Customizing Templates

Learn how to create custom templates for emails, prints, and exports.

Umbraco Commerce provides support for customizing templates for emails, prints, and exports. This allows you to tailor the outputs of your e-commerce solution to meet specific branding or functional requirements.

Accessing the Default Built-in Templates

The default templates for email, print, and export are embedded in Razor Class Libraries (RCLs) in Umbraco Commerce. To customize these templates, you can extract them and use them as a starting point.

Download the custom templates and place them in /Views/Partials/Commerce/Email/.

Umbraco Commerce Custom Templates

Creating Custom Templates

Email Templates

To Create a Custom Email Template:

  1. Create a Razor view file (.cshtml) in /Views/Partials/Commerce/Email/.

  2. Implement the IEmailTemplate interface to make the template available in Umbraco Commerce:

using Umbraco.Commerce.Core.Interfaces;  

public class CustomOrderEmailTemplate : IEmailTemplate  
    public virtual string FileName => "CustomOrderEmail.cshtml";  
  1. Register the Template in a Composer:

using Umbraco.Cms.Core.Composing;  
using Umbraco.Cms.Core.DependencyInjection;  

public class CustomTemplateComposer : IComposer  
    public void Compose(IUmbracoBuilder builder)  

To create Print/Export Templates:

  1. Create a Razor view file (.cshtml) under the relevant paths:

  1. Implement the IPrintTemplate or IExportTemplate interface to make the template available in Umbraco Commerce.

  2. Register the template in a Composer similar to the email template process.

Shipping Custom Templates in a Razor Class Library

To distribute custom templates as part of a Razor Class Library (RCL):

  1. Create a new Razor Class Library project.

  2. Add the template files under appropriate paths, for example, Views/Partials/Commerce/Emails/.

  3. Implement interfaces like IEmailTemplate, IPrintTemplate,or IExportTemplate .

  4. Use a composer to register your custom templates.

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