
The Customer API endpoints allow fetching all orders associated with a customer.

Gets all the finalized Order of a Customer

Path parameters

A custom reference or email of an existing customer. Can be UrlBase64 encoded.

Example: "cust_14c7ba32-367d-42f3-83b1-e59c839e5d22"
Query parameters
Header parameters


idstring (uuid)
cartNumbernullable string
orderNumbernullable string
languageIsoCodenullable string
currencyCurrencyReferenceDto (object)
taxClassTaxClassReferenceDto (object)
taxRatenullable number (double)
orderStatusOrderStatusReferenceDto (object)
customerInfoOrderCustomerInfoResponseDto (object)
paymentInfoOrderPaymentInfoResponseDto (object)
shippingInfoOrderShippingInfoResponseDto (object)
transactionInfoOrderTransactionInfoResponseDto (object)
discountCodesnullable array of OrderAppliedDiscountCodeResponseDto (object)
discountsnullable array of DiscountReferenceDto (object)
giftCardsnullable array of GiftCardReferenceDto (object)
totalQuantitynullable number (double)
subtotalPriceAdjustedPriceWithPreviousAdjustmentsDto (object)
totalPriceAdjustedPriceWithPreviousAdjustmentsDto (object)
transactionAmountAdjustedAmountDto (object)
orderLinesnullable array of OrderLineResponseDto (object)
propertiesnullable object
tagsnullable array of string
createDatenullable string (date-time)
updateDatenullable string (date-time)
finalizedDatenullable string (date-time)
isFinalizednullable boolean
const response = await fetch('/umbraco/commerce/storefront/api/v1/customer/{customerReferenceOrEmail}/orders', {
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {
      "Api-Key": "text",
      "Store": "text"
const data = await response.json();
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    "updateDate": "2024-12-22T05:11:06.726Z",
    "finalizedDate": "2024-12-22T05:11:06.726Z",
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Last updated