
A MediaType is almost the same as a ContentType. I.e. a model / data definition for your media nodes.

A MediaType is almost the same as a ContentType, that is, a model / data definition for your media nodes

You can set icon, thumbnail and description. It is also possible to add groups and properties.

A Media Type differs from a Document Type in that it has no templates.

  • Namespace: Umbraco.Cms.Core.Models

  • Assembly: Umbraco.Core.dll

All samples in this document will require references to the following dll:

  • Umbraco.Core.dll

All samples in this document will require the following using statements:

using Umbraco.Cms.Core.Models;
using Umbraco.Cms.Core.Services;


new MediaType(IShortStringHelper shortStringHelper, int parentId)

Constructor for creating a new MediaType object where the necessary parameters are a short string helper IShortStringHelper and the Id of the parent MediaType as an Int.

new MediaType(IShortStringHelper shortStringHelper,IMediaType parent)

Constructor for creating a new MediaType object where the necessary parameter are a short string helper IShortStringHelper and the parent MediaType as an IMediaType object.

new MediaType(IShortStringHelper shortStringHelper, IMediaType parent, string alias)

This constructor creates a new MediaType object and requires the following parameters: a short string helper IShortStringHelper and the parent MediaType as an IMediaType object. Additionally, the alias of the MediaType should be provided as a string.



Gets or Sets the Alias as a String of the MediaType.

// Given a `MediaTypeService` object get MediaType by its Id and return Alias
var mediaType = mediaTypeService.Get(1234);
return mediaType.Alias;


Gets or Sets an Enumerable list of ContentTypeSort objects of the MediaTypes allowed under the current MediaType.

The ContentTypeSort is an object with a lazy Id, int SortOrder and string Alias used to sort the MediaTypes within the list of AllowedContentTypes.

// Given a `MediaTypeService` object get MediaType by its Id and return AllowedContentTypes
var mediaType = mediaTypeService.Get(1234);
return mediaType.AllowedContentTypes;


Gets a list of MediaTypes as IContentTypeComposition objects that make up a composition of PropertyGroups and PropertyTypes for the current MediaType.

The ContentTypeComposition provides a mixin-type functionality in that you can compose a MediaType of one or more other MediaTypes in a complex structure. But please keep in mind that the backoffice does not fully support these complex structures yet

// Given a `MediaTypeService` object get MediaType by its Id and return ContentTypeComposition
var mediaType = mediaTypeService.Get(1234);
return mediaType.ContentTypeComposition;


Gets a list of all PropertyGroup objects from the composition including PropertyGroups from the current MediaType.

// Given a `MediaTypeService` object get MediaType by its Id and return CompositionPropertyGroups
var mediaType = mediaTypeService.Get(1234);
return mediaType.CompositionPropertyGroups;


Gets a list of all PropertyType objects from the composition including PropertyTypes from the current MediaType.

// Given a `MediaTypeService` object get MediaType by its Id and return CompositionPropertyTypes
var mediaType = mediaTypeService.Get(1234);
return mediaType.CompositionPropertyTypes;


Gets or Sets a DateTime object, indicating then the given MediaType was created.

// Given a `MediaTypeService` object get MediaType by its Id and return CreateDate
var mediaType = mediaTypeService.Get(1234);
return mediaType.CreateDate;


Gets or Sets the Id of the User who created the MediaType.

// Given a `MediaTypeService` object get MediaType by its Id and return the Id of the Creator
var mediaType = mediaTypeService.Get(1234);
return mediaType.CreatorId;


Gets or Sets the Description as a String for the MediaType.

// Given a `MediaTypeService` object get MediaType by its Id and return the Description
var mediaType = mediaTypeService.Get(1234);
return mediaType.Description;


Gets or Sets the Icon as a String for the MediaType.

// Given a `MediaTypeService` object get MediaType by its Id and return the Icon
var mediaType = mediaTypeService.Get(1234);
return mediaType.Icon;


Retrieves the unique MediaType ID as an Int. This ID is based on a Database identity field and is therefore not safe to reference in code when moved between different instances.


Gets the Guid assigned to the MediaType during creation. This value is unique, and should never change, even if the content is moved between instances.

// Given a `MediaTypeService` object get MediaType by its Id and return the Key
var mediaType = mediaTypeService.Get(1234);
return mediaType.Key;


Gets or Sets the given MediaType level in the site hierarchy as an Int. MediaTypes placed at the root of the tree, will return 1, content right underneath will return 2, and so on.

// Given a `MediaTypeService` object get MediaType by its Id and return the Level
var mediaType = mediaTypeService.Get(1234);
return mediaType.Level;


Gets or Sets the name of the MediaType as a String.

// Given a `MediaTypeService` object get MediaType by its Id and return its Name
var mediaType = mediaTypeService.Get(1234);
return mediaType.Name;


Gets or Sets the parent MediaType Id as an Int.

// Given a `MediaTypeService` object get MediaType by its Id and return the Id of the Parent MediaType
var mediaType = mediaTypeService.Get(1234);
return mediaType.ParentId;


Gets or Sets the path of the MediaType as a String. This string contains a comma separated list of the ancestor Ids including the current MediaTypes own id at the end of the string.

// Given a `MediaTypeService` object get MediaType by its Id and return the Path
var mediaType = mediaTypeService.Get(1234);
return mediaType.Path;


Gets or Sets a PropertyGroupCollection containing a list of PropertyGroups for the current MediaType.

// Given a `MediaTypeService` object get MediaType by its Id and return PropertyGroups
var mediaType = mediaTypeService.Get(1234);
return mediaType.PropertyGroups;


Gets an Enumerable list of PropertyTypes aggregated for all groups within the current MediaType, as well as PropertyTypes not within a group.

// Given a `MediaTypeService` object get MediaType by its Id and return PropertyTypes
var mediaType = mediaTypeService.Get(1234);
return mediaType.PropertyTypes;


Gets the given MediaType index, compared to sibling content.

// Given a `MediaTypeService` object get MediaType by its Id and return its SortOrder
var mediaType = mediaTypeService.Get(1234);
return mediaType.SortOrder;


Gets or Sets the Thumbnail as a String for the MediaType.

// Given a `MediaTypeService` object get MediaType by its Id and return the Thumbnail
var mediaType = mediaTypeService.Get(1234);
return mediaType.Thumbnail;


.AddContentType(IContentTypeComposition mediaType)

Adds a new MediaType to the list of composite MediaTypes.

// Given a `MediaTypeService` object get a few MediaTypes by their alias
// and add the 'Meta' and 'SEO' MediaTypes to the composition of the 'Video' MediaType.
var metaContentType = mediaTypeService.Get("meta");
var seoContentType = mediaTypeService.Get("seo");
var videoContentType = mediaTypeService.Get("video");


Returns an Enumerable list of MediaType aliases as String from the current composition.

// Given a `MediaTypeService` object get a MediaType by its alias and loop through CompositionAliases
var mediaType = mediaTypeService.Get("video");
var aliases = mediaType.CompositionAliases();
foreach (var alias in aliases)
    string a = alias;


Returns an Enumerable list of MediaType Ids as Int from the current composition.

// Given a `MediaTypeService` object get a MediaType by its alias and loop through CompositionIds
var mediaType = mediaTypeService.Get("video");
var ids = mediaType.CompositionIds();
foreach (var id in ids)
    int i = id;

.ContentTypeCompositionExists(string alias)

Checks if a MediaType with the supplied alias exists in the list of composite MediaTypes.

// Given a `MediaTypeService` object get a MediaType by its alias
// and check if a given MediaType exists in the composition of the 'Video' MediaType.
var mediaType = mediaTypeService.Get("video");
bool result = mediaType.ContentTypeCompositionExists("meta");

.RemoveContentType(string alias)

Removes a MediaType with the supplied alias from the list of composite MediaTypes.

// Given a `MediaTypeService` object get a MediaType by its alias and
// remove the 'Meta' MediaType from its composition.
var mediaType = mediaTypeService.Get("video");
bool success = mediaType.RemoveContentType("meta");
if (success)

.RemovePropertyType(string propertyTypeAlias)

Removes a PropertyType from the current MediaType.

// Given a `MediaTypeService` object get a MediaType by its alias
// and remove a PropertyType from the list of PropertyTypes.
var mediaType = mediaTypeService.Get("video");

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