Configure Umbraco

Learn how to configure the Umbraco backoffice for enabling the use of Klarna as a payment method.

Step 1: Create a Payment Method

The following steps are all handled through the Umbraco backoffice.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Commerce > Stores > {Store Name} > Payment Methods section.

  2. Select the Create Payment Method button to create a new payment method.

  3. Choose Klarna (HPP) from the list of available payment providers.

Step 2: Configure Payment Provider Settings

The following steps are handled within the payment method editor in the Umbraco backoffice.

  1. Configure the standard payment method settings as required.

  2. Configure the Klarna payment provider settings as follows:


Continue URL

The URL of the page to navigate to after payment is successful - for example: /confirmation/

Cancel URL

The URL of the page to navigate to if the customer cancels the payment - for example: /cart/

Error URL

The URL of the page to navigate to if there is an error with the payment - for example: /error/

Billing Address (Line 1) Property Alias

The alias of the property containing line 1 of the billing address - for example: addressLine1. Passed to Klarna for Radar verification.

Billing Address (Line 2) Property Alias

The alias of the property containing line 2 of the billing address - for example: addressLine1. Passed to Klarna for Radar verification.

Billing Address City Property Alias

The alias of the property containing the city of the billing address - for example: addressLine1. Passed to Klarna for Radar verification.

Billing Address State Property Alias

The alias of the property containing the state of the billing address - for example: addressLine1. Passed to Klarna for Radar verification.

Billing Address Zip Code Property Alias

The alias of the property containing the zip code of the billing address - for example: addressLine1. Passed to Klarna for Radar verification.

API Region

The Region in which your account is under. Can be either Europe, NorthAmerica or Oceana

Test API Username

The Username to use when connecting to the test Klarna API

Test API Password

The Password to use when connecting to the test Klarna API

Live API Username

The Username to use when connecting to the live Klarna API

Live API Password

The Password to use when connecting to the live Klarna API


Toggle indicating whether to immediately capture the payment, or whether to authorize the payment for later (manual) capturing

Test Mode

Toggle indicating whether this provider should run in test mode

In addition to these core settings, there are also a number of optional advanced settings you can configure as follows:


Payment Page Logo Url

Fully qualified URL of a logo image to display on the payment page

Payment Page Page Title

A custom title to display on the payment page

Product Type Property Alias

The order line property alias containing the type of the product. Property value can be one of either physical or digital

Payment Method Categories

Comma separated list of payment method categories to show on the payment page. If empty, all allowable options will be presented. Options are DIRECT_DEBIT, DIRECT_BANK_TRANSFER, PAY_NOW, PAY_LATER and PAY_OVER_TIME

Payment Method Category

The payment method category to show on the payment page. Options are DIRECT_DEBIT, DIRECT_BANK_TRANSFER, PAY_NOW, PAY_LATER and PAY_OVER_TIME

Enable Fallbacks

Set whether to fallback to other payment options if the initial payment attempt fails before redirecting back to the site

Last updated