Version Specific Upgrades

This document covers specific upgrade steps if a version requires them. Most versions do not require specific upgrade steps and you will be able to upgrade directly from your current version.

Use the information below to learn about any potential breaking changes and common pitfalls when upgrading your Umbraco CMS project.

If any specific steps are involved with upgrading to a specific version, they will be listed below.

Use the general upgrade guide to complete the upgrade of your project.

Breaking changes

Umbraco 10

Update 'diff' from 3.5.0 to 5.0.0

The diff library used in the Backoffice client has been updated and introduces a breaking change since the exposed global object has been renamed from JsDiff to Diff.

Content Schedule performance

Removes mutable ContentSchedule property from IContent/Content to read/write content schedules.

Use IContentService.GetContentScheduleByContentId && IContentService.PersistContentSchedule or the optional contentSchedule parameter on IContentService.Save instead.

Removed redundant event handling code

  • Removed public methods: PublishedSnapshotServiceEventHandler.Dispose, PublishedSnapshotServiceEventHandler.Dispose(bool), and .PublishedSnapshotServiceEventHandler.Initialize.

  • Removed public ctor.

Scope provider cleanup

  • Some public classes in the Cms.Core.Services namespace have moved assembly from Umbraco.Cms.Infrastructure to Umbraco.Cms.Core.

  • These same public classes have changed namespace from Umbraco.Cms.Core.Services.Implement to Umbraco.Cms.Core.Services.

Update to NPoco5

NPoco types and interfaces are part of our public interface which means that this upgrade imposes breaking changes.

SQLite support

  • Removed support for Microsoft SQL Server Compact (SQL CE).

  • Removed ReadLock and WriteLock methods from ISqlSyntaxProvider interface. Use IDistributedLockingMechanism (or IScope which delegates to IDistributedLockingMechanism) instead.

  • Constants for SQL Server provider name moved+consolidated from Core.Constants.DatabaseProviders and Core.Constants.-DbProviderNames to Umbraco.Cms.Persistence.SqlServer.Constants

  • Some SQL Server related services moved from the Umbraco.Infrastructure project to the new Umbraco.Cms.Persistence.

  • SqlServer project with altered namespaces e.g. SqlServerSyntaxProvider, SqlServerBulkSqlInsertProvider, SqlServerDatabaseCreator.

Added the following methods/properties to ISqlSyntaxProvider. These must be implemented in any downstream implementation e.g:

  • ISqlSyntaxProvider.HandleCreateTable(IDatabase,TableDefinition,Boolean)

  • ISqlSyntaxProvider.GetFieldNameForUpdate()

  • ISqlSyntaxProvider.GetColumn(DatabaseType,String,String,String,String,Boolean)

  • ISqlSyntaxProvider.InsertForUpdateHint(Sql)

  • ISqlSyntaxProvider.AppendForUpdateHint(Sql)

  • ISqlSyntaxProvider.LeftJoinWithNestedJoin(Sql,Func<Sql,Sql>,String)

Update to ImageSharp v2

Update dependency versions:

  • SixLabors.ImageSharp from 1.0.4 to 2.1.1

  • SixLabors.ImageSharp.Web from 1.0.5 to 2.0.0

Renamed the CachedNameLength property to CacheHashLength on ImagingCacheSettings.

Moved ImageSharpImageUrlGenerator from project Umbraco.Infrastructure to Umbraco.Web.Common and updated the corresponding namespace and DI registration (from AddCoreInitialServices() to AddUmbracoImageSharp());

Moved ImageSharp configuration from the AddUmbracoImageSharp() extension method into separate IConfigureOptions<> implementations:

  • The middleware is configured in ConfigureImageSharpMiddlewareOptions (which also replaces ImageSharpConfigurationOptions that previously only set the default ImageSharp configuration);

  • The default physical cache is configured in ConfigurePhysicalFileSystemCacheOptions.

Migrate Member properties to columns on the Member table

This is breaking because it is no longer possible to access the properties listed below through the IMember.Properties collection. You must now access them through their specific properties that is IMember.IsLockedOut.

  • umbracoMemberFailedPasswordAttempts

  • umbracoMemberApproved

  • umbracoMemberLockedOut

  • umbracoMemberLastLockoutDate

  • umbracoMemberLastLogin

  • umbracoMemberLastPasswordChangeDate

Additionally, when previously you resolved a Member as published content, all the default properties would be there twice. For instance, IsLockedOut would be there both as a property with the alias umbracoMemberLockedOut and with the alias IsLockedOut. Now it'll only be there once, with the alias being the name of the property, so IsLockedOut in this instance.

Lastly the nullable dates on a user, i.e. LastLoginLate will now be null instead of DateTime.MinValue when getting a user with the UserService.

Update examine to version 3

Examine 3 breaking changes:

  • ValueSet immutable.

  • ValueSetValidationResult is renamed to ValueSetValidationStatus and ValueSetValidationResult is now a type.

Async support for content finders

bool TryFindContent(IPublishedRequestBuilder request);

Has changed to:

Task<bool> TryFindContent(IPublishedRequestBuilder request);

Improve redirect Content finder scalability

  • Added more methods to IRedirectUrlRepository and IRedirectUrlService.cs.

Fix Block List settings exception and optimize PVCs

  • Added a new method on IPublishedModelFactory: Type GetModelType(string? alias);

  • The generic types of a BlockListItem<TContent, TSettings>instance in theBlockListModelreturned byBlockListPropertyValueConverteris now determined by calling this new method, which can be different and cause aModelBindingException` in your views.

Async tree search

IEnumerable<SearchResultEntity?> Search(string query, int pageSize, long pageIndex, out long totalFound, string? searchFrom 
= null)

Has changed to:

Task<EntitySearchResults> SearchAsync(string query, int pageSize, long pageIndex, string? searchFrom = null);

Moved StackQueue to correct namespace

StackQueue has been moved from Umbraco.Core.Collections to the Umbraco.Cms.Core.Collections namespace.

Globalsetting SqlWriteLockTimeOut has been removed

This setting has been superseded by DistributedLockingWriteLockDefaultTimeout.

Release notes

You can find a list of all the released Umbraco versions on Our Umbraco website. When you visit Our Umbraco website, click on the version number to view the changes made in that specific version.

Find your upgrade path

Are you looking to upgrade an Umbraco Cloud project from 9 to 10? Follow the guide made for Upgrading your project from Umbraco 9 to 10 instead, as it requires a few steps specific to Umbraco Cloud.

10.latest to version 11

It might be necessary to delete all of the bin and obj directories in each of the projects of your solution. It has been observed that Visual Studio's "Clean Solution" option is sometimes not enough.

You can upgrade from Umbraco 10 to Umbraco 11 directly. However, as Umbraco 11 has reached end-of-life, it is recommended to upgrade to a Long-term Support (LTS) major version.

9.latest to 10

Important: .NET version 6.0.5 is the minimum required version for Umbraco 10 to be able to run. You can check with dotnet --list-sdks what your latest installed Software Development Kit (SDK) version is. SDK version 6.0.300 is the one that includes .NET 6.0.5. At the time of writing, .NET 6.0.6 is out with an SDK version of 6.0.301.

Watch the 'Upgrading from Umbraco 9 to Umbraco 10 video tutorial' for a complete walk-through of all the steps.

The upgrade path between Umbraco 9 and Umbraco 10 can be done directly by upgrading your project using NuGet. You will need to ensure the packages you are using are available in Umbraco 10.

SQL CE is no longer a supported database engine

There is no official migration path from SQL CE to another database engine.

The following options may suit your needs:

  • Follow a community guide to migrate from a SQL CE database to SQL Server, like the article by Jan Reilink

  • Setup a new database for v10 and use uSync to transfer document types and content across.

  • Setup a new database for v10 and use a premium tool such as redgate SQL Data Compare to copy database contents across.

  • Setup a new database for v10 and use a premium tool such as Umbraco Deploy to transfer document types and content across.

Steps to upgrade using Visual Studio

It's recommended that you upgrade the site offline, and test the upgrade fully before deploying it to the production environment.

  1. Stop your site in IIS to prevent any changes being made to the database or filesystem while you are upgrading.

  2. Open your Umbraco 9 project in Visual Studio.

  3. Right-click on the project name in the Solution Explorer and select Properties.

  4. Select .NET 6.0 from the Target Framework drop-down.

  5. Go to Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Manage NuGet Packages for Solution...

  6. Go to the Installed tab in the NuGet Package manager.

  7. Choose Umbraco.Cms.

  8. Select 10.0.0 from the Version drop-down and click Install to upgrade your project to version 10.

  9. Update Program.cs to the following:

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        => CreateHostBuilder(args)

    // The calls to `ConfigureUmbracoDefaults` and `webBuilder.UseStaticWebAssets()` are new.
    public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
            .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>
  1. Remove the following files and folders:

    • /wwwroot/umbraco

    • /umbraco/PartialViewMacros

    • /umbraco/UmbracoBackOffice

    • /umbraco/UmbracoInstall

    • /umbraco/UmbracoWebsite

    • /umbraco/config/lang

    • /umbraco/config/appsettings-schema.json

  2. If using Umbraco Forms, update your files and folders according to the Upgrading - version specific for version 10 article.

  3. Restart your site in IIS, build and run your project to finish the installation of Umbraco 10.

To re-enable the appsettings IntelliSense, you must update your schema reference in the appsettings.json file and any other appsettings.{Environment}.json files from:

"$schema": "./umbraco/config/appsettings-schema.json",


"$schema": "./appsettings-schema.json",

To upgrade to Umbraco 10, your database needs to be at least on Umbraco 8.18.

Upgrade of any publicly hosted environment

When the upgrade is completed and tested, and prior to deploying to any publicly accessible environment, you should consider the following:

  1. Ensure you have backups for both the database and the file system.

  2. Stop the site so it is not accessible during the upgrade process.

  3. Delete the relevant folders from the filesystem prior to deploying:

    • /wwwroot/umbraco

    • /umbraco/PartialViewMacros

    • /umbraco/UmbracoBackOffice

    • /umbraco/UmbracoInstall

    • /umbraco/UmbracoWebsite

    • /umbraco/config/lang

    • /umbraco/config/appsettings-schema.json

  4. If you are using Umbraco Forms, update your files and folders according to the Upgrading - version specific for version 10 article.

  5. Deploy the site how you normally would to your public facing environment.

  6. Start the site. At this point it will launch and upgrade the database, after which the site should become accessible and your upgrade is complete.

  7. Check the logs for any errors which may have occurred during the upgrade process.

8.latest to 9

There is no direct upgrade path from Umbraco 8 to Umbraco 9. It is however possible to migrate from Umbraco 8 sites to Umbraco 9 sites.

You can reuse your content by restoring your Umbraco 8 database into a new database used for an Umbraco 9 site.

You need to ensure the packages you are using are available in Umbraco 9, and you will need to reimplement your custom code and templates.

The direct upgrade path is not possible because the codebase has been fundamentally updated in Umbraco 9. The underlying web framework has been updated from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core.

It is not possible to take this step while maintaining full compatibility with Umbraco 8.

8.0.0 to 8.1.0

There are a few breaking changes from 8.0.x to 8.1.0. Make sure to check the full list.

IPublishedContent breaking changes in 8.1.0

Due to the changes in IPublishedContent there are a few steps you will need to take, to make sure that your site works.

The IPublishedContent interface is central to Umbraco, as it represents published content and media items at the rendering layer level. This could be in controllers or views. In other words, it is the interface that is used everywhere when building sites.

The introduction of multilingual support in version 8 required changes to the interface. For instance, a property value could be obtained with GetPropertyValue(alias) in version 7. Version 8 requires a new parameter for culture, and the call thus became Value(alias, culture).

In the excitement of the version 8 release, we assumed that IPublishedContent was "done". By our tests, everything was looking good. However, feedback from early testers showed that the interface was in some places odd or inconsistent or had issues.

Fixing the bugs is a requirement. Some of the required bug fixes could not be achieved without introducing some breaking changes.

At that point, we decided to give IPublishedContent some love. We fixed the bugs and made it clean, friendly, discoverable, and predictable for the entire life of version 8.

Breaking changes to such a central interface is not something we take lightly. Even though they do not impact the "concepts" nor require heavy refactoring, they may demand an amount of small fixes here and there.

The general idea underlying these changes is that:

  • The proper way to retrieve "something" from an IPublishedContent instance is always through a method, for example: Children(). And, when that method can be multilingual, the method accepts a culture parameter, which can be left null to get the "current" culture value.

  • To reduce the amount of breaking changes, and to simplify things for non-multilingual sites, existing properties such as document.Name and document.Children (and others) still exist, and return the value for the current culture. In other words, these properties are now implemented as document.Name => document.Name() or document.Children => document.Children().

The rest of this document presents each change in details.

More interfaces

It was possible to mock and test the IPublishedContent interface in version 7. It has been improved in version 8, but it still relies on concrete PublishedContentType and PublishedPropertyType classes to represent the content types, which complicates things.

In version 8.1, these two classes are abstracted as IPublishedContentType and IPublishedPropertyType, thus making IPublishedContent easier to mock and test.

CHANGE: This impacts every method accepting or returning a content type. For instance, the signature of most IPropertyValueConverter methods changes. References to PublishedContentType must be replaced with references to IPublishedContentType.

The following IPublishedContent members change:


The document.Name property is complemented by the document.Name(string culture = null) extension method. The property returns the name for the current culture. The document.GetCulture(...).Name syntax is removed.

CHANGE: Calls to document.GetCulture(culture).Name must be replaced with document.Name(culture).


The document.UrlSegment property is complemented by the document.UrlSegment(string culture = null) extension method. The property returns the Url segment for the current culture. The document.GetCulture(...).UrlSegment syntax is removed.

CHANGE: Calls to document.GetCulture(culture).UrlSegment must be replaced with document.UrlSegment(culture).


The document.GetCulture() method is removed. The proper way to get a culture date is document.CultureDate(string culture = null). The document.Cultures property now returns the invariant culture, for invariant documents.

CHANGE: Calls to document.GetCulture(culture).Date must be replaced with document.CultureDate(culture). Calls to document.Cultures must take into account the invariant culture.


The document.Children property is complemented by the document.Children(string culture = null) extension method which, when a culture is specified always return children available for the specified culture. The property returns the children available for the current culture.

A new document.ChildrenForAllCultures property is introduced, which returns all children, regardless of whether they are available for a culture or not.

CHANGE: Calls to document.Children may have to be replaced by document.ChildrenForAllCultures depending on if the 8.0.x usage of this was relying on it returning unfiltered/all children regardless of the current routed culture.


The document.Url property is complemented by the document.Url(string culture = null, UrlMode mode = UrlMode.Auto) extension method. The document.GetUrl(...) and document.UrlAbsolute() methods are removed. The UrlProviderMode enumeration is renamed UrlMode.

CHANGE: Calls to document.GetUrl(...) must be replaced with document.Url(...). Calls to document.UrlAbsolute() must be replaced with document.Url(mode: UrlMode.Absolute).


Due to the UrlProviderMode enumeration being renamed UrlMode, the signature of some overloads of the Url(...) method has changed. Methods that do not have a mode parameter remain unchanged.

CHANGE: Code such as context.Url(1234, UrlProviderMode.Absolute) must become context.Url(1234, UrlMode.Absolute).

The UmbracoContext class gives access to the rendering layer, which is more than a "cache". To reflect this, its ContentCache and MediaCache properties are renamed Content and Media. However, the old properties remain as obsolete properties.

CHANGE: None required in 8.1, but code such as context.ContentCache.GetById(1234) should eventually be converted to context.Content.GetById(1234) as the obsolete properties may be removed in a further release.


Version 7 had a document.GetCulture() method that was deriving a culture from domains configured in the tree. Somehow, that method was lost during version 8 development (issue #5269).

Because that method is useful, especially when building traditional, non-multilingual sites, it has been re-introduced in version 8.1 as document.GetCultureFromDomains().



DomainHelper has been replaced with a static DomainUtilities class.

CHANGE: It is rare that DomainHelper is used in code since it only contains one public method but if developers are using this, it can no longer be injected since it's now a static class called DomainUtilities.

Models Builder

If you're using ModelsBuilder in dll mode you need to delete the dlls before upgrading. Otherwise, they're going to be wrong and cause your whole site to throw errors.

If you're using ModelsBuilder in AppData mode and you have your generated models in your solution you need to update them after upgrading. PublishedContentType will need to be replaced with IPublishedContentType. If you have an implementation of the PropertyValueConverter class, you need to replace all references to PublishedPropertyType with IPublishedPropertyType within that class. Only after you do that will your solution build again.


Umbraco 8.1 replaces AutoMapper with UmbracoMapper. This in itself will not break anything on your site. If you have used AutoMapper in your own code you will have to either include the package yourself or switch your implementation to use UmbracoMapper.

Follow the upgrade guide for Umbraco 8 to complete the upgrade

7.latest to 8.0.0

There is no direct upgrade path from Umbraco 7 to Umbraco 8. It is however possible to migrate content from Umbraco 7 sites to Umbraco 8 sites. We have added content migrations in Umbraco 8.1.0 enabling you to migrate your content from Umbraco 7 to Umbraco 8.

It is not possible to upgrade an Umbraco 7 site to Umbraco 8 because the codebase has been fundamentally updated in Umbraco 8. A lot of outdated code and technology has been removed and instead new, faster, and more secure technology has been implemented.

In Umbraco 8 we have added improvements and updated dependencies. We have also done a thorough clean-up to make it simpler for you to work with and extend your Umbraco project.

Migrate your content to Umbraco 8

7.6.3 to 7.7.0

Version 7.7.0 introduces User Groups, better user management, and security facilities. This means that anything to do with "User Types" no longer exists including APIs that work with User Types. If your code or any package's code refers to "User Type" APIs, you need to make changes to your code. In many cases, we've added backward compatibility for these scenarios and obsoleted APIs that should no longer be used.

We are now by default using the e-mail address and not the username for the credentials. When trying to login to the backoffice you need to use the e-mail address as opposed to the username. If you do an upgrade from an older version and would like to keep using the username, change the <usernameIsEmail>true</usernameIsEmail> setting to false.

For a full list of breaking changes see: the list on the issue tracker

Version 7.7.2 no longer ships with the CookComputing.XmlRpcV2 assembly. If you reference this assembly or have a package that requires this assembly, you need to copy it back into your website.

This version also ships with far fewer client files that were only relevant for older versions of Umbraco (i.e. < 7.0.0). There might be some packages that were referencing these old client files. If you see missing image references you may need to contact the vendor of the package in question to update their references.

Follow the upgrade guide for Umbraco 7 to complete the upgrade.

7.6.0 to 7.6.3

In short:

In Umbraco version 7.6.2 we made a mistake in the Property Value Converts (PVCs). This was corrected 2 days later in version 7.6.3. If you were having problems with querying the following Data Types on the frontend, make sure to upgrade to 7.6.3:

  • Multi Node Tree Picker

  • Related Links

  • Member Picker

Depending on whether you tried to fix the problem with those, you will need to fix them after you upgrade to 7.6.3.

Property Value Converters (PVC)

Umbraco stores data for Data Types in different ways. For a lot of pickers it will store 1072 or 1083,1283. These numbers refer to the identifier of the item in Umbraco. In the past, when building your templates, you would manually have to take that value and find the content item it belongs to. Then you would be able to get the data you wanted from there. An example of that is shown below:

    IPublishedContent contactPage;
    var contactPageId = Model.Content.GetPropertyValue<int>("contactPagePicker");
    if (contactPageId > 0)
        contactPage = Umbraco.TypedContent(contactPageId);

  <a href="@contactPage.Url">@contactPage.Name</a>

In Umbraco 7.6.0, this is what you would do instead:

    <a href="@Model.Content.ContactPagePicker.Url">@Model.ContactPagePicker.Name</a>

This is possible using Models Builder and through the inclusion of core property value converters, a package by community member Jeavon Leopold.

To not break everybody's sites (the results of queries are different when PVCs are enabled), we disabled these PVCs by default.

Umbraco 7.6.0 also came with new pickers that store their data as a UDI (Umbraco Identifier). We wanted to simplify the use of these new pickers and by default we wanted PVC's to always be enabled for those pickers.

We noticed that some new pickers also got their PVC's disabled when the configuration setting was set to false (<EnablePropertyValueConverters>false</EnablePropertyValueConverters>).

To make everything consistent, we made sure that the UDI pickers would always use PVC's in 7.6.2, this however reversed the behavior. So when PVC's were enabled, the property would not be converted and when PVC's were disabled, the property would be converted after all. This is the exact opposite behavior of 7.6.2.

So we have fixed this now in 7.6.3.

This issue only affects:

  • Multi Node Tree Picker

  • Related Links

  • Member Picker

Have you already upgraded to 7.6.2 and fixed queries for those three Data Types you have to fix them again in version 7.6.3.

Follow the upgrade guide for Umbraco 7 to complete the upgrade.

7.4.0 to 7.6.0

Find a list of all the breaking changes below and a list of the items is also available on the tracker

The three most important things to note are:

  1. In web.config do not change useLegacyEncoding to false if it is currently set to true - changing the password encoding will cause you not being able to log in any more.

  2. In umbracoSettings.config leave EnablePropertyValueConverters set to false - this will help your existing content queries to still work.

  3. In tinyMceConfig.config make sure to remove <plugin loadOnFrontend="true">umbracolink</plugin> so that the rich text editor works as it should.

Breaking Changes


UrlRewriting.Net (U4-9004)

UrlRewriting was old, leaking memory, and slowing down website startup when dealing with more than a few rules. It's entirely replaced by the IIS Url Rewrite extension.

Json.Net (U4-9499)

Json.Net has been updated to version 10.0.0 to benefit from improvements in features, fixes, and performances (see release notes). This might be a breaking change for people relying on one of the changed functionality.

Log4net (U4-1324)

Umbraco has used a custom build of an old (1.2.11) version of log4net that supported Medium Trust. However, Umbraco itself does not support Medium Trust anymore, and therefore log4net has been upgraded to the standard, latest build of log4net 2.0.8.

ImageProcessor (U4-8963)

An optional parameter has been added to the GetCropUrl method in order to support the background color parameter. This breaks the method signature and therefore might require a recompile of user's code.

HtmlAgilityPack (U4-9655)

The HtmlAgilityPack has been upgraded to version The Umbraco upgrade process should take care of setting up the binding redirects appropriately.


Membership Provider Encoding (U4-6566)

The Membership Provider useLegacyEncoding setting is now false by default, as the legacy password encoding has weaknesses.

This change only impacts new installs (no change for upgrades).

Property Value Converters (U4-7318)

A large amount of property value converters contributed by the community have been merged in and are now the default value converters. These converters change the object types returned by GetPropertyValue for more convenient types.

For example, the SliderValueConverter returns a decimal or a Range<decimal> value that can directly be used in views, instead of the comma-separated string values that were previously returned.

This change only impacts new installs (no change for upgrades).

The new property value converters are controlled by an umbracoSettings.config setting. In the section settings/content, setting EnablePropertyValueConverters needs to be present and true to activate them.

Database (U4-9201)

Umbraco has been using a PetaPoco-managed UmbracoDatabase instance since version 7 came out. We realized that some of our legacy code still bypassed that mechanism and used parallel, out-of-band database connections, causing issues with transactions.

The legacy code has been refactored to rely on the UmbracoDatabase instance. However, because that database is disposed of during EndRequest, the code that ran after it has been disposed may not work anymore. This should then be updated to use either an HttpModule event that occurs before EndRequest or the new UmbracoModule.EndRequest event.

More details are available on issue 146 on the 301 Redirect Tracker GitHub issue tracker.

Scopes (U4-9406)

Version 7.6 introduces the notion of scopes, which allow for wrapping multiple service-level operations in one single transaction. The scopes API is partially public. Scopes are not meant for public use at this stage and we need a few more releases to ensure that the APIs are stable.

Scopes should not change how Umbraco functions.

Introducing scopes means that some public APIs signatures are changing. Most of these changes target internal and/or non-breaking APIs (as per our guidelines). This should therefore have no impact on sites but may break unit tests.

Property Editors storing UDI instead of ID (U4-9310)

The property editors for pickers for content, media, members, and related links have been updated to store UDI instead of the node ID. Pickers in sites being upgraded have been marked as obsolete but will continue to work as they always did.

New sites will have the obsolete pickers filtered out from the list of available property editors, but they can be enabled by a configuration flag.

Rich Text Editor (RTE) Images attributes (U4-6228, U4-6595)

For a long time, we had a rel attribute on an <img> tag when inserted into the RTE. This is invalid HTML markup. We worked around this by stripping this attribute using a Property Editor Value converter. Some developers relied on this attribute so we didn't change it to a "data-id" attribute which would have been valid. In 7.6 we are not storing integer IDs in these attributes. Instead of storing UDI values so with this change we no longer use rel or data-id and instead there will be a "data-udi" attribute. This change should affect only a small amount of people that were previously relying on the values from the "rel" attribute.


We are shipping with SignalR in the core at version 2.2.1. If you already have SignalR installed into your app and are using an older version there may be conflicts.

The creation and editing of WebForms templates will no longer be supported as for version 7.6.0.

Upgrading via NuGet

This is an important one and there was no perfect solution to this. We have removed the UrlRewriting dependency and no longer ship with it. However, if you are using it we didn't want to have NuGet delete all of your rewrites. The good news is that if you are using it, the NuGet upgrade will not delete your rewrite file and everything should continue to work.

However, if you are not using it, you will get an error after upgrading. Here's how to fix it:

Since you aren't using UrlRewriting you will have probably never edited the UrlRewriting file. In this case, NuGet will detect that and remove it. However you will need to manually remove these UrlRewriting references from your web.config:

<section name="urlrewritingnet" restartOnExternalChanges="true" requirePermission="false" type="UrlRewritingNet.Configuration.UrlRewriteSection, UrlRewritingNet.UrlRewriter" />


<urlrewritingnet configSource="config\UrlRewriting.config" />

Remove the following httpModules from your web.config:

    <add name="UrlRewriteModule" type="UrlRewritingNet.Web.UrlRewriteModule, UrlRewritingNet.UrlRewriter"/>


    <remove name="UrlRewriteModule"/>
    <add name="UrlRewriteModule" type="UrlRewritingNet.Web.UrlRewriteModule, UrlRewritingNet.UrlRewriter"/>


Umbraco Forms 6.0.0 has been released to be compatible with Umbraco 7.6. It is a new major version release of Forms primarily due to the strict dependency on 7.6+. If you are using Forms, you will need to update it to version 6.0.0

There are important Forms upgrade documentation that you will need to read..


Umbraco Courier 3.1.0 has been released to be compatible with Umbraco 7.6. If you are using Courier, you will need to update it to version 3.1.0.

Follow the upgrade guide for Umbraco 7 to complete the upgrade

7.3.0 to 7.4.0

For manual upgrades:

  • Copy the new folder ~/App_Plugins/ModelsBuilder into the site

  • Do not forget to merge ~/Config/trees.config and ~/Config/Dashboard.config - they contain new and updated entries that are required to be there

    • If you forget trees.config you will either not be able to browse the Developer section or you will be logged out immediately when trying to go to the developer section

  • You may experience an error saying Invalid object name 'umbracoUser' - this can be fixed by clearing your cookies on localhost

Follow the upgrade guide for Umbraco 7 to complete the upgrade.

7.2.0 to 7.3.0

Make sure to manually clear your cookies after updating all the files, otherwise you might an error relating to Umbraco.Core.Security.UmbracoBackOfficeIdentity.AddUserDataClaims(). The error looks like: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: value.

NuGet will do the following for you. If you're upgrading manually make sure to also:

  • Delete bin/Microsoft.Web.Helpers.dll

  • Delete bin/Microsoft.Web.Mvc.FixedDisplayModes.dll

  • Delete bin/System.Net.Http.dll

  • Delete bin/System.Net.Http.*.dll (all dll files starting with System.Net.Http) except for System.Net.Http.Formatting.dll

  • Delete bin/umbraco.XmlSerializers.dll

  • Add this in the appSetting section of your web.config file: <add key="owin:appStartup" value="UmbracoDefaultOwinStartup" />

Other considerations:

  • WebApi has been updated, normally you don’t have to do anything unless you have custom webapi configuration:

  • MVC has been updated to MVC5

  • It is not required that you merge the changes for the Examine index paths in the ExamineIndex.config file. However, if you do, your indexes will be rebuilt on startup because Examine will detect that they don’t exist at the new location.

  • It's highly recommended to clear the browser cache - the ClientDependency version is automatically bumped during installation which should force the browser cache to refresh, however in some edge cases this might not be enough.

Follow the upgrade guide for Umbraco 7 to complete the upgrade.

7.1.0 to 7.2.0
  • Copy in the /Views/Partials/Grid (contains Grid rendering views).

Follow the upgrade guide for Umbraco 7 to complete the upgrade.

7.0.2 to 7.1.0
  • Remove the /Install folder.

Follow the upgrade guide for Umbraco 7 to complete the upgrade.

7.0.1 to 7.0.2
  • There was an update to the /umbraco/config/create/ui.xml which needs to be manually updated. The original element had this text:

<nodeType alias="users">
    <create assembly="umbraco" type="userTasks" />
    <delete assembly="umbraco" type="userTasks" />
  • The usercontrol value has changed to: /create/user.ascx. This is a required change otherwise creating a new user will not work.

  • There is a breaking change to be aware of, full details can be found here.

Follow the upgrade guide for Umbraco 7 to complete the upgrade.

7.0.0 to 7.0.1
  • Remove all uGoLive dlls from /bin

    • These are not compatible with V7

  • Move appSettings/connectionStrings back to web.config

    • If you are on 7.0.0 you should migrate these settings into the web.config instead of having them in separate files in /config/

    • The keys in config/AppSettings.config need to be moved back to the web.config <appSettings> section and similarly, the config/ConnectionStrings.config holds the Umbraco database connections in v7.0.0 and they should be moved back to the web.config <connectionStrings> section.

    • /config/AppSettings.config and /config/ConnectionString.config can be removed after the contents have been moved back to web.config.

  • Delete all files in ~/App_Data/TEMP/Razor/

    • Related to issues with razor macros

Follow the upgrade guide for Umbraco 7 to complete the upgrade.

6.latest to 7
4.latest to 6
  • If your site was ever a version between 4.10.0 and 4.11.4 and you have upgraded to 6.0.0 install the fixup package and run it after the upgrade process is finished.

  • The DocType Mixins package is not compatible with v6+ and will cause problems in your Document Types.

Version 4

Version 4.10.x to 4.11.x

  • If your site was ever a version between 4.10.0 and 4.11.4 install the fixup package and run it after the upgrade process is finished.

Version 4.8.0 to 4.10.0

  • Delete the bin/umbraco.linq.core.dll file

  • Copy the new files and folders from the zip file into your site's folder

    • /App_Plugins

    • /Views

    • Global.asax

  • Remove the Config/formHandlers.config file

Version 4.7.2 to 4.8.0

  • Delete the bin/App_Browsers.dll file

  • Delete the bin/App_global.asax.dll file

  • Delete the bin/Fizzler.Systems.HtmlAgilityPack.dll file

  • For people using uComponents 3.1.2 or below, 4.8.0 breaks support for it. Either upgrade to a newer version beforehand or follow the workaround posted here

Version to 4.7.2

  • Delete the bin/umbraco.MacroEngines.Legacy.dll file

Version 4.6.1 to

  • Delete bin/Iron*.dll (all dll files starting with "Iron")

  • Delete bin/RazorEngine*.dll (all dll files starting with "RazorEngine")

  • Delete bin/umbraco.MacroEngines.Legacy.dll

  • Delete bin/Microsoft.Scripting.Debugging.dll

  • Delete bin/Microsoft.Dynamic.dll

Last updated