Related Collections

Configuring **many-to-many** relationships in Umbraco UI Builder, the backoffice UI builder for Umbraco.

This page is a work in progress and may undergo further revisions, updates, or amendments. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.

Related collections add support for editing many-to-many relationships with UI Builder. These are found when multiple entities from one collection are associated with multiple entities from another. They are modeled in a database via two tables related to a junction table.

A classic example is with Students and Courses. Each course has many students, and each student takes many courses.

Collections Representation

A representation of your collections would look like this:

And the entities would be represented using the following Models:

public class Student
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string FirstName { get; set; }

    public string LastName { get; set; }

    public string Email { get; set; }
public class Course
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string Title { get; set; }

    public string Description { get; set; }
[PrimaryKey(new[] { "StudentId", "CourseId" })]
public class StudentCourse
    public int StudentId { get; set; }

    public int CourseId { get; set; }

You can get started with related collection through a two step process:

  1. Add collection definition

  2. Add related collection entity picker and definition

Collection definition

Define a related collection by calling the AddRelatedCollection method on a given collection config builder instance.

AddRelatedCollection<TEntityType, TRelatedEntityType, TJunctionEntityType>(Expression<Func<TRelatedEntityType, object>> idPropertyExpression, string nameSingular, string namePlural, Action<RelationConfigBuilder<TBuilder, TEntity, TRelatedEntityType, TJunctionEntityType>> relationConfig)

Adds a related collection to the current collection with the given names, descriptions, and default icons. A property accessor expression is required for the entity ID field of the entity. The relation configuration will define the junction entity by specifying the references to parent and child entities.

collectionConfig.AddRelatedCollection<Student, Course, StudentCourse>(x => x.Id, "Student Course", "Students Courses", relationConfig =>
        .SetJunction<StudentCourse>(x => x.StudentId, y => y.CourseId);

Define the child collection entity picker by calling the AddRelatedCollectionPickerField method on the parent collection fieldset config.

AddRelatedCollectionPickerField<TValueType>(string alias, string dataTypeName, string label)

Adds an entity picker with the specified Data Type name to the editor of the parent collection.

collectionConfig.Editor(editorConfig =>
    editorConfig.AddTab("General", tabConfig =>
        tabConfig.AddFieldset("General", fieldsetConfig =>
            fieldsetConfig.AddField(x => x.FirstName).MakeRequired();
            fieldsetConfig.AddField(x => x.LastName).MakeRequired();
            fieldsetConfig.AddField(x => x.Email).MakeRequired();

            fieldsetConfig.AddRelatedCollectionPickerField<Course>("studentsCourses", "Courses Related Picker", "Courses");

Relation Config Alias: The relation config alias must correspond to the related collection picker field alias! (e.g. studentsCourses)

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