Release Notes

In this section, we have summarized the changes to Checkout package for Umbraco Commerce released in each version. Each version is presented with a link to the Umbraco Commerce Checkout issue tracker showing a list of issues resolved in the release. We also link to the individual issues themselves from the detail.

If there are any breaking changes or other issues to be aware of when upgrading they are also noted here.

For details of releases for Checkout package for Vendr, refer to the Change log file on GitHub.

Release History

In this section, you can find the release notes for each version of Checkout package for Umbraco Commerce. For each major version, you can find the details about each release.

Version 15

15.0.0 (23rd Jan 2025)

  • v15 release

Version 14

14.0.0 (August 23rd 2024)

  • Release for Umbraco v14.2.0 and Umbraco Commerce v14.0.0 support.

Version 13

13.1.0 (February 21st 2024)

  • Minor release closing off the RC period.

13.1.0-rc1 (February 6th 2024)

  • Adds support for dynamic and realtime rates.

  • Updates a number of obsolete method calls.

13.0.0 (December 13th 2023)

  • Umbraco v13 and Umbraco Commerce v13 support.

Version 12

12.0.1 (October 18th 2023)

  • Fixed additional issues in #1 due to front-end views having lowercase asset paths, when they should be title case inline with the folder structure, thus causing a 404 on case-sensitive file systems.

12.0.0 (July 5th 2023)

Version 10

10.0.2 (October 18th 2023)

  • Fixed additional issues #1 due to front-end views having lowercase asset paths, when they should be title case inline with the folder structure, thus causing a 404 on case-sensitive file systems.

10.0.1 (August 15th 2023)

  • Fixed #1 where static assets weren't getting deployed with the NuGet package and so the installer dashboard was 404ing. Static assets are now correctly embedded.

10.0.0 (July 5th 2023)

Last updated