Searchable Properties

Configuring searchable properties in Umbraco UI Builder, the backoffice UI builder for Umbraco.

Searchable properties allow you to define any String based properties on a model. They will be searchable via Umbraco UI Builder's list view and entity picker search controls.

You can also use any String based property of nested objects of a model, as long as the parent object is not null.


Defining searchable properties

AddSearchableProperty(Lambda searchablePropertyExpression) : CollectionConfigBuilder<TEntityType>

Adds the given property to the searchable properties collection.

// Example
collectionConfig.AddSearchableProperty(p => p.FirstName);
collectionConfig.AddSearchableProperty(p => p.Address.Street);

Search Expression Pattern

Up to version 14.0.1, the search was performed using the StartsWith method call. From 14.0.1 and up, search operations can be performed using the Contains method call.

// Example
collectionConfig.AddSearchableProperty(p => p.FirstName); // will search for keywords that start with.
collectionConfig.AddSearchableProperty(p => p.FirstName, )SearchExpressionPattern.Contains); // will search for keywords that are contained.

Last updated