Configure SQLite support

How-To Guide to configure SQLite support for Umbraco Commerce.

Out of the box, Umbraco Commerce only supports SQL Server-based databases as this is the recommended database platform for live environments. To aid testing and rapid prototyping, however, Umbraco Commerce can be configured to use an SQLite database.

Whilst Umbraco Commerce does support SQLite for testing, we do not recommend using it in a live environment. Due to the high levels of active connections required to manage concurrent shopping carts, this is not something SQLite handles well at all.

Install SQLite dependencies

To add SQLite support, you will need to install the SQLite persistence layer NuGet package for Umbraco Commerce.

PM> dotnet add package Umbraco.Commerce.Persistence.Sqlite

Once the NuGet package is installed, you need to register SQLite support with Umbraco Commerce via the IUmbracoCommerceBuilder interface.

Add .AddUmbracoCommerce() below .AddWebsite() in the Program.cs file.

.AddUmbracoCommerce(builder => {

When you have set up Umbraco CMS to use SQLite, the above is all you need to do as Umbraco Commerce will use the same database configuration. If you wish to install Umbraco Commerce into its own SQLite database you can configure its own connection string in the appSettings.json like so:

    "ConnectionStrings": {
        "umbracoDbDSN": "Data Source=|DataDirectory|/Umbraco.sqlite.db;Cache=Shared;Foreign Keys=True;Pooling=True",
        "umbracoDbDSN_ProviderName": "Microsoft.Data.SQLite",
        "umbracoCommerceDbDSN": "Data Source=|DataDirectory|/Umbraco.Commerce.sqlite.db;Mode=ReadWrite;Foreign Keys=True;Pooling=True;Cache=Shared",
        "umbracoCommerceDbDSN_ProviderName": "Microsoft.Data.SQLite"

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