Realtime Rate Shipping

Realtime Rate Shipping in Umbraco Commerce.

Realtime rate shipping in Umbraco Commerce allows you to define real-time, up-to-the-minute shipping estimates directly from the shipping operators.

Configuring Realtime Rate Shipping

To configure Realtime Rate Shipping, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings.

  2. Open the Commerce folder in the Commerce section.

  3. Select your store from the Stores dropdown.

  4. Go to Shipping Methods.

  1. Click Create Shipping Method.

  2. Choose the shipping provider for the shipping operator you wish to use.

  1. Choose Realtime in the calculation mode option.

  1. Enter the Shipping Method Name, Alias, and SKU.

  2. Select the tax class from the Tax Class dropdown list.

  3. [Optional] Upload an image.

  4. Enter the shipping provider's API credentials required to connect to the shipping operator's API.

  1. Select the countries this shipping method should be allowed in.

  1. Click Save.

Last updated