
The content endpoints provide additional endpoints to the Umbraco Content Delivery API to help with fetching product related content.

Gets a multi-variants content

By default the variants property editor from Umbraco Commerce will only return attribute information with a product node to save on excessive payload sizes. The variants endpoint can be called to dynamically fetch an attibute combinations content only when it is requested.



Path parameters
idstring uuidrequired

The ID of the content item that has an Umbraco Commerce variants property editor defined on it

Example: 3658dedd-98e1-4d3f-b7a5-9bd37144a16f
Query parameters

The attribute combination of the variant to return

Example: ["key1:value1","key2:value2"]
curl -L \
  --url '/umbraco/delivery/api/v1/content/item/{id}/variant?attribute=text'
  "content": {
    "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
    "contentType": "text",
    "properties": {
      "ANY_ADDITIONAL_PROPERTY": "anything"
  "attributes": {
  "isDefault": true

Last updated

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