Rendering Forms

Learn the different ways of rendering a form on your website when using Umbraco Forms.

There are two options available for rendering a form.

Rendering Using a View Component

To display a form in your view, you can make a call to a view component. You can use a forms GUID directly or add a form dynamically by referencing a form selected via a Forms Picker.

When selecting a theme, it can be added directly as a string or dynamically by referencing a theme picked via a Theme Picker.

@await Component.InvokeAsync("RenderForm", new { formId = @Model.Form, 
                                                 theme = @Model.Theme,
                                                 includeScripts = false })

This example uses a Forms Picker with form as alias, and a Theme Picker with theme as alias.

Six parameters can be provided:

  • formId is the GUID of a form.

  • theme is the name of a theme. If not provided, the default theme is used (see Themes).

  • includeScripts indicates whether scripts should be rendered with the form (see Rendering Scripts.

  • recordId is an optional existing record GUID, used if editing records via the website is enabled in configuration

  • redirectToPageId is an optional GUID for a content page that, if provided, is redirected to once the form has been submitted. It will be used in preference to post-submission behavior defined on the form itself.

  • additionalData is an optional dictionary of string values. When provided it will be used as a source for "magic string" replacements. The data will be associated with the created record and made available for custom logic or update within workflows.

The following example shows how the additionalData parameter is used:

var additionalData = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "foo", "bar" }, { "buzz", "baz" } };
@await Component.InvokeAsync("RenderForm", new { formId = @Model.Form, theme = @Model.Theme, includeScripts = false, additionalData })

Rendering Using a Tag Helper

If you prefer a tag helper syntax, you can use one that ships with Umbraco Forms.

Firstly, in your _ViewImports.cshtml file, add a reference to the Umbraco Forms tag helpers with:

@addTagHelper *, Umbraco.Forms.Web

Then in your view you can use:

@if (Model.Form.HasValue)
    var additionalData = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "foo", "bar" }, { "buzz", "baz" } };
    <umb-forms-render form-id="@Model.FormId.Value" 
                      additional-data="@additionalData" />

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