Section Sidebar

This page is a work in progress. It will be updated as the software evolves.

Section Sidebar Apps

TODO: Introduction to Section Sidebar Apps


// TODO: add interface
	"type": "sectionSidebarApp",
	"alias": "My.SectionSidebarApp",
	"name": "My Section Sidebar App",
	"meta": {
		"sections": ["My.Section"]

Default Element

// TODO: get interface
interface UmbSectionSidebarAppElement {}

TODO: Introduction to the sidebar menu

  • The Backoffice comes with a menu sidebar app that can be used to create a menu in the sidebar.

  • To register a new menu sidebar app, add the following to your manifest

  • The menu sidebar app will reference a menu that you have registered in the menu with a menu manifest


	"type": "menuSectionSidebarApp",
	"alias": "My.SectionSidebarApp.MyMenu",
	"name": "My Menu Section Sidebar App",
	"meta": {
		"label": "My Sidebar Menu",
		"sections": ["My.Section"],
		"menu": "My.Menu"

Default Element

// TODO: get interface
interface UmbMenuSectionSidebarAppElement {}

Adding Items to an existing menu

This will make it possible to compose a sidebar menu from multiple Apps:

You can read more about this in the Menu article.

Last updated