Custom Grid Editors

Documentation for Custom Grid Editors in Umbraco Heartcore

The grid editor Data Type in Heartcore is deprecated and will be retired in June 2025 or thereafter. For more information read the following blog post.

A custom Grid Editor in Heartcore is built using custom elements.

Custom Grid Editors can be created under the Grid Editors tree in the Settings section.

The Grid Editor must export a default class inheriting from HTMLElement

export default class extends HTMLElement {

For the Grid to be able to save the value the editor must contain a set value(value) function and for the editor to be able to show the stored value, it must also contain a get value() function.

#value // private field
get value() { return this.#value }
set value(value) { this.#value = value }

The set value() is called when the editor is loaded and when the value is changed outside of the editor.

The get value() is called when the grid is saving and when the editor raises an input event.

Using external libraries

External libraries can be imported by using the import statement.

For example, if you want to use Lit to create your web component it can be done like this

import { LitElement } from ''

export default class extends LitElement {
  static properties = {
    value: { type: String }

When importing libraries that registers variables or functions on the global object or custom elements it's advised to create a Module Alias and import that instead. By using Module Alias when importing we can ensure that only one version of a library is imported.

A Module Alias can be configured under Headless -> Custom Editors Configuration in the Settings section.

Use a Module Alias when importing libraries to ensure only a single version of that library is loaded.

Accessing backoffice components

Accessing backoffice components like the Media Picker must be done using the Headless Backoffice Bridge.

Using this library reduces breaking changes in the exposed API that would otherwise happen if the backoffice components were accessed directly.

Currently, the library is exposing only a few components but Feature Requests and Pull Requests are more than welcome.

The Headless backoffice Bridge has custom elements so it's advised to import using a Module Alias

JSON Schema

A JSON Schema is used to describe how the value is stored and returned by the REST and GraphQL API.

This allows for advanced configurations where, for example, an UDI is converted to a URL.

The default Schema looks like this:

  "$schema": "",
  "type": "string"

Since it has "type": "string" the different APIs will return the stored value as a string.

If the editor stores an object we can use "type": "object" instead, now the APIs will return the value as a JSON object.

By also adding properties, the API will be more clever about how the data is returned.

For example, an image editor that stores an UDI in the url field and the alt text in the altText field like this

  "url": "udi://media/45d27aa9fcb446e48ef4a07d754d9c9d",
  "altText": "An example image"

Could have a schema like:

  "$schema": "",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "altText": {
      "type": "string"
    "url": {
      "type": "string",
      "format": "uri-reference"
  "required": [

Notice how there's a "format":·"uri-reference" to the url property in the schema. Combined with "type": "string" the APIs knows this is a URI and will try to parse the value stored as an UDI and if successful, return the URL of the referenced item.

Currently, the following combinations are supported:

type: string format: uri-reference value: Content or Media UDI returned: A URL to the item if exists.\

type: string format: rich-text value: Rich Text, for example from the TinyMCE editor returned: The value where all a tags with a locallink href and img tags with a data-udi attribute is replaced with the correct links to the items.\

Limitations and best practices

Currently, some functionality and components that do not work well in the preview pane. This includes integrations with the backoffice like Pickers and the Rich Text Editor. However, they still work when inserted on a page.

To make your custom editors less likely to break with future updates, do not use any of the backoffice JavaScript directly. Always use the headless backoffice bridge.

If the library is missing any functionality, raise an issue on the Heartcore issue tracker.

Try to avoid relying on backoffice CSS-classes. Instead, it's recommended creating isolated elements using shadow DOM.

Last updated