List of notification events
Hooking into notification events within Umbraco Commerce.
This article is a work in progress and may undergo further revisions, updates, or amendments. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
Configuration Parsing Events
Event | Description |
AnalyticsDashboardConfigParsingNotification | OBSOLETE: Use the |
CartEditorConfigParsingNotification | OBSOLETE: Use the |
CartListConfigParsingNotification | OBSOLETE: Use the |
OrderEditorConfigParsingNotification | OBSOLETE: Use the |
OrderListConfigParsingNotification | OBSOLETE: Use the |
Rendering Events
Event | Description |
ActivityLogEntriesRenderingNotification | Triggered when activity log entries are being rendered. Allows customization or modification of the log entries before display. |
StoreActionsRenderingNotification | Triggered when store actions are being rendered. Allows customization or modification of the actions before display. |
Searching Events
Event | Description |
CartSearchingNotification | Triggered during a search operation on the cart. Allows customization or modification of search parameters and results. |
GiftCardSearchingNotification | Triggered during a search operation on gift cards. Allows customization or modification of search parameters and results. |
OrderSearchingNotification | Triggered during a search operation on orders. Allows customization or modification of search parameters and results. |
Pipeline Events
Event | Description |
PipelineFailNotification | Triggered when a pipeline process fails. Allows developers to handle or respond to pipeline failures, enabling custom error handling, logging, or recovery actions. |
PipelineSuccessNotification | Triggered when a pipeline process completes successfully. Allows developers to handle successful pipeline completions, enabling actions such as logging, notifications, or further processing steps. |
Configuration Parsing Events
Event | Description |
AnalyticsDashboardConfigParsingNotification | Triggered during the parsing of the analytics dashboard configuration. Allows developers to modify or extend the configuration settings before they are applied. |
CartEditorConfigParsingNotification | Triggered when the cart editor configuration is being parsed. Allows developers to customize or extend the configuration settings before they are applied. |
CartListConfigParsingNotification | Triggered during the parsing of the cart list configuration. Allows developers to modify or extend the configuration settings before they are applied. |
Country Events
Event | Description |
CountryCreatedNotification | Triggered after a country has been successfully created. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the creation of a new country. |
CountryCreatingNotification | Triggered before a country is created. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the creation of a new country. |
CountryDeletedNotification | Triggered after a country has been successfully deleted. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the deletion of a country. |
CountryDeletingNotification | Triggered before a country is deleted. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the deletion of a country. |
CountrySavedNotification | Triggered after a country has been successfully saved. Allows developers to perform actions in response to saving changes to a country. |
CountrySavingNotification | Triggered before a country is saved. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before saving changes to a country. |
CountryUpdatedNotification | Triggered after a country has been successfully updated. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the update of a country. |
CountryUpdatingNotification | Triggered before a country is updated. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the update of a country. |
Currency Events
Event | Description |
CurrencyCreatedNotification | Triggered after a currency has been successfully created. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the creation of a new currency. |
CurrencyCreatingNotification | Triggered before a currency is created. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the creation of a new currency. |
CurrencyDeletedNotification | Triggered after a currency has been successfully deleted. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the deletion of a currency. |
CurrencyDeletingNotification | Triggered before a currency is deleted. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the deletion of a currency. |
CurrencySavedNotification | Triggered after a currency has been successfully saved. Allows developers to perform actions in response to saving changes to a currency. |
CurrencySavingNotification | Triggered before a currency is saved. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before saving changes to a currency. |
CurrencyUpdatedNotification | Triggered after a currency has been successfully updated. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the update of a currency. |
CurrencyUpdatingNotification | Triggered before a currency is updated. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the update of a currency. |
Discount Events
Event | Description |
DiscountCreatedNotification | Triggered after a discount has been successfully created. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the creation of a new discount. |
DiscountCreatingNotification | Triggered before a discount is created. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the creation of a new discount. |
DiscountDeletedNotification | Triggered after a discount has been successfully deleted. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the deletion of a discount. |
DiscountDeletingNotification | Triggered before a discount is deleted. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the deletion of a discount. |
DiscountSavedNotification | Triggered after a discount has been successfully saved. Allows developers to perform actions in response to saving changes to a discount. |
DiscountSavingNotification | Triggered before a discount is saved. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before saving changes to a discount. |
DiscountUpdatedNotification | Triggered after a discount has been successfully updated. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the update of a discount. |
DiscountUpdatingNotification | Triggered before a discount is updated. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the update of a discount. |
Email Events
Event | Description |
EmailFailedNotification | Triggered when an email fails to send. Allows developers to handle email failures, perform logging, or take corrective actions. |
EmailSendingNotification | Triggered before an email is sent. Allows developers to customize the email content, perform validations, or log the sending process. |
EmailSentNotification | Triggered after an email has been successfully sent. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the successful sending of an email, such as logging or triggering follow-up actions. |
EmailTemplateCreatedNotification | Triggered after an email template has been successfully created. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the creation of a new email template. |
EmailTemplateCreatingNotification | Triggered before an email template is created. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the creation of a new email template. |
EmailTemplateDeletedNotification | Triggered after an email template has been successfully deleted. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the deletion of an email template. |
EmailTemplateDeletingNotification | Triggered before an email template is deleted. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the deletion of an email template. |
EmailTemplateSavedNotification | Triggered after an email template has been successfully saved. Allows developers to perform actions in response to saving changes to an email template. |
EmailTemplateSavingNotification | Triggered before an email template is saved. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before saving changes to an email template. |
EmailTemplateUpdatedNotification | Triggered after an email template has been successfully updated. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the update of an email template. |
EmailTemplateUpdatingNotification | Triggered before an email template is updated. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the update of an email template. |
Export Template Events
Event | Description |
ExportTemplateCreatedNotification | Triggered after an export template has been successfully created. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the creation of a new export template. |
ExportTemplateCreatingNotification | Triggered before an export template is created. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the creation of a new export template. |
ExportTemplateDeletedNotification | Triggered after an export template has been successfully deleted. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the deletion of an export template. |
ExportTemplateDeletingNotification | Triggered before an export template is deleted. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the deletion of an export template. |
ExportTemplateSavedNotification | Triggered after an export template has been successfully saved. Allows developers to perform actions in response to saving changes to an export template. |
ExportTemplateSavingNotification | Triggered before an export template is saved. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before saving changes to an export template. |
ExportTemplateUpdatedNotification | Triggered after an export template has been successfully updated. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the update of an export template. |
ExportTemplateUpdatingNotification | Triggered before an export template is updated. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the update of an export template. |
Frozen Prices Events
Event | Description |
FrozenPricesThawedNotification | Triggered after previously frozen prices have been unfrozen and are now adjustable again. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the thawing of prices. |
FrozenPricesThawingNotification | Triggered before previously frozen prices are about to be unfrozen and become adjustable. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the thawing of prices. |
Gift Card Events
Event | Description |
GiftCardCreatedNotification | Triggered after a gift card has been successfully created. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the creation of a new gift card. |
GiftCardCreatingNotification | Triggered before a gift card is created. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the creation of a new gift card. |
GiftCardDeletedNotification | Triggered after a gift card has been successfully deleted. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the deletion of a gift card. |
GiftCardDeletingNotification | Triggered before a gift card is deleted. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the deletion of a gift card. |
GiftCardSavedNotification | Triggered after a gift card has been successfully saved. Allows developers to perform actions in response to saving changes to a gift card. |
GiftCardSavingNotification | Triggered before a gift card is saved. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before saving changes to a gift card. |
GiftCardUpdatedNotification | Triggered after a gift card has been successfully updated. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the update of a gift card. |
GiftCardUpdatingNotification | Triggered before a gift card is updated. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the update of a gift card. |
Location Events
Event | Description |
LocationCreatedNotification | Triggered after a location has been successfully created. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the creation of a new location. |
LocationCreatingNotification | Triggered before a location is created. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the creation of a new location. |
LocationDeletedNotification | Triggered after a location has been successfully deleted. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the deletion of a location. |
LocationDeletingNotification | Triggered before a location is deleted. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the deletion of a location. |
LocationSavedNotification | Triggered after a location has been successfully saved. Allows developers to perform actions in response to saving changes to a location. |
LocationSavingNotification | Triggered before a location is saved. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before saving changes to a location. |
LocationUpdatedNotification | Triggered after a location has been successfully updated. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the update of a location. |
LocationUpdatingNotification | Triggered before a location is updated. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the update of a location. |
Order Events
Event | Description |
OrderAssignedToCustomerNotification | Triggered after an order has been successfully assigned to a customer. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the assignment. |
OrderAssigningToCustomerNotification | Triggered before an order is assigned to a customer. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the assignment. |
OrderConfigParsingNotification | Triggered during the parsing of the order configuration. Allows developers to modify or extend the configuration settings before they are applied. |
OrderCreatedNotification | Triggered after an order has been successfully created. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the creation of a new order. |
OrderCreatingNotification | Triggered before an order is created. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the creation of a new order. |
OrderCurrencyChangedNotification | Triggered after the currency of an order has been successfully changed. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the currency change. |
OrderCurrencyChangingNotification | Triggered before the currency of an order is changed. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the currency change. |
OrderDeletedNotification | Triggered after an order has been successfully deleted. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the deletion of an order. |
OrderDeletingNotification | Triggered before an order is deleted. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the deletion of an order. |
OrderDiscountCodeRedeemedNotification | Triggered after a discount code has been successfully redeemed on an order. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the redemption. |
OrderDiscountCodeRedeemingNotification | Triggered before a discount code is redeemed on an order. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the redemption. |
OrderDiscountCodeUnredeemedNotification | Triggered after a discount code has been successfully unredeemed (reversing the application of a previously redeemed discount code) on an order. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the unredemption. |
OrderDiscountCodeUnredeemingNotification | Triggered before a discount code is unredeemed on an order. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the unredemption. |
OrderEditorConfigParsingNotification | Triggered during the parsing of the order editor configuration. Allows developers to modify or extend the configuration settings before they are applied. |
OrderFinalizedNotification | Triggered after an order has been successfully finalized. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the finalization. |
OrderFinalizingNotification | Triggered before an order is finalized. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the finalization. |
OrderGiftCardRedeemedNotification | Triggered after a gift card has been successfully redeemed on an order. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the redemption. |
OrderGiftCardRedeemingNotification | Triggered before a gift card is redeemed on an order. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the redemption. |
OrderGiftCardUnredeemedNotification | Triggered after a gift card has been successfully unredeemed on an order. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the unredemption. |
OrderGiftCardUnredeemingNotification | Triggered before a gift card is unredeemed on an order. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the unredemption. |
OrderLanguageChangedNotification | Triggered after the language of an order has been successfully changed. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the language change. |
OrderLanguageChangingNotification | Triggered before the language of an order is changed. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the language change. |
OrderLineAddedNotification | Triggered after a line item has been successfully added to an order. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the addition. |
OrderLineAddingNotification | Triggered before a line item is added to an order. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the addition. |
OrderLineChangedNotification | Triggered after a line item in an order has been successfully changed. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the change. |
OrderLineChangingNotification | Triggered before a line item in an order is changed. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the change. |
OrderLineRemovedNotification | Triggered after a line item has been successfully removed from an order. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the removal. |
OrderLineRemovingNotification | Triggered before a line item is removed from an order. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the removal. |
OrderListConfigParsingNotification | Triggered during the parsing of the order list configuration. Allows developers to modify or extend the configuration settings before they are applied. |
OrderPaymentCountryRegionChangedNotification | Triggered after the payment country or region of an order has been successfully changed. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the change. |
OrderPaymentCountryRegionChangingNotification | Triggered before the payment country or region of an order is changed. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the change. |
OrderPaymentMethodChangedNotification | Triggered after the payment method of an order has been successfully changed. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the change. |
OrderPaymentMethodChangingNotification | Triggered before the payment method of an order is changed. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the change. |
OrderProductAddedNotification | Triggered after a product has been successfully added to an order. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the addition. |
OrderProductAddingNotification | Triggered before a product is added to an order. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the addition. |
OrderPropertiesChangedNotification | Triggered after properties of an order have been successfully changed. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the changes. |
OrderPropertiesChangingNotification | Triggered before properties of an order are changed. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the changes. |
OrderSavedNotification | Triggered after an order has been successfully saved. Allows developers to perform actions in response to saving changes to an order. |
OrderSavingNotification | Triggered before an order is saved. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before saving changes to an order. |
OrderShippingCountryRegionChangedNotification | Triggered after the shipping country or region of an order has been successfully changed. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the change. |
OrderShippingCountryRegionChangingNotification | Triggered before the shipping country or region of an order is changed. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the change. |
OrderShippingMethodChangedNotification | Triggered after the shipping method of an order has been successfully changed. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the change. |
OrderShippingMethodChangingNotification | Triggered before the shipping method of an order is changed. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the change. |
OrderStatusChangedNotification | Triggered after the status of an order has been successfully changed. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the status change. |
OrderStatusChangingNotification | Triggered before the status of an order is changed. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the status change. |
OrderStatusCreatedNotification | Triggered after a new order status has been successfully created. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the creation of a new status. |
OrderStatusCreatingNotification | Triggered before a new order status is created. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the creation of a new status. |
OrderStatusDeletedNotification | Triggered after an order status has been successfully deleted. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the deletion of a status. |
OrderStatusDeletingNotification | Triggered before an order status is deleted. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the deletion of a status. |
OrderStatusSavedNotification | Triggered after an order status has been successfully saved. Allows developers to perform actions in response to saving changes to a status. |
OrderStatusSavingNotification | Triggered before an order status is saved. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before saving changes to a status. |
OrderStatusUpdatedNotification | Triggered after an order status has been successfully updated. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the update of a status. |
OrderStatusUpdatingNotification | Triggered before an order status is updated. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the update of a status. |
OrderTagsChangedNotification | Triggered after the tags of an order have been successfully changed. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the tag changes. |
OrderTagsChangingNotification | Triggered before the tags of an order are changed. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the tag changes. |
OrderTaxClassChangedNotification | Triggered after the tax class of an order has been successfully changed. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the tax class change. |
OrderTaxClassChangingNotification | Triggered before the tax class of an order is changed. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the tax class change. |
OrderTransactionUpdatedNotification | Triggered after a transaction in an order has been successfully updated. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the transaction update. |
OrderTransactionUpdatingNotification | Triggered before a transaction in an order is updated. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the transaction update. |
OrderUpdatedNotification | Triggered after an order has been successfully updated. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the update of an order. |
OrderUpdatingNotification | Triggered before an order is updated. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the update of an order. |
Payment Events
Event | Description |
PaymentFormGeneratingNotification | Triggered during the generation of a payment form. Allows developers to customize or modify the payment form before it is presented to the user. |
PaymentMethodCreatedNotification | Triggered after a payment method has been successfully created. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the creation of a new payment method. |
PaymentMethodCreatingNotification | Triggered before a payment method is created. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the creation of a new payment method. |
PaymentMethodDeletedNotification | Triggered after a payment method has been successfully deleted. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the deletion of a payment method. |
PaymentMethodDeletingNotification | Triggered before a payment method is deleted. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the deletion of a payment method. |
PaymentMethodSavedNotification | Triggered after a payment method has been successfully saved. Allows developers to perform actions in response to saving changes to a payment method. |
PaymentMethodSavingNotification | Triggered before a payment method is saved. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before saving changes to a payment method. |
PaymentMethodUpdatedNotification | Triggered after a payment method has been successfully updated. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the update of a payment method. |
PaymentMethodUpdatingNotification | Triggered before a payment method is updated. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the update of a payment method. |
Print Template Events
Event | Description |
PrintTemplateCreatedNotification | Triggered after a print template has been successfully created. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the creation of a new print template. |
PrintTemplateCreatingNotification | Triggered before a print template is created. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the creation of a new print template. |
PrintTemplateDeletedNotification | Triggered after a print template has been successfully deleted. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the deletion of a print template. |
PrintTemplateDeletingNotification | Triggered before a print template is deleted. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the deletion of a print template. |
PrintTemplateSavedNotification | Triggered after a print template has been successfully saved. Allows developers to perform actions in response to saving changes to a print template. |
PrintTemplateSavingNotification | Triggered before a print template is saved. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before saving changes to a print template. |
PrintTemplateUpdatedNotification | Triggered after a print template has been successfully updated. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the update of a print template. |
PrintTemplateUpdatingNotification | Triggered before a print template is updated. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the update of a print template. |
Product Attribute Events
Event | Description |
ProductAttributeCreatedNotification | Triggered after a product attribute (for example: size, color, or material) has been successfully created. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the creation of a new product attribute. |
ProductAttributeCreatingNotification | Triggered before a product attribute is created. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the creation of a new product attribute. |
ProductAttributeDeletedNotification | Triggered after a product attribute has been successfully deleted. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the deletion of a product attribute. |
ProductAttributeDeletingNotification | Triggered before a product attribute is deleted. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the deletion of a product attribute. |
ProductAttributePresetCreatedNotification | Triggered after a product attribute preset has been successfully created. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the creation of a new product attribute preset. |
ProductAttributePresetCreatingNotification | Triggered before a product attribute preset is created. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the creation of a new product attribute preset. |
ProductAttributePresetDeletedNotification | Triggered after a product attribute preset has been successfully deleted. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the deletion of a product attribute preset. |
ProductAttributePresetDeletingNotification | Triggered before a product attribute preset is deleted. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the deletion of a product attribute preset. |
ProductAttributePresetSavedNotification | Triggered after a product attribute preset has been successfully saved. Allows developers to perform actions in response to saving changes to a product attribute preset. |
ProductAttributePresetSavingNotification | Triggered before a product attribute preset is saved. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before saving changes to a product attribute preset. |
ProductAttributePresetUpdatedNotification | Triggered after a product attribute preset has been successfully updated. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the update of a product attribute preset. |
ProductAttributePresetUpdatingNotification | Triggered before a product attribute preset is updated. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the update of a product attribute preset. |
ProductAttributeSavedNotification | Triggered after a product attribute has been successfully saved. Allows developers to perform actions in response to saving changes to a product attribute. |
ProductAttributeSavingNotification | Triggered before a product attribute is saved. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before saving changes to a product attribute. |
ProductAttributeUpdatedNotification | Triggered after a product attribute has been successfully updated. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the update of a product attribute. |
ProductAttributeUpdatingNotification | Triggered before a product attribute is updated. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the update of a product attribute. |
Region Events
Event | Description |
RegionCreatedNotification | Triggered after a region has been successfully created. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the creation of a new region. |
RegionCreatingNotification | Triggered before a region is created. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the creation of a new region. |
RegionDeletedNotification | Triggered after a region has been successfully deleted. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the deletion of a region. |
RegionDeletingNotification | Triggered before a region is deleted. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the deletion of a region. |
RegionSavedNotification | Triggered after a region has been successfully saved. Allows developers to perform actions in response to saving changes to a region. |
RegionSavingNotification | Triggered before a region is saved. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before saving changes to a region. |
RegionUpdatedNotification | Triggered after a region has been successfully updated. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the update of a region. |
RegionUpdatingNotification | Triggered before a region is updated. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the update of a region. |
Shipping Method Events
Event | Description |
ShippingMethodCreatedNotification | Triggered after a shipping method has been successfully created. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the creation of a new shipping method. |
ShippingMethodCreatingNotification | Triggered before a shipping method is created. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the creation of a new shipping method. |
ShippingMethodDeletedNotification | Triggered after a shipping method has been successfully deleted. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the deletion of a shipping method. |
ShippingMethodDeletingNotification | Triggered before a shipping method is deleted. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the deletion of a shipping method. |
ShippingMethodSavedNotification | Triggered after a shipping method has been successfully saved. Allows developers to perform actions in response to saving changes to a shipping method. |
ShippingMethodSavingNotification | Triggered before a shipping method is saved. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before saving changes to a shipping method. |
ShippingMethodUpdatedNotification | Triggered after a shipping method has been successfully updated. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the update of a shipping method. |
ShippingMethodUpdatingNotification | Triggered before a shipping method is updated. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the update of a shipping method. |
Stock Events
Event | Description |
StockChangedNotification | Triggered after the stock level of a product has been successfully changed. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the change in stock level. |
StockChangingNotification | Triggered before the stock level of a product is changed. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the change in stock level. |
Store Events
Event | Description |
StoreCreatedNotification | Triggered after a store has been successfully created. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the creation of a new store. |
StoreCreatingNotification | Triggered before a store is created. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the creation of a new store. |
StoreDeletedNotification | Triggered after a store has been successfully deleted. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the deletion of a store. |
StoreDeletingNotification | Triggered before a store is deleted. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the deletion of a store. |
StoreSavedNotification | Triggered after a store has been successfully saved. Allows developers to perform actions in response to saving changes to a store. |
StoreSavingNotification | Triggered before a store is saved. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before saving changes to a store. |
StoreUpdatedNotification | Triggered after a store has been successfully updated. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the update of a store. |
StoreUpdatingNotification | Triggered before a store is updated. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the update of a store. |
Tax Class Events
Event | Description |
TaxClassCreatedNotification | Triggered after a tax class has been successfully created. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the creation of a new tax class. |
TaxClassCreatingNotification | Triggered before a tax class is created. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the creation of a new tax class. |
TaxClassDeletedNotification | Triggered after a tax class has been successfully deleted. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the deletion of a tax class. |
TaxClassDeletingNotification | Triggered before a tax class is deleted. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the deletion of a tax class. |
TaxClassSavedNotification | Triggered after a tax class has been successfully saved. Allows developers to perform actions in response to saving changes to a tax class. |
TaxClassSavingNotification | Triggered before a tax class is saved. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before saving changes to a tax class. |
TaxClassUpdatedNotification | Triggered after a tax class has been successfully updated. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the update of a tax class. |
TaxClassUpdatingNotification | Triggered before a tax class is updated. Allows developers to perform actions or validations before the update of a tax class. |
Unit of Work Events
Event | Description |
UnitOfWorkCreatedNotification | Triggered after a unit of work has been successfully created. Allows developers to perform actions in response to the creation of a new unit of work. |
Last updated