
A guide to creating a section

This page is a work in progress. It will be updated as the software evolves.

Manifest When creating a new section it's recommended to use a Entry Point-extension in your Umbraco Package Manifest. This is to get better control over all the additional extensions required for the new section.

This is how to define a section in TypeScript:

// TODO: get interface
const section : ManifestSection = {
	type: "section",
	alias: "My.Section",
	name: "My Section",
	meta: {
		"label": "My Section",
		"pathname": "my-section"

Manifest with empty element If you prefer a clean section you can use an element with a default export, and load the element like this:

const section : ManifestSection = {
    type: "section",
    alias: "Empty.Section",
    name : 'Empty Section',
    element : () => import('./empty-section.element.js'),
    meta : {
        label : 'Empty Section',
        pathname : 'empty-section'

If you pass an element like this, the default behavior of loading dashboards and sectionViews will be disabled.

Default Element

// TODO: get interface
interface UmbSectionElement {}

The Section Context


// TODO: get interface
interface UmbSectionContext {}

Examples of sections:

TODO: link to all sections in storybook. Can we somehow auto-generate this list?

Last updated