Version Specific Upgrade Notes

Version specific documentation for upgrading to new major versions of Umbraco Forms.

This article provides specific upgrade documentation for migrating to Umbraco Forms version 15.

If you are upgrading to a minor or patch version, you can find the details about the changes in the Release Notes article.

Version Specific Upgrade Notes History

Version 15 of Umbraco Forms has a minimum dependency on Umbraco CMS core of 15.0.0. It runs on .NET 9.

Breaking changes

Version 15 contains a number of breaking changes. If you do run into any, they should be straightforward to adjust and recompile.

For reference, the full details are listed here:


  • The setting FieldSettings:Recaptcha3:ShowFieldValidation has a new default of true.

  • The setting Options:EnableMultiPageFormSettings has a new default of true.

  • The setting FormDesign:RemoveProvidedEmailTemplate has been removed (as adding and removing email templates can be more consistently handled using EmailTemplateCollection).

Asynchronous Methods

  • IFieldPreValueSourceType.GetPrevalues (and the abstract method of the same name in FieldPreValueSourceType) is now an asynchronous method. It has an Async suffix.

  • IExportType.ExportRecords and ExportToFile are now asynchronous methods and have Async suffixes.


  • Parameters in the FileUpload constructor were renamed.

  • Obsolete constructors in the classes SendRazorEmail, EntryAcceptedDtoFactory, FormDtoFactory, RenderFormViewComponent, GetValuesByKeyPrevalueSourceController, and UmbracoFormsController were removed.

  • The obsolete overload on FormFileExtensions.IsFileTypeAllowed was removed.

  • The purposes defined for uses of IDataProtector were renamed to have a common prefix.

  • Unused fields Field.Placeholder and FormFieldDto.Placeholder were removed.

  • Unused ServerVariablesParsingHandler was removed.

  • Default implementations on the interfaces IWorkflowFactory, IWorkflowRepository, IWorkflowService were removed.

  • Obsolete methods on PlaceholderParsingService were removed.

  • Method overloads without optional parameters on FormDtoFactory, EntryAcceptedDtoFactory, IFormRenderingService, IPlaceholderParsingService, WorkflowType, DictionaryExtensions and StringExtensions were removed.

  • Base64 encoding was removed when storing and retrieving form state.

  • The obsolete overload of FormViewModel.Build was removed.

  • The UmbracoPreValuesReadOnly constructor now has an additional parameter.

  • Due to the introduction of asynchronous behavior to IFieldPreValueSourceType.GetPrevalues, FormViewModel.Build is now also asynchronous.

  • FormsTreeRequirement and related classes were removed.

  • FormRenderingService and FormThemeResolver was made internal.

  • Default implementations on IFormThemeResolver were removed.

Legacy version specific upgrade notes

You can find the version specific upgrade notes for versions out of support in the Legacy documentation on Github.

Last updated