This is the third step in the Property Editor tutorial. In this part, we will integrate built-in Umbraco Contexts. For this sample, we will use the UmbNotificationContext for some pop-ups and the UmbModalManagerContext. UmbNotificationContext is used to show a dialog when you click the Trim button and the textbox's input length is longer than the maxLength configuration.
Now we can use the notification context, let's change our #onTrimText method.
First, check if the length of our input is smaller or equal to our maxLength configuration. If it is, we have nothing to trim and will send a notification saying there is nothing to trim.
Here we can use the NotificationContext's peek method. It has two parameters UmbNotificationColor and anUmbNotificationDefaultData object.
Add the #onTextTrim()method above the render() method:
#onTextTrim() {if (!this._maxChars) return;if (!this.value || (this.value asstring).length<=this._maxChars) {constdata:UmbNotificationDefaultData= { message:`Nothing to trim!`, };this._notificationContext?.peek("danger", { data });return; }}
Add a click event to the trim text button in the render() method:
<uui-button id="suggestion-trimmer" class="element" look="outline" label="Trim text" @click=${this.#onTextTrim}> Trim text</uui-button>
If our input length is less or equal to our maxLength configuration, we will now get a notification when pressing the Trim button.
Adding more logic to the context
Let's continue to add more logic. If the length is more than the maxChars configuration, we want to show a dialog for the user to confirm the trim.
Here, we use the ModalManagerContext which has an open method to show a dialog.
Like the notification context, we need to import it and consume it in the constructor.
Add the following import in the suggestions-property-editor-ui.element.ts file:
#onTextTrim() {...consttrimmed= (this.value asstring).substring(0,this._maxChars);constmodalHandler=this._modalManagerContext?.open(this,UMB_CONFIRM_MODAL, { data: { headline:`Trim text`, content:`Do you want to trim the text to "${trimmed}"?`, color:"danger", confirmLabel:"Trim", } } );modalHandler?.onSubmit().then(() => {this.value = trimmed;this.#dispatchChangeEvent();constdata:UmbNotificationDefaultData= { headline:`Text trimmed`, message:`You trimmed the text!`, };this._notificationContext?.peek("positive", { data }); },null);}
Run the command npm run build in the suggestions folder.
Run the project.
Go to the Content section of the Backoffice.
Ask for suggestions and click on the Trim text button. If the suggested text is long enough to be trimmed, you will be asked for confirmation:
See the entire file: suggestions-property-editor-ui.element.ts
import { LitElement, css, html, customElement, property, state, ifDefined } from"@umbraco-cms/backoffice/external/lit";import { type UmbPropertyEditorUiElement } from"@umbraco-cms/backoffice/extension-registry";import { type UmbPropertyEditorConfigCollection } from"@umbraco-cms/backoffice/property-editor";import { UmbPropertyValueChangeEvent } from'@umbraco-cms/backoffice/property-editor';import { UMB_NOTIFICATION_CONTEXT, UmbNotificationDefaultData } from"@umbraco-cms/backoffice/notification";import { UmbElementMixin } from"@umbraco-cms/backoffice/element-api";import { UMB_MODAL_MANAGER_CONTEXT, UMB_CONFIRM_MODAL, } from"@umbraco-cms/backoffice/modal";@customElement('my-suggestions-property-editor-ui')exportdefaultclassMySuggestionsPropertyEditorUIElementextendsUmbElementMixin((LitElement)) implementsUmbPropertyEditorUiElement { @property({ type: String })public value =""; @state()private _disabled?:boolean; @state()private _placeholder?:string; @state()private _maxChars?:number; @state()private _suggestions = ["You should take a break","I suggest that you visit the Eiffel Tower","How about starting a book club today or this week?","Are you hungry?", ]; @property({ attribute:false })publicsetconfig(config:UmbPropertyEditorConfigCollection) {this._disabled =config.getValueByAlias("disabled");this._placeholder =config.getValueByAlias("placeholder");this._maxChars =config.getValueByAlias("maxChars"); } #onInput(e:InputEvent) {this.value = ( asHTMLInputElement).value;this.#dispatchChangeEvent(); } #onSuggestion() {constrandomIndex= (this._suggestions.length*Math.random()) |0;this.value =this._suggestions[randomIndex];this.#dispatchChangeEvent(); } #dispatchChangeEvent() {this.dispatchEvent(newUmbPropertyValueChangeEvent()); } _modalManagerContext?:typeofUMB_MODAL_MANAGER_CONTEXT.TYPE; _notificationContext?:typeofUMB_NOTIFICATION_CONTEXT.TYPE;constructor() {super();this.consumeContext(UMB_MODAL_MANAGER_CONTEXT, (instance) => {this._modalManagerContext = instance; });this.consumeContext(UMB_NOTIFICATION_CONTEXT, (instance) => {this._notificationContext = instance; }); } #onTextTrim() {if (!this._maxChars) return;if (!this.value || (this.value asstring).length<=this._maxChars) {constdata:UmbNotificationDefaultData= { message:`Nothing to trim!`, };this._notificationContext?.peek("danger", { data });return; }consttrimmed= (this.value asstring).substring(0,this._maxChars);constmodalHandler=this._modalManagerContext?.open(this,UMB_CONFIRM_MODAL, { data: { headline:`Trim text`, content:`Do you want to trim the text to "${trimmed}"?`, color:"danger", confirmLabel:"Trim", } } );modalHandler?.onSubmit().then(() => {this.value = trimmed;this.#dispatchChangeEvent();constdata:UmbNotificationDefaultData= { headline:`Text trimmed`, message:`You trimmed the text!`, };this._notificationContext?.peek("positive", { data }); },null); }render() {returnhtml` <uui-input id="suggestion-input" class="element" label="text input" placeholder=${ifDefined(this._placeholder)} maxlength=${ifDefined(this._maxChars)} .value=${this.value ||""} @input=${this.#onInput} > </uui-input> <div id="wrapper"> <uui-button id="suggestion-button" class="element" look="primary" label="give me suggestions" ?disabled=${this._disabled} @click=${this.#onSuggestion} > Give me suggestions! </uui-button> <uui-button id="suggestion-trimmer" class="element" look="outline" label="Trim text" @click=${this.#onTextTrim} > Trim text </uui-button> </div> `;}static styles = [css` #wrapper { margin-top: 10px; display: flex; gap: 10px; } .element { width: 100%; } `,];}declare global {interfaceHTMLElementTagNameMap {'my-suggestions-property-editor-ui':MySuggestionsPropertyEditorUIElement; }}
Wrap up
Over the previous steps, we have:
Created a plugin.
Defined an editor.
Registered the Data Type in Umbraco.
Added configuration to the Property Editor.
Connected the editor with UmbNotificationContext and UmbModalManagerContext.
Looked at some of the methods from notification & modal manager contexts in action.
Integrated one of the built-in Umbraco Contexts with the Property Editor.