitting it.
As well as this documentation, the definition of the API can also be reviewed via the Swagger UI, available at the following path: /umbraco/forms/api/swagger/index.html.
The Open API specification is available from: /umbraco/forms/api/openapi.json
Requesting a Form Definition
To request the definition of a form, the following request can be made:
GET /umbraco/forms/api/v1.0/definitions/{id}?contentId={contentId}
The GET request requires the Guid identifying the form.
An optional contentId parameter can be provided, which can either be the integer or GUID identifier for the current page. If provided, the content item identified will be used for Forms features requiring information from the page the form is hosted on. This includes the parsing of "magic string" placeholders.
A culture parameter can also be provided, expected as an ISO code identifying a language used in the Umbraco installation (for example, en-US). This will be used to ensure the correct translation for dictionary keys is used. It will also retrieve page content from the appropriate language variant. If the parameter is not provided in the request, the default Umbraco language will be used.
If the requested form is not found, a 404 status code will be returned.
A successful request will return a 200 status code. An example response is as follows. It will differ depending on the pages, fields and other settings available for the form.
"disableDefaultStylesheet": false,
"fieldIndicationType": "MarkMandatoryFields",
"hideFieldValidation": false,
"id": "34ef4a19-efa7-40c1-b8b6-2fd7257f2ed3",
"indicator": "*",
"messageOnSubmit": "Thanks for submitting the form",
"name": "Simple Comment Form",
"nextLabel": "Next",
"pages": [
"caption": "Your comment",
"fieldsets": [
"caption": "",
"columns": [
"caption": "",
"width": 12,
"fields": [
"alias": "name",
"caption": "Name",
"condition": {
"actionType": "Show",
"logicType": "All",
"rules": []
"helpText": "[#message] from [#pageName]",
"id": "25185934-9a61-491c-9610-83dfe774662c",
"pattern": "",
"patternInvalidErrorMessage": "Please provide a valid value for Name",
"placeholder": "",
"preValues": [],
"required": true,
"requiredErrorMessage": "Please provide a value for Name",
"settings": {
"defaultValue": "",
"placeholder": "Please enter your name.",
"showLabel": "",
"maximumLength": "",
"fieldType": "",
"autocompleteAttribute": ""
"type": {
"id": "3f92e01b-29e2-4a30-bf33-9df5580ed52c",
"name": "Short answer"
"alias": "email",
"caption": "Email",
"condition": {
"actionType": "Show",
"logicType": "All",
"rules": []
"helpText": "",
"id": "816fdf3b-a796-4677-a317-943a54bf9d55",
"pattern": "^[_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,4})$",
"patternInvalidErrorMessage": "Please provide a valid value for Email",
"placeholder": "",
"preValues": [],
"required": true,
"requiredErrorMessage": "Please provide a value for Email",
"settings": {
"defaultValue": "",
"placeholder": "",
"showLabel": "",
"maximumLength": "",
"fieldType": "email",
"autocompleteAttribute": ""
"type": {
"id": "3f92e01b-29e2-4a30-bf33-9df5580ed52c",
"name": "Short answer"
"alias": "comment",
"caption": "Comment",
"condition": {
"actionType": "Show",
"logicType": "All",
"rules": []
"helpText": "",
"id": "9d723100-ec34-412f-aaa5-516634d7c833",
"pattern": "",
"patternInvalidErrorMessage": "Please provide a valid value for Comment",
"placeholder": "",
"preValues": [],
"required": false,
"requiredErrorMessage": "Please provide a value for Comment",
"settings": {
"defaultValue": "",
"placeholder": "",
"showLabel": "",
"autocompleteAttribute": "",
"numberOfRows": "2",
"maximumLength": ""
"type": {
"id": "023f09ac-1445-4bcb-b8fa-ab49f33bd046",
"name": "Long answer"
"alias": "country",
"caption": "Country",
"condition": {
"actionType": "Show",
"logicType": "All",
"rules": []
"helpText": "",
"id": "30ff8f37-28d4-47df-f281-422b36c62e73",
"pattern": "",
"patternInvalidErrorMessage": "Please provide a valid value for Country",
"placeholder": "",
"preValues": [
"caption": "France",
"value": "fr"
"caption": "Italy",
"value": "it"
"caption": "Span",
"value": "es"
"caption": "United Kingdom",
"value": "gb"
"required": false,
"requiredErrorMessage": "Please provide a value for Country",
"settings": {
"defaultValue": "",
"allowMultipleSelections": "",
"showLabel": "",
"autocompleteAttribute": "",
"selectPrompt": "Please select"
"type": {
"id": "0dd29d42-a6a5-11de-a2f2-222256d89593",
"name": "Dropdown"
"alias": "favouriteColour",
"caption": "Favourite Colour",
"condition": {
"actionType": "Show",
"logicType": "All",
"rules": []
"helpText": "",
"id": "a6e2e27f-097d-476a-edb9-4aa79449ab5c",
"pattern": "",
"patternInvalidErrorMessage": "Please provide a valid value for Favourite Colour",
"placeholder": "",
"preValues": [
"caption": "Red",
"value": "red"
"caption": "Green",
"value": "green"
"caption": "Yellow",
"value": "yello"
"required": false,
"requiredErrorMessage": "Please provide a value for Favourite Colour",
"settings": {
"defaultValue": "",
"showLabel": ""
"type": {
"id": "fab43f20-a6bf-11de-a28f-9b5755d89593",
"name": "Multiple choice"
"alias": "dataConsent",
"caption": "Data consent",
"condition": {
"actionType": "Show",
"logicType": "All",
"rules": []
"helpText": "Please indicate if it's OK to store your data.",
"id": "9f25acaf-4ac4-4105-9afe-eb0bb0c03b31",
"pattern": "",
"patternInvalidErrorMessage": "Please provide a valid value for Data consent",
"placeholder": "",
"preValues": [],
"required": true,
"requiredErrorMessage": "Please confirm your data consent",
"settings": {
"acceptCopy": "Yes, I give permission to store and process my data.",
"showLabel": ""
"type": {
"id": "a72c9df9-3847-47cf-afb8-b86773fd12cd",
"name": "Data Consent"
"alias": "tickToAddMoreInfo",
"caption": "Tick to add more info",
"condition": {
"actionType": "Show",
"logicType": "All",
"rules": []
"helpText": "",
"id": "6ce0cf78-5102-47c1-85c6-9530d9e9c6a6",
"pattern": "",
"patternInvalidErrorMessage": "Please provide a valid value for Tick to add more info",
"placeholder": "",
"preValues": [],
"required": false,
"requiredErrorMessage": "Please provide a value for Tick to add more info",
"settings": {
"defaultValue": ""
"type": {
"id": "d5c0c390-ae9a-11de-a69e-666455d89593",
"name": "Checkbox"
"alias": "moreInfo",
"caption": "More info",
"condition": {
"actionType": "Show",
"logicType": "All",
"rules": [
"field": "6ce0cf78-5102-47c1-85c6-9530d9e9c6a6",
"operator": "Is",
"value": "on"
"helpText": "",
"id": "5b4100ed-cc5e-4113-943c-ee5a8f4e448d",
"pattern": "",
"patternInvalidErrorMessage": "Please provide a valid value for More info",
"placeholder": "",
"preValues": [],
"required": false,
"requiredErrorMessage": "Please provide a value for More info",
"settings": {
"defaultValue": "",
"placeholder": "",
"showLabel": "",
"maximumLength": "",
"fieldType": "",
"autocompleteAttribute": ""
"type": {
"id": "3f92e01b-29e2-4a30-bf33-9df5580ed52c",
"name": "Short answer"
"width": 0
"id": "d677b96f-488d-4052-b00d-fb852b35e9c5"
"previousLabel": "Previous",
"showValidationSummary": false,
"submitLabel": "Submit"
Submitting a Form Entry
To submit a form entry, the following request can be made:
POST /umbraco/forms/api/v1.0/entries/{id}
The POST request requires the Guid identifying the form.
It also requires a Content-Type header of application/json and accepts a body as per this example:
The values collection consists of a set of name/value pairs, where the name is the alias of a form field. The value is the value of the submitted field, which can either be a string, or an array of strings. In this way we support fields that accept multiple values, such as checkbox lists.
The contentId and culture parameters are optional. If provided they will be used to customize the response for the current page and language respectively.
In the case of a validation error, a 422 "Unprocessable Entity" status code will be returned, along with a response similar to the following:
"errors": {
"name": [
"Please provide a value for Name"
"extensions": {},
"status": 422,
"title": "One or more validation errors occurred."
A successful response will return a 202 "Accepted" status code.
Securing the API
Antiforgery Protection
When posting forms in the traditional way, via a full page post back, an anti-forgery token is generated and validated. This provides protection against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks.
The same protection is available for forms submitted via AJAX techniques.
In order to generate the token and provide it in the form post, the following code can be applied to the .cshtml template:
The antiforgery token security approach is valid when building a client-side integration with API calls made from the browser.
Providing the token isn't possible though in other headless situations such as server-to-server requests. In these situations, an alternative approach to securing the API is available.
Firstly, with server-to-server integrations you will want to disable the antiforgery token protection.
This is done by setting the Umbraco:Forms:Security:EnableAntiForgeryTokenForFormsApi configuration key to a value of false.
You should then configure an API key Umbraco:Forms:Security:FormsApiKey. The string value can be anything, but it should not be susceptible to a brute force attack.
With this in place any request to the Forms API will be rejected unless the configured value is provided in an HTTP header named Api-Key.
Rendering and Submitting forms with JavaScript
For an illustrative example showing how a form can be rendered, validated and submitted using the API and vanilla JavaScript, please see this gist.
Examples demonstrating how to handle a file upload and use reCAPTCHA fields are included.