

Table of Contents

Common Headers

Accept-Language: {culture}
Api-Version: 2
Umb-Project-Alias: {project-alias}


The depth querystring parameter controls how many levels of referenced Content or Media items that is included in the result.

Lets say a Content item have a Multi Node Tree Picker and one of the Content items that can be picked have a Media Picker. In this case, if the level is set to 1 the returned data will contain the referenced Content items, but their Media property will be null. To include the Media property (which is at level 2) the depth parameter should be 2 or higher.

The lowest supported depth value is 0 and the highest is 5.


If an error occours you will receive a HTTP status code along with an API error code and an error message in the response body.

Status Code
Error Code



The following cultures were requested: {cultures}. At most, only a single culture may be specified. Please update the intended culture and retry the request.



Could not find a language for culture {culture}.



Authorization has been denied for this request.



Published content with id '{id}' and culture '{culture}' could not be found.



Internal server error.

JSON example:

  "error": {
    "code": "LanguageForCultureNotFound",
    "message": "Could not find a language for culture en-GB."

Get root content

Gets all published content at the root of the tree.

URL: /content

Method: GET

Query Strings


Success Response

Code: 200

Content Example:

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Get by id

Get a single published content by its ID.

URL: /content/{id}

Method: GET

Query Strings


Success Response

Code: 200

Content Example:

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Get by URL

Get a single published content by its URL.

URL: /content/url?url={url}

Method: GET

Query Strings


Success Response

Code: 200

Content Example:

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Get by type

Get content by its Content Type.

Use the Content Type alias to filter all returned content to that specific type.

Example: GET /content/type?contentType=product gets all content based on the product Content Type.

URL: /content/type?contentType={string}

Method: GET

Query Strings


Success Response

Code: 200

Content Example:

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Get ancestors

Get ancestors of a single published content.

URL: /content/{id}/ancestors

Method: GET

Query Strings


Success Response

Code: 200

Content Example:

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Get children

Get children of a single published content.

URL: /content/{id}/children

Method: GET

Query Strings


Success Response

Code: 200

Content Example:

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Get descendants

Get descendants of a single published content.

URL: /content/{id}/descendants

Method: GET

Query Strings


Success Response

Code: 200

Content Example:

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Content Filter

Get content filtered by property values and optionally content type.

This endpoint can be used for advanced filtering of content based on the value of specific properties. You can choose to filter on one or more properties by their alias and a value. The matching criteria include whether the property contains or is like the passed-in value.

Say you have a property with an alias called "title" and you want all content, which contains the word "world". The payload you post to the /content/filter endpoint would be as shown below.

  "contentTypeAlias": "",
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Setting the above properties to "hello world" results in content with a "title" property containing either "hello" or "world" as values.

If you want the value of a property to match on both "page" and "pages" then you could use like with a payload as shown below.

  "contentTypeAlias": "",
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Filtering is performed on individual content items, indicating that content matching is not conducted on related content or media.

URL: /content/filter

Method: POST

Query Strings



This endpoint is available from API-Version: 2.1. Specify the header as shown below when using the REST API.

Api-Version: 2.1
Umb-Project-Alias: {project-alias}


In this example, we perform a filter with criteria for a "productName"-property containing the value "Jacket" and a "description"-property containing the value "Vivamus". Additionally, the Document Type should have the alias "product."

At least one object with alias, value and match in the properties array is required. The contentTypeAlias is optional and the match property can be either CONTAINS or LIKE.

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Success Response

Code: 200

Content Example:

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Search for published content by keyword.

URL: /content/search?term={string}

Method: GET

Query Strings


Success Response

Code: 200

Content Example:

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Last updated

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