
The date picker uses a front-end library called Pikaday to display a UI to pick dates.

Date picker on frontend

Pikaday date picker can be localised based on the page the Form is rendered on.

The date picker displays the picked date in the required locale. Using JavaScript, a hidden field is updated with a standard date format to send to the server for storing record submissions. This avoids the locale mixing up the dates.

To achieve localized date, a Razor partial view is included at /Views/Partials/Forms/Themes/default/DatePicker.cshtml.

The DatePicker.cshtml includes the moment-with-locales.min.js library to help with the date locale formatting and the appropriate changes to Pikaday to support the locales. If you wish to use a different DatePicker component, edit the DatePicker.cshtml file as per your needs.

Configure the Year range

The Date picker has a configuration setting to control the number of years shown in the picker. The default value is 10 years.

You can configure the settings in the appSettings.json file:

 "Forms": {
     "FieldTypes": {
         "DatePicker": {
             "DatePickerYearRange": 10

Update DatePickerYearRange to a higher number (for example: 100) to increase the numbers of years available in the Date picker.

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