Release Notes

Get an overview of the things changed and fixed in each version of Umbraco Commerce.

In this section, we have summarized the changes to Umbraco Commerce released in each version. Each version is presented with a link to the Commerce issue tracker showing a list of issues resolved in the release. We also link to the individual issues themselves from the detail.

If there are any breaking changes or other issues to be aware of when upgrading they are also noted here.

If you are upgrading to a new major version, check the breaking changes in the Version Specific Upgrade Notes article.

Release History

This section contains the release notes for Umbraco Commerce 14 including all changes for this version.

14.0.0-beta1 (16th July 2024)

  • Added Product Attributes section

  • Added Product Attribute Presets section

  • Added Variants property editor to create complex product variants

  • Fixed issues with property editor value converters

  • Fixed issue with stock synchronization

14.0.0-alpha4 (3rd July 2024)

  • Added Carts section with ability to create/edit customer carts

  • Refactored order endpoints to use a defined model for customer/billing/shipping details rather than using order properties collection

  • Merged in v13 bug fixes

14.0.0-alpha3 (24th June 2024)

  • Added Analytics section

  • Added Create Country modal to allow creating countries from ISO 3166 presets

  • Added license warning component throughout the commerce section

  • Updated Regions workspace app to now be hidden until the country is persisted

  • Update Payment Provider / Shipping Provider label keys to convert kebab case provider aliases to camel case keys for consistency

  • Fixed bug in Payment Providers section throwing error due to unmapped sku property

  • Fixed issue due to use of JSON_PATH_EXISTS in migration scripts only supported in SQL Server 2022+. Resorted to just using JSON_VALUE queries instead (#521)

14.0.0-alpha2 (7th June 2024)

  • Added section condition to commerce section to only show it when the current user has permission to see it

  • Setup Management APIs for Product Attributes, Discounts, Gift Cards and Analytics sections

  • Created an new Umbraco Commerce Payment API to handle payment gateway interactions (old endpoints are depricated)

  • Added a basic store dashboard with current days stats and order search

  • Added Gift Cards section

  • Added Discounts section

  • Various bug fixes

  • Backoffice resources are now lazy loaded

  • Upgraded Umbraco dependency to v14 final

14.0.0-alpha1 (24th May 2024)

Read the v14.0.0-Alpha release post for further background on this release.

  • v14 initial alpha release

Legacy release notes

You can find the release notes for Vendr in the Change log file on Github.

Last updated