
Get started with Routing in the backoffice.

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The routing in the backoffice is flexible and customizable. In this article, you can find a couple of starting points for routing.

The overall divider is the Section which is a ManifestSection extension type. It is also used internally by the following sections: Content, Media, Settings, Members, and so on.

Depending on which section you are working on, there are different options:

  • SectionView: The Section View is a view in a section and one of the automatic router extension types. It can be an entry point to a section. If a section has multiple views defined (or both dashboards and views) then the tabs and icons will be rendered. As some examples, you can check the Packages and Member sections.

  • Dashboard: The Dashboard is an entry point to a section. If there is more than one section view or dashboard then the defined tabs and icons will be rendered to make it possible to navigate.

  • Workspace: The Workspace concept has built-in features to facilitate editing of an entity of a certain entity type. It is used by many entities in the backoffice like content, media, content types, data types, dictionaries and so on.

  • Custom element: A Custom Element is a section that can be configured to use any web component as the entry point. The element() can be configured in the manifest. By doing this we'll disable the possibility of using dashboards and section views for the section since they will not be automatically routed/rendered. This option should be used only when necessary.

Building routing

Almost any component can host routable sub-components by defining a list of routes and render a umb-router-slot element. Let's assume we have a custom section with pathname custom-section and a section view with pathname organization. In this context we can create an element with routes, like this:

_routes: UmbRoute[] = [
    // Adding :personId as a parameter
    path: 'person/:personId',
    component: () => import('./person.element.js'),
    setup: (_component, info) => {

    path: 'people',
    component: () => import('./people.element.js'),
    setup: (_component, info) => {


    path: '',
    redirectTo: 'people',

In the render method of the element, render the umb-router-slot:

<umb-router-slot .routes=${this._routes}></umb-router-slot> 

One can create links to allow navigation to a given route:

<a href="/umbraco/section/custom-section/organization/people">People</a>
<a href="/umbraco/section/custom-section/organization/person/1">Person 1</a>
<a href="/umbraco/section/custom-section/organization/person/2">Person 2</a>

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