
Configuring trees in Umbraco UI Builder, the backoffice UI builder for Umbraco.

A tree is a hierarchical structure that helps organize a section into logical sub-sections. A tree is accessed in the main side panel of the Umbraco interface. In Umbraco UI Builder, a section may only have a single tree definition. However, you can use folder nodes to help organize the tree structure as you need it.


Configuring a Umbraco UI Builder section tree

The tree configuration for Umbraco UI Builder sections is a sub-configuration of a Section config builder instance and is accessed via its Tree method.

Tree(Lambda treeConfig = null) : TreeConfigBuilder

Accesses the tree config of the given section.

// Example
sectionConfig.Tree(treeConfig => {

Adding a tree to an existing section

The tree configuration for existing sections is a sub-configuration of a WithSection config builder instance and is accessed via one of its AddTree methods.

AddTree(string name, string icon, Lambda treeConfig = null) : TreeConfigBuilder

Adds a tree to the current section.

// Example
withSectionConfig.AddTree("My Tree", "icon-folder", treeConfig => {

AddTree(string groupName, string name, string icon, Lambda treeConfig = null) : TreeConfigBuilder

Adds a tree to the current section in a group with the given name.

// Example
withSectionConfig.AddTree("My Group", "My Tree", "icon-folder", treeConfig => {

AddTreeBefore(string treeAlias, string name, string icon, Lambda treeConfig = null) : TreeConfigBuilder

Adds a tree to the current section before the tree with the given alias.

// Example
withSectionConfig.AddTreeBefore("member", "My Tree", "icon-folder", treeConfig => {

AddTreeAfter(string treeAlias, string name, string icon, Lambda treeConfig = null) : TreeConfigBuilder

Adds a tree to the current section after the tree with the given alias.

// Example
withSectionConfig.AddTreeAfter("member", "My Tree", "icon-folder", treeConfig => {

Changing the tree icon color

SetIconColor(string color) : TreeConfigBuilder

Sets the trees icon color to the given color. The options that are possible are black, green, yellow, orange, blue or red.

Only trees added to existing sections have an icon. Trees added to Umbraco UI Builder sections don't show a tree icon instead they go straight into displaying the tree contents.

// Example

Adding a group to a tree

AddGroup(string name, Lambda groupConfig = null) : GroupConfigBuilder

Adds a group to the current tree with the given name.

Only Umbraco UI Builder section trees can configure groups, where trees added to existing sections cannot.

// Example
treeConfig.AddGroup("Settings", groupConfig => {

Adding a folder to a tree/group

AddFolder(string name, Lambda folderConfig = null) : FolderConfigBuilder

Adds a folder to the current tree/group with the given name and a default folder icon. For more information check the Folders documentation.

// Example
treeConfig.AddFolder("Settings", folderConfig => {

AddFolder(string name, string icon, Lambda folderConfig = null) : FolderConfigBuilder

Adds a folder to the current tree/group with the given name + icon. For more information check the Folders documentation.

// Example
treeConfig.AddFolder("Settings", "icon-settings", folderConfig => {

Adding a collection to a tree/group

AddCollection<TEntityType>(Lambda idFieldExpression, string nameSingular, string namePlural, string description, Lambda collectionConfig = null) : CollectionConfigBuilder<TEntityType>

Adds a collection to the current tree/group with the given names, descriptions, and default icons. An ID property accessor expression is required so that Umbraco UI Builder knows which property is the ID property. For more information check the Collections documentation.

// Example
treeConfig.AddCollection<Person>(p => p.Id, "Person", "People", "A collection of people", collectionConfig => {

AddCollection<TEntityType>(Lambda idFieldExpression, string nameSingular, string namePlural, string description, string iconSingular, string iconPlural, Lambda collectionConfig = null) : CollectionConfigBuilder<TEntityType>

Adds a collection to the current tree/group with the given names, description and icons. An ID property accessor expression is required so that Umbraco UI Builder knows which property is the ID property. For more information check the Collections documentation.

// Example
treeConfig.AddCollection<Person>(p => p.Id, "Person", "People", "A collection of people", "icon-umb-users", "icon-umb-users", collectionConfig => {

Extending an existing tree

You can extend existing trees adding Umbraco UI Builder context apps and virtual sub trees by calling the WithTree method of a WithSectionConfigBuilder instance.

WithTree(string alias, Lambda treeConfig = null) : WithTreeConfigBuilder

Starts a sub-configuration for the existing Umbraco tree with the given alias.

// Example
sectionConfig.WithTree("content", withTreeConfig => {

Adding a context app to an existing tree

AddContextApp(string name, Lambda contextAppConfig = null) : ContextAppConfigBuilder

Adds a context app with the given name and default icon. For more information check the Context App documentation.

// Example
withTreeConfig.AddContextApp("Comments", contextAppConfig => {

AddContextApp(string name, string icon, Lambda contextAppConfig = null) : ContextAppConfigBuilder

Adds a context app to the Umbraco menu with the given name and icon. For more information check the Context App documentation.

// Example
withTreeConfig.AddContextApp("Comments", "icon-chat", contextAppConfig => {

AddContextAppBefore(string beforeAlias, string name, Lambda contextAppConfig = null) : ContextAppConfigBuilder

Adds a context app with the given name and default icon before the context app with the given alias. For more information check the Context App documentation.

// Example
withTreeConfig.AddContextAppBefore("umbContent", "Comments", contextAppConfig => {

AddContextAppBefore(string beforeAlias, string name, string icon, Lambda contextAppConfig = null) : ContextAppConfigBuilder

Adds a context app to the Umbraco menu with the given name and icon before the context app with the given alias. For more information check the Context App documentation.

// Example
withTreeConfig.AddContextAppBefore("umbContent", "Comments", "icon-chat", contextAppConfig => {

AddContextAppAfter(string afterAlias, string name, Lambda contextAppConfig = null) : ContextAppConfigBuilder

Adds a context app with the given name and default icon after the context app with the given alias. For more information check the Context App documentation.

// Example
withTreeConfig.AddContextAppAfter("umbContent", "Comments", contextAppConfig => {

AddContextAppAfter(string afterAlias, string name, string icon, Lambda contextAppConfig = null) : ContextAppConfigBuilder

Adds a context app to the Umbraco menu with the given name and icon after the context app with the given alias. For more information check the Context App documentation.

// Example
withTreeConfig.AddContextAppAfter("umbContent", "Comments", "icon-chat", contextAppConfig => {

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