Configure Buckaroo

Learn how to configure Buckaroo in order to implement the integration with your Umbraco Commerce installation.

Step 1: Sign up & Sign in

You can sign up in 2 different ways:

  1. For a business account, head over to the Buckaroo site to register for a Buckaroo account.

  2. For a test account, you can fill in a request form:

Test & Live mode

When logged in to the Buckaroo Dashboard it is important to know that there are two modes you can view data and perform tasks under. These are Test mode and Live mode:

  • Test mode allows you to perform test transactions to ensure your solution is set up correctly.

  • Live mode is where real-life transactions will take place.

In order to enable test mode, you can check the Buckaroo documentation.

For each of these modes, multiple settings need to be configured.

Step 2: Website key and secrets

In order for Umbraco Commerce to communicate with Buckaroo securely, we need to generate an API key that Umbraco Commerce can use to authenticate with.

Website key

  1. Then head to Settings > Websites > General tab to find the website key:

Secret key

  1. Then head to Settings > Secret key to find the secret key:

Step 3: Webhook

For Buckaroo to notify Umbraco Commerce of a transaction, Buckaroo makes use of webhook technology to send notifications of the changing transaction statuses. By using webhooks it ensures that the system will always be notified of these status changes. This is also the case if a customer decides not to return to the store once a transaction is complete.

When generating a payment request form, Umbraco Commerce sets the callback URL to the value below automatically:

  1. Then head to Settings > Websites > Push settings > Scroll. Then Select push content type and set it to json.

When testing the webhook, you might use a service like ngrok to forward requests from a public domain to your localhost server. Then you need to set Webhook hostname for test mode value to be the public domain in order for it to work.

Last updated