Adding functionality to the Dashboard

Use resources and get data for your dashboard.


This is the third part of our guide to building a custom dashboard. This part continues work on the dashboard we built in part two: Add localization to the dashboard. But it goes further to show how to add functionality and data to our dashboard.

The steps we will go through in this part are:


Umbraco has a large selection of contexts that you can use in your custom Property Editors and Dashboards. For this example, we will welcome the editor by name. To achieve this we can make use of the Umbraco Contexts.

To get information on the current user that's currently logged in, we first need to get the context and its token. We use the Current User Context to receive the user that is currently logged in.

  1. Import the UMB_CURRENT_USER_CONTEXT and the type UmbCurrentUserModel for the logged-in user. We also need to update the import from lit decorators to get state in the welcome-dashboard.element.ts file:

import { LitElement, css, html, customElement, state } from "@umbraco-cms/backoffice/external/lit";
import { type UmbCurrentUserModel, UMB_CURRENT_USER_CONTEXT } from "@umbraco-cms/backoffice/current-user";
  1. Now that we have access to the Current User Context, we can consume it in the constructor to obtain the current user. We do this using the consumeContext method, which is available on our element because we extended using UmbElementMixin. As the first thing in the export class MyWelcomeDashboardElement add the following to the element implementation :


private _currentUser?: UmbCurrentUserModel;

constructor() {
    this.consumeContext(UMB_CURRENT_USER_CONTEXT, (instance) => {

private async _observeCurrentUser(instance: typeof UMB_CURRENT_USER_CONTEXT.TYPE) {
    this.observe(instance.currentUser, (currentUser) => {
        this._currentUser = currentUser;

  1. Now that we have the current user, we can access a few different things. Let's get the name of the current user, so that we can welcome the user:

render() {
  return html`
      <umb-localize key="welcomeDashboard_heading">Welcome</umb-localize>
       ${this._currentUser?.name ?? "Unknown"}!
       <umb-localize key="welcomeDashboard_bodytext">
         This is the Backoffice. From here, you can modify the content,
         media, and settings of your website.
        <umb-localize key="welcomeDashboard_copyright">
          © Sample Company 20XX

Your dashboard should now look something like this:

Welcoming the user named "Admin"
See the entire file: welcome-dashboard.element.ts
import { type UmbCurrentUserModel, UMB_CURRENT_USER_CONTEXT } from "@umbraco-cms/backoffice/current-user";
import { LitElement, css, html, customElement, state } from "@umbraco-cms/backoffice/external/lit";
import { UmbElementMixin } from "@umbraco-cms/backoffice/element-api";

export class MyWelcomeDashboardElement extends UmbElementMixin(LitElement) {
    private _currentUser?: UmbCurrentUserModel;

    constructor() {
        this.consumeContext(UMB_CURRENT_USER_CONTEXT, (instance) => {

    private async _observeCurrentUser(instance: typeof UMB_CURRENT_USER_CONTEXT.TYPE) {
        this.observe(instance.currentUser, (currentUser) => {
            this._currentUser = currentUser;

    render() {
        return html`
      	        <umb-localize key="welcomeDashboard_heading">Welcome</umb-localize>
       		${this._currentUser?.name ?? "Unknown"}!
       		    <umb-localize key="welcomeDashboard_bodytext">
         		This is the Backoffice. From here, you can modify the content,
         		media, and settings of your website.
        	    <umb-localize key="welcomeDashboard_copyright">
          		© Sample Company 20XX

    static styles = [
            :host {
	        display: block;
	        padding: 24px;

export default MyWelcomeDashboardElement;

declare global {
    interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
        'my-welcome-dashboard': MyWelcomeDashboardElement;

Getting data from the server

Let's dive deeper into some new resources and see what we can do with them.

Before we can get data from the server we need to start up the repository that handles said data.

Let's say we want to get the data of all of the users of our project.

  • To get the user data, we need to start up the user repository.

  • We are also going to need a type for our user details.

  1. Import UmbUserDetailModel and UmbUserCollectionRepository:

import { type UmbUserDetailModel, UmbUserCollectionRepository } from '@umbraco-cms/backoffice/user';
  1. Start up the repository and then create a new async method that we call from the constructor. We are also going to create a new state for our array that is going to contain our user details:

private _userData: Array<UmbUserDetailModel> = [];

#userRepository = new UmbUserCollectionRepository(this);

constructor() {


private async _getPagedUserData() {
  1. Notice that the user repository has a lot of methods that we can use. We are going to use requestCollection to get all the users.

Options from the user repository

The method requestCollection returns a promise, so let's await the data and save the data in our array:

private async _getPagedUserData() {
    const { data } = await this.#userRepository.requestCollection();
    this._userData = data?.items ?? [];

Render the Data

Now that we have the data from the repository, we need to render the data.

  1. We are going to use the repeat directive to loop through the array of users and render each user. We are also going to create a new method _renderUser that will render the user details. Add the repeat directive to the import:

import { LitElement, css, html, customElement, state, repeat } from "@umbraco-cms/backoffice/external/lit";
  1. Add the following to the render method and create the _renderUser method:

render() {
    return html`

	<div id="users-wrapper">
        ${repeat(this._userData, (user) => user.unique, (user) => this._renderUser(user))}

private _renderUser(user: UmbUserDetailModel) {
	return html`<div class="user">
  1. To make it more readable, add some CSS as well:

static styles = [
        :host {
          display: block;
          padding: 24px;

        #users-wrapper {
          border: 1px solid lightgray;
        .user {
          padding: 5px 10px;
        .user:not(:first-child) {
          border-top: 1px solid lightgray;

We now should have our welcome dashboard filled showing a list of all users:

Dashboard with all users. Output may vary depends on your users.
See the entire file: welcome-dashboard.element.ts
import { type UmbCurrentUserModel, UMB_CURRENT_USER_CONTEXT } from "@umbraco-cms/backoffice/current-user";
import { LitElement, css, html, customElement, state, repeat  } from "@umbraco-cms/backoffice/external/lit";
import { UmbElementMixin } from "@umbraco-cms/backoffice/element-api";
import { type UmbUserDetailModel, UmbUserCollectionRepository } from '@umbraco-cms/backoffice/user';

export class MyWelcomeDashboardElement extends UmbElementMixin(LitElement) {
    private _currentUser?: UmbCurrentUserModel;

    private _userData: Array<UmbUserDetailModel> = [];

    #userRepository = new UmbUserCollectionRepository(this);

    constructor() {
        this.consumeContext(UMB_CURRENT_USER_CONTEXT, (instance) => {

    private async _observeCurrentUser(instance: typeof UMB_CURRENT_USER_CONTEXT.TYPE) {
        this.observe(instance.currentUser, (currentUser) => {
            this._currentUser = currentUser;
    private async _getPagedUserData() {
        const { data } = await this.#userRepository.requestCollection();
        this._userData = data?.items ?? [];

    render() {
        return html`
      	        <umb-localize key="welcomeDashboard_heading">Welcome</umb-localize>
       		${this._currentUser?.name ?? "Unknown"}!
       		    <umb-localize key="welcomeDashboard_bodytext">
         		This is the Backoffice. From here, you can modify the content,
         		media, and settings of your website.
        	    <umb-localize key="welcomeDashboard_copyright">
          		© Sample Company 20XX
  	<div id="users-wrapper">
        ${repeat(this._userData, (user) => user.unique, (user) => this._renderUser(user))}
    private _renderUser(user: UmbUserDetailModel) {
	return html`<div class="user">

    static styles = [
		:host {
			display: block;
			padding: 24px;

		#users-wrapper {
			border: 1px solid lightgray;
		.user {
			padding: 5px 10px;
		.user:not(:first-child) {
			border-top: 1px solid lightgray;

export default MyWelcomeDashboardElement;

declare global {
    interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
        'my-welcome-dashboard': MyWelcomeDashboardElement;

Going Further

With all of the steps completed, you should have a functional dashboard that welcomes the user and shows a list of all users. Hopefully, this tutorial has given you some ideas on what is possible to do when creating a dashboard.

You can also go further and extend the dashboard with UI elements from the Umbraco UI Library.

Last updated