The Multinode Treepicker allows you to configure the type of tree to render and what part of the tree that should be rendered. For content it allows you to select a dynamic root node based on the current document using the multinode tree picker.
Node type: set the type of node, the root node of the tree, or query for the root node
For querying for a root node, you can use dynamic placeholders in the XPath query, following the below sample queries
// get the first textpage below the current document
$current/textpage: current page or closest found ancestor
// get a descendant of type news article somewhere below the parent
$parent//newsArticle: parent page or closest found ancestor
// go to the root of the content tree
// go the ancestor at @level=1 where your website root usually is.
$site: Ancestor node at level 1
It is important to notice that all placeholders above act against published content only. So if you, therefore, try to fetch $parent of the current document, then Umbraco will return that or its closest published ancestor. So in case, the parent is not published, it will try the parent of that parent, and so on.
Filter out items with type: allow or disallow tree nodes with a certain content type alias.
Enter typeAlias,altTypeAlias to only allow selecting nodes with those alias'. Enter !typeAlias,altTypeAlias to only allow selecting nodes not with those alias'.
Minimum/maximum number of items: set a limit on the number of items allowed to be selected.
Data Type Definition Example
Multinode Treepicker Data Type Definition
Content Example
Multinode Treepicker
MVC View Example
Without Modelsbuilder
var typedMultiNodeTreePicker = Model.Value<IEnumerable<IPublishedContent>>("featuredArticles");
if (typedMultiNodeTreePicker != null) {
foreach (var item in typedMultiNodeTreePicker)
With Modelsbuilder
var typedMultiNodeTreePicker = Model.FeaturedArticles;
foreach (var item in typedMultiNodeTreePicker)
Add values programmatically
See the example below to see how a value can be added or changed programmatically. To update a value of a property editor you need the Content Service.
The example below demonstrates how to add values programmatically using a Razor view. However, this is used for illustrative purposes only and is not the recommended method for production environments.
@inject IContentService Services;
@using Umbraco.Cms.Core;
@using Umbraco.Cms.Core.Services
// Get access to ContentService
var contentService = Services;
// Create a variable for the GUID of the page you want to update
var guid = Guid.Parse("32e60db4-1283-4caa-9645-f2153f9888ef");
// Get the page using the GUID you've defined
var content = contentService.GetById(guid); // ID of your page
// Get the pages you want to assign to the Multinode Treepicker
var page = Umbraco.Content("665d7368-e43e-4a83-b1d4-43853860dc45");
var anotherPage = Umbraco.Content("1f8cabd5-2b06-4ca1-9ed5-fbf14d300d59");
// Create Udi's of the pages
var pageUdi = Udi.Create(Constants.UdiEntityType.Document, page.Key);
var anotherPageUdi = Udi.Create(Constants.UdiEntityType.Document, anotherPage.Key);
// Create a list of the page udi's
var udis = new List<string>{pageUdi.ToString(), anotherPageUdi.ToString()};
// Set the value of the property with alias 'featuredArticles'.
content.SetValue("featuredArticles", string.Join(",", udis));
// Save the change
Although the use of a GUID is preferable, you can also use the numeric ID to get the page:
// Get the page using it's id
var content = contentService.GetById(1234);
If Modelsbuilder is enabled you can get the alias of the desired property without using a magic string:
@inject IPublishedSnapshotAccessor _publishedSnapshotAccessor;
@using Umbraco.Cms.Core.PublishedCache;
// Set the value of the property with alias 'featuredArticles'
content.SetValue(Home.GetModelPropertyType(_publishedSnapshotAccessor ,x => x.FeaturedArticles).Alias, string.Join(",", udis));