
Here you can find the Sustainability Best Practices listed by the Umbraco Sustainability Community Team.

As a global society, we should be making an effort to be on track with the necessary changes. These changes are needed to keep global temperature increases below 1.5°C compared to pre-industrialised times. According to the studies, the temperature will likely be breached in 2023. This will have additional impacts on the warming weather pattern, for example, more extreme weather events driven by El Niño.

The severe disruption to society will also extend to businesses with physical and digital infrastructure suffering damage, affecting employee’s ability to work.

The 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer found that business is the most trusted institution, above NGOs, governments, and media. Therefore, businesses need to live up to that trust on issues like climate and ecological emergencies.

Digital industry organizations have a part to play in meeting the challenge of reducing emissions:

Given the above, this documentation describes some of the best practices that can be applied when developing digital experiences. The recommendations are given by a group of Umbraco Community members in the Sustainability Team.

Read our best practice guide for developers

We have decided to target our best practices to specific roles. As a result, we have grouped the documentation into four categories: Infrastructure, Backend, Frontend, and Editor. You can dive into one of the categories that interests you the most.

Are you an Editor? - You can also do a lot for the environment

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