Content Reviews
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Last updated
Content reviews is a tool that allows content editors to keep their content up-to-date. Content reviews adds a new dashboard to the Workflow section. By default, Content reviews are disabled and can be enabled from Content reviews Settings in the Workflow section.
The Content reviews Dashboard provides an overview of the expired content. The dashboard displays a table containing the following details:
Page name/Node with the Language variant
Next review due date
Last reviewed date
Review period in days
Review group
Selecting a content node takes you to the content node in the Content section where you can see the Content review banner. The Content review banner is displayed only when the node has passed its review date. Also, the review banner is displayed only to users assigned as reviewers for the node. For more information, see the Content Reviews Permissions section
Clicking on Mark as reviewed allows the review group member to mark the content as reviewed. Optionally, the review group member can also set the next review date on the content node. The next review date must fall inside the review period set in the Content Reviews Settings.
You can also Filter the Dashboard records based on the Node, Group Email, Next review due date, Last reviewed date, and Expired review Status.
Additionally, you can adjust the total number of records displayed on a page.
The Content reviews Settings tab provides a range of settings for configuring email notifications, review period days, reminder days, and so on. Using Content reviews, all content has a default review period.
You can configure the General Settings from the Workflow section in the Content reviews menu. The following settings are available:
Enable content reviews - Enable this setting if you wish to remind users to review their content. By default, this option is disabled.
Send notifications - Enable this setting to send email notification to approval groups when content requires review.
Treat saving as a review? - Enable this setting to reset the review date when content is saved. Saving a content node recalculates the review date, using the review period assigned to the content node, its Document Type, or the default Review period value. If disabled, content must be explicitly reviewed via the review banner displayed on the content item.
Review period (days) - The default number of days between content reviews.
Reminder threshold (days) - Determines how many days prior to the review date the Workflow should notify editors of required reviews. By default, the number of days is set to 1.
You can configure specific review groups to review designated content nodes or Document Types. The review group responsible for reviewing content is determined by the workflow configuration. This means a site with workflow already configured can leverage the existing permissions model for assigning content review responsibilities. By default, content reviews are assigned to the approval group defined in the first stage of the workflow.
Content review permissions can be set at the node or Document Type level, both of which take precedence over any existing Workflow permissions. Permissions are assigned to user roles or groups within each workflow stage. For example:
Internal Reviewers: Users assigned to roles like Editors or Content Managers may have permissions to review content during the Internal Review stage. They ensure content quality, compliance with standards, and provide feedback for improvements before the content is published.
External Reviewers: External reviewers are users who are invited to participate in the content review process but do not have Backoffice access. Their main role is to provide feedback or suggest changes based on their expertise or stake in the content being published. This feedback is not managed by Workflow.
The current permissions for a content node are displayed in the Workflow content app on the Configuration tab.
You can configure content reviews for individual content nodes or for all nodes of a given Document Type. For both Content Item and Document Type Reviews, the following settings are available:
Language - Allows you to specify which language version of the content is being reviewed.
Exclude from review - Enable this setting to ignore the specific content node (or all content nodes of this Document Type) when determining nodes to review.
Review period (days) - The review period in days between required reviews.
Review group - The group responsible for reviewing the content node. Can contain more than one group.
External reviewers - Assign email addresses for reviewers without CMS access. Feedback from external reviewers is not managed by Workflow.
When reviews are enabled or any changes to content review settings are saved, Workflow determines the review status. It assesses all the content needing review and provides this data in the Content reviews Dashboard. For large sites, or on the first run, this may take a few seconds to complete.
To add a content item review, follow these steps:
Go to the Workflow section.
Go to the Settings tab in the Content reviews menu.
Click Add in the Content item reviews section.
Select Content node to add to the Content item reviews section.
Select the Language from the drop-down.
[Optional] Enable Exclude from Review if you wish to exclude this content node from content review. If you enable this setting, skip to step 12.
Enter the Review period in days.
Click Add to add the Review Group.
Select an approval group.
Click Submit.
[Optional] Enter a user in the External reviewers field. For example:
Click Submit.
Click Save Settings.
To Edit a content item review, click Edit and update the settings as per your requirement.
To remove a content item review, click Remove.
To add a Document Type review, follow these steps:
Go to the Workflow section.
Go to the Settings tab in the Content reviews menu.
Click Add in the Document-type reviews section.
Select Content type to add to the Document-type reviews section.
Select the Language from the drop-down.
[Optional] Enable Exclude from Review if you wish to exclude this Document-type from content review. If you enable this setting, skip to step 12.
Enter the Review period in days.
Click Add to add the Review Group.
Select an approval group.
Click Submit.
[Optional] Enter a user in the External reviewers field. For example:
Click Submit.
Click Save Settings.
To Edit a Document-type review, click Edit and update the settings as per your requirement.
To remove a Document-type review, click Remove.
Content review notifications use the email template available at ~/Views/Partials/WorkflowEmails/ContentReviews.cshtml
, which can be customized as required. For example to add a corporate branding or send customized messages.
To add templates for other languages:
Go to the ~/Views/Partials/WorkflowEmails/
Copy the required template and paste it into the same folder.
Append the culture code to the file name prefixed with an underscore.
For example:
Default approval request template: ~/Views/Partials/WorkflowEmails/ContentReviews.cshtml
Danish approval request template: ~/Views/Partials/WorkflowEmails/ContentReviews_da-DK.cshtml