Release Notes

Get an overview of the things changed and fixed in each version of Umbraco Forms.

In this section, we have summarized the changes to Umbraco Forms released in each version. Each version is presented with a link to the Forms issue tracker showing a list of issues resolved in the release. We also link to the individual issues themselves from the detail.

If there are any breaking changes or other issues to be aware of when upgrading they are also noted here.

If you are upgrading to a new major version, you can find information about the breaking changes in the Version Specific Upgrade Notes article.

Release History

This section contains the release notes for Umbraco Forms 14 including all changes for this version.

14.1.0 (July 23rd 2024)

The 14.1.0 release contains minor changes to the mark-up in the following Razor files shipped with the product: Form.cshtml, FieldType.RadioButtonList.cshtml, and FieldType.CheckBoxList.cshtml. These changes were made to resolve issues #1220 and #1218.

Please ensure to check the rendering of these features on website forms after the upgrade. If you need to view the files to compare changes, you can download and view the latest and previous versions.

  • All issues from earlier 14.1 release candidates.

  • Ensured prevalues can be retrieved outside of an HTTP request context when they depend on a static root node #1258.

14.1.0-rc2 (July 18th 2024)

  • Added configuration option AllowedFileUploadExtensions to provide an "allow list" of extensions that will be accepted in file uploads via forms #1252.

    • Read more about this and related settings here.

  • Allowed users without sensitive data permissions to set, but not remove, the sensitive flag on a form field #1233.

  • Ordered select list of prevalue sources when defining prevalues for a form field.

  • Limited the field preview for a field containing prevalues.

  • Improved support for editing large, multi-page forms by retaining scroll position between views and adding a "jump to page" option #1243.

  • Resolved intermittent issues with display of entries list #1256.

14.1.0-rc1 (July 9th 2024)

  • Added setting option for single and multiple choice fields to allow for vertical or horizontal display #1218

  • Updated themes such that accessibility is improved by having hidden labels remain in markup but be visually hidden #1220.

  • Added new setting type for multiple text strings #1217

  • Added validation to prevent users defining an email workflow that allows the form's sender email to be defined as that entered by the user #1210

  • Allowed for the provision of additional data when rendering and submitting forms. When provided it will be used as a source for "magic string" replacements. The data will be associated with the created record and made available for custom logic and update within workflows. #578

  • Added details of workflow type to edit workflow dialog #1183

  • Allowed for use of prevalue sources that customize based on the current form or field in backoffice editing and preview #1221

  • Ensured links to Umbraco pages within rich text fields used for emails are correctly parsed #1208.

  • Added body rich text field for send email with Razor template workflow #1198.

  • Fixed console error with blank values in the date picker field #1241.

  • Ensured placeholders are parsed for accepted entry response from the delivery API #1238.

  • Resolved issues with intermittent failures of the form entries table display #1239.

14.0.2 (June 11th 2024)

  • Fixed issue with upload of text file for the prevalue source based on file contents.

14.0.1 (June 6th 2024)

  • Ensured local links are parsed when HTML fields are returned in the delivery API results for form definitions #1227.

  • Restored target used to generate local configuration schema information #1226.

  • Resolved duplicate approval occurring when the record is approved via a workflow #1223.

  • Added some missing localization keys and translations.

  • Fixed description of management API on Swagger UI.

  • Fixed display of specific form access list for user and group security.

14.0.0 (May 30th 2024)


14.0.0 (May 30th 2024)

  • Compatibility with Umbraco 14, Forms 14 and Deploy 14.

Legacy release notes

You can find the release notes for versions out of support in the Legacy documentation on Github and Umbraco Forms Package page.

Last updated