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The tree is a hierarchical structure of nodes and is registered in the Backoffice extension registry. A tree can be rendered anywhere in the Backoffice with the help of the umb-tree element.
Creating trees
To Create a Tree in a section of the Umbraco backoffice, you need to take multiple steps:
Registering a tree
The backoffice comes with two different tree item kinds out of the box: entity and fileSystem.
We provide a base class for the tree item context. This class provides some default implementations for the context. You can extend this class to overwrite any of the default implementations.
export class UmbMyTreeItemContext extends UmbTreeItemContextBase<MyTreeItemDataModel> {
constructor(host: UmbControllerHostElement) {
super(host, (x: MyTreeItemDataModel) => x.unique);
// overwrite any methods or properties here if needed