Schema Generation

Documentation for Umbraco Heartcore GraphQL schema generation

The GraphQL schema is generated from the Content Types upon creation, and it is generated when a Content Type or a Data Type is changed.

The type name is the Content Type's alias in Pascal Case, e.g. if a Content Type has an alias of product it's GraphQL type name would be Product.

Table of Contents


The types generated depends on how the Content Types are configured.

If a Content Type is inherited from or used as a Composition it will be generated as an interface

interface NavigationBase {
  seoMetaDescription: String
  umbracoNavihide: Boolean

If the Document Type is marked as an Element Type it will implement the Element interface

type Feature implements Element {
  contentTypeAlias: String!
  featureName: String
  featureDescription: String

All other Content Types will implement either the Content or the Media interface, they will also implement all their Composition interfaces.

type Product implements Content & NavigationBase {
  ancestors(...): ContentConnection!
  category: [String]
  children(...): ContentConnection!
  contentTypeAlias: String!
  createDate: DateTime!
  descendants(...): ContentConnection!
  description: String
  features: [Element]
  id: ID!
  level: Int!
  name: String
  parent: Content
  photos: Media
  price: Decimal
  productName: String
  sku: String
  sortOrder: Int!
  seoMetaDescription: String
  umbracoNavihide: Boolean
  updateDate: DateTime
  url: String

A Connection and an Edge type will also be generated, these are used when quering Content of a specific type.

type ProductConnection {
  edges: [ProductEdge]
  pageInfo: PageInfo

type ProductEdge {
  cursor: String!
  node: Product


All properties on a Content Type is generated as a field on the GraphQL type. See the Property Editors page for which types the editors are returning.

If a property is marked as Allow varying by culture, a culture argument is added to that field. The argument is optional and will fallback to the parent fields culture or the default culture if none is specified.

type Product implements Content & NavigationBase {
  productName(culture: String): String

Root Query

The Query type is the entry to the GraphQL API. By default it contains two fields, one to get a single Content item by ID or url and one to get all Content.

type Query {
  Get Content by its unique identifier or url. Either id or url must be specified but not both.
    The unique identifier of the content.
    id: ID,
    The url of the content.
    url: String,
    The culture to fetch the content in. If empty the default culture will be used.
    culture: String
    Specifies if draft content should be returned. Requires the request to be authenticated.
    preview: Boolean
  ): Content
  Get all Content.
    Specifies the number of edges to return starting from `after` or the first entry if `after` is not specified.
    first: Int,
    Only look at connected edges with cursors greater than the value of `after`.
    after: String,
    Specifies the number of edges to return counting reversely from `before`, or the last entry if `before` is not specified.
    last: Int,
    Only look at connected edges with cursors smaller than the value of `before`.
    before: String,
    The culture to fetch the value in. If empty the default culture will be used.
    culture: String,
    Specifies if draft content should be returned. Requires the request to be authenticated.
    preview: Boolean
    Filter the returned data.
    where: ContentFilterInput,
    Sort the returned data.
    orderBy: [ContentOrderByInput]
  ): ContentConnection!

For each Document Type that is not used as a Composition or marked as an Element Type, two fields will be generated on the Query type. One for getting a single Content item by either it's ID or url and a field for getting all Content of that specific type.

type Query {
  allProduct(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, culture: String, preview: Boolean, where: ProductFilterInput, orderBy: [ProductOrderByInput]): ProductConnection!
  product(culture: String, id: ID, url: String, preview: Boolean): Product

Reserved Type Names and Property Aliases

GraphQL requires that type names are unique. If a Content Type will collide with one of the reserved names the type will be excluded from generation.

The same applies to Properties. If a Property alias is a reserved one it will also be excluded from generation.

Reserved Type Names

List of reserved type names, these cannot be used as an alias for Content Types.

The GraphQL type name is the Content Type alias converted to Pascal Case.

  • BigInt

  • BlockGrid

  • BlockGridArea

  • BlockGridItem

  • BlockListItem

  • Byte

  • Content

  • Date

  • DateTime

  • DateTimeOffset

  • Decimal

  • DecimalRange

  • Element

  • Guid

  • HTML

  • ImageCropAnchor

  • ImageCropFormat

  • ImageCropMode

  • ImageCropper

  • ImageCropperCrop

  • ImageCropperCropCoordinates

  • ImageCropperFocalPoint

  • ImageCropRatioMode

  • JSON

  • Link

  • LinkType

  • Long

  • Media

  • MediaConnection

  • MediaEdge

  • Milliseconds

  • OurUmbracoGMaps

  • OurUmbracoGMapsAddress

  • OurUmbracoGMapsCoordinate

  • OurUmbracoGMapsMapConfig

  • OurUmbracoGMapsMapType

  • PageInfo

  • PickedColor

  • Query

  • SByte

  • Seconds

  • Short

  • UInt

  • ULong

  • Uri

  • UShort

Reserved Element Type Property Names

List of reserved Element Type Property names, these cannot be used as a Property alias on an Element Type.

  • contentTypeAlias

Reserved Content Type Property Names

List of reserved Content Type Property names, these cannot be used as a Property alias on a Content Type.

  • ancestors

  • children

  • contentTypeAlias

  • createDate

  • descendants

  • id

  • level

  • name

  • parent

  • content

  • parentId

  • sortOrder

  • updateDate

  • url

Reserved Media Type Property Names

List of reserved Media Type Property names, these cannot be used as a Property alias on a Media Type.

  • ancestors

  • children

  • createDate

  • descendants

  • id

  • level

  • mediaTypeAlias

  • name

  • parent

  • sortOrder

  • updateDate

  • url

Built-in Custom Types

The Umbraco Heartcore GraphQL schema contains some default types, below you can find a list of these types.

The Property Editors page contains a list of all the Property Editors and which GraphQL types they return.

Block Grid

type BlockGrid {
    Items in the grid.
    items: [BlockGridItem]!

    Number of columns in the grid.
    gridColumns: Int!


  contentPage {
    blocks {


  "data": {
    "contentPage": {
      "blocks": {
        "gridColumns": 12

Block Grid Area

type BlockGridArea {
    Name of the area.
    alias: String!

    Items in the area.
    items: [BlockGridItem]!

    Number of rows spanned by the area.
    rowSpan: Int!

    Number of columns spanned by the area.
    columnSpan: Int!


  contentPage {
    blocks {
      items {
        areas: {
          items {


  "data": {
    "contentPage": {
      "blocks": {
        "items": [{
          "areas": [{
            "alias": "mainArea",
            "columnSpan": 12,
            "items": [{
              "title": "Essential Heartcore Tips: Volume 4"

Block Grid Item

type BlockGridItem {
    The content.
    content: Element!

    The settings.
    settings: Element

    Number of rows spanned by the item.
    rowSpan: Int!

    Number of columns spanned by the item.
    columSpan: Int!

    Number of columns in child areas.
    areaGridColumns: Int!

    Number of columns in child areas.
    areas: [BlockGridArea]


  contentPage {
    blocks {
      items: {
        content: {
        settings: {


  "data": {
    "contentPage": {
      "blocks": {
        "items": [{
          "content": {
            "title": "Essential Heartcore Tips: Volume 7"
          "settings": {
            "openLinkInNewTab": false
          "rowSpan": 1,
          "columnSpan": 4

Block List Item

type BlockListItem {
    The content.
    content: Element!

    The settings.
    settings: Element


  textPage {
    elements {
      content {
      settings {


  "data": {
    "textPage": {
      "elements": [{
        "content": {
          "title": "Why use Umbraco Heartcore?"
        "settings" {
          "showLargeImage": true

Decimal Range

# Represents a range of decimals.
type DecimalRange {
  Maximum value of the range.
  maximum: Decimal!
  Minimum value of the range.
  minimum: Decimal!


  product {
    durability {


  "data": {
    "product": {
      "durability": {
        "minimum": 7,
        "maximum": 10


A string containing HTML code.
scalar HTML


  product {


  "data": {
    "product": {
      "description": "<p>A nice leather jacket.</p>"

Image Cropper

type ImageCropper {
  The predefined crops.
  crops: [ImageCropperCrop]!
  The image url with crop parameters.
    The crop alias.
    alias: String
    Change background color of the image.
    backgroundColor: String
    The width of the output image.
    width: Int
    The height of the output image.
    height: Int
    Quality percentage of the output image.
    quality: Int
    The image crop mode.
    cropMode: ImageCropMode
    The image crop anchor.
    cropAnchor: ImageCropAnchor
    Use a dimension as a ratio.
    ratioMode: ImageCropRatioMode
    The format of the output image.
    format: ImageCropFormat
    Use focal point to generate an output image using the focal point instead of the predefined crop if there is one.
    preferFocalPoint: Boolean = false
    If the image should be upscaled to requested dimensions.
    upscale: Boolean = false
  ): String
  The focal point position.
  focalPoint: ImageCropperFocalPoint!
  The focal point url template.
  focalPointUrlTemplate: String!
  The image url.
  url: String!


  product {
    photo {
      cropUrl(width: 1980, height: 430)


  "data": {
    "product": {
      "photo": {
        "cropUrl": ""

Image Crop Anchor

enum ImageCropAnchor {
  Anchors the position of the image to the bottom of it's bounding container.
  Anchors the position of the image to the bottom left side of it's bounding container.
  Anchors the position of the image to the bottom right side of it's bounding container.
  Anchors the position of the image to the center of it's bounding container.
  Anchors the position of the image to the left of it's bounding container.
  Anchors the position of the image to the right of it's bounding container.
  Anchors the position of the image to the top of it's bounding container.
  Anchors the position of the image to the top left side of it's bounding container.
  Anchors the position of the image to the top right side of it's bounding container.


  product {
    photo {
      cropUrl(width:1980, height: 430, cropAnchor: TOP_LEFT)


  "data": {
    "product": {
      "photo": {
        "cropUrl": ""

Image Crop Format

enum ImageCropFormat {


  product {
    photo {
      cropUrl(width:1980, height: 430, format: WEBP)


  "data": {
    "product": {
      "photo": {
        "cropUrl": ""

Image Crop Mode

enum ImageCropMode {
  When upscaling an image the image pixels themselves are not resized, rather the image is padded to fit the given dimensions.
  Resizes the image to the given dimensions. If the set dimensions do not match the aspect ratio of the original image then the output is cropped to match the new aspect ratio.
  Resizes the image to the given dimensions. If the set dimensions do not match the aspect ratio of the original image then the output is resized to the maximum possible value in each direction while maintaining the original aspect ratio.
  Resizes the image until the shortest side reaches the set given dimension. This will maintain the aspect ratio of the original image. Upscaling is disabled in this mode and the original image will be returned if attempted.
  Passing a single dimension will automatically preserve the aspect ratio of the original image. If the requested aspect ratio is different then the image will be padded to fit.
  Resizes the image to the given dimensions. If the set dimensions do not match the aspect ratio of the original image then the output is stretched to match the new aspect ratio.


  product {
    photo {
      cropUrl(width:1980, height: 430, cropMode: PAD)


  "data": {
    "product": {
      "photo": {
        "cropUrl": ""

Image Crop Ratio Mode

enum ImageCropRatioMode {
  Calculate the image ratio based on the height.
  Calculate the image ratio based on the width.


  product {
    photo {
      cropUrl(width:1980, height: 430, ratioMode: WIDTH)


  "data": {
    "product": {
      "photo": {
        "cropUrl": ""

Image Cropper Crop

type ImageCropperCrop {
  The crop alias.
  alias: String!
  The crop coordinates.
  coordinates: ImageCropperCropCoordinates
  The crop height.
  height: Int!
  The crop width.
  width: Int!


  product {
    photo {
      crops {


  "data": {
    "product": {
      "photo": {
        "crops": {
          "alias": "Hero",
          "height": 600,
          "width": 1580

Image Cropper Crop Coordinates

type ImageCropperCropCoordinates {
  x1: Decimal!
  x2: Decimal!
  y1: Decimal!
  y2: Decimal!


  product {
    photo {
      crops {
        coordinates {


  "data": {
    "product": {
      "photo": {
        "crops": {
          "coordinates": {
            "x1": 0.08901424149934925,
            "x2": 0.055992598445931165,
            "y1": 0.3183501211863771,
            "y2": 0.4660414375419126

Image Cropper Focal Point

type ImageCropperFocalPoint {
  The left position.
  left: Decimal!
  The top position.
  top: Decimal!


  product {
    photo {
      focalPoint {


  "data": {
    "product": {
      "photo": {
        "focalPoint": {
          "left": 0.5,
          "top": 0.5


The `JSON` scalar type represents JSON values as specified by [ECMA-404](
scalar JSON


  product {


  "data": {
    "product": {
      "data": {
        "size": "100x100x100 mm",
        "weight": "300 g"
type Link {
  The name of the Link.
  name: String!
  The link target.
  target: String
  The link type.
  type: LintType!
  The link udi if type is CONTENT or MEDIA.
  udi: String
  The url.
  url: String!


  product {
    link {


  "data": {
    "product": {
      "link": {
        "name": "Umbraco",
        "target": "_blank",
        "type": "EXTERNAL",
        "udi": null,
        "url": ""
enum LintType {
  The link is a Content link.
  The link is an external link.
  The link is a media link.


  product {
    link {


  "data": {
    "product": {
      "link": {
        "type": "CONTENT"

Media With Crops

type MediaWithCrops {
  The predefined crops.
  crops: [ImageCropperCrop]!
  The image url with crop parameters.
    The crop alias.
    alias: String
    Change background color of the image.
    backgroundColor: String
    The width of the output image.
    width: Int
    The height of the output image.
    height: Int
    Quality percentage of the output image.
    quality: Int
    The image crop mode.
    cropMode: ImageCropMode
    The image crop anchor.
    cropAnchor: ImageCropAnchor
    Use a dimension as a ratio.
    ratioMode: ImageCropRatioMode
    The format of the output image.
    format: ImageCropFormat
    Use focal point to generate an output image using the focal point instead of the predefined crop if there is one.
    preferFocalPoint: Boolean = false
    If the image should be upscaled to requested dimensions.
    upscale: Boolean = false
  ): String
  The focal point position.
  focalPoint: ImageCropperFocalPoint!
  The focal point url template.
  focalPointUrlTemplate: String!
  The media
  media: Media!
  The image url.
  url: String!


  product {
    photo {
      cropUrl(width: 1980, height: 430)


  "data": {
    "product": {
      "photo": {
        "cropUrl": ""

Our Umbraco GMaps

type OurUmbracoGMaps {
  address: OurUmbracoGMapsAddress
  mapconfig: OurUmbracoGMapsMapConfig


  frontpage {
    location {
      address {
        coordinates {
      mapconfig {


  "data": {
    "frontpage": {
      "location": {
        "address": {
          "lat": 55.4063759,
          "lng": 10.3887197
        "mapconfig": {
          "zoom": 19

Our Umbraco GMaps Address

type OurUmbracoGMapsAddress {
  coordinates: OurUmbracoGMapsCoordinate


  frontpage {
    location {
      address {
        coordinates {


  "data": {
    "frontpage": {
      "location": {
        "address": {
          "lat": 55.4063759,
          "lng": 10.3887197

Our Umbraco GMaps Config

type OurUmbracoGMapsMapConfig {
  apikey: String
  zoom: Int
  centerCoordinates: OurUmbracoGMapsCoordinate
  maptype: OurUmbracoGMapsMapType
  mapstyle: JSON


  frontpage {
    location {
      mapconfig {
        centerCoordinates {


  "data": {
    "frontpage": {
      "location": {
        "mapconfig": {
          "apikey": "my-api-key",
          "zoom": 19,
          "centerCoordinates": {
            "lat": 55.4063759,
            "lng": 10.3887197
          "maptype": "satellite"

Our Umbraco GMaps Coordinate

type OurUmbracoGMapsCoordinate {
  coordinates: String
  lat: Decimal
  lng: Decimal
  isEmpty: Boolean


  frontpage {
    location {
      address {
        coordinates {


  "data": {
    "frontpage": {
      "location": {
        "address": {
          "coordinates": "55.4063759,10.3887197",
          "lat": 55.4063759,
          "lng": 10.3887197,
          "isEmpty": false

Our Umbraco GMaps Map Type

enum OurUmbracoGMapsMapType {

Page Info

Information about pagination in a connection.
type PageInfo {
  When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue.
  endCursor: String
  When paginating forwards, are there more items?
  hasNextPage: Boolean!
  When paginating backwards, are there more items?
  hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
  When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue.
  startCursor: String


  allProduct(first: 2) {
    pageInfo {


  "data": {
    "allProduct": {
      "pageInfo": {
        "endCursor": "eyJ0cmVlUGF0aCI6WzYsMV19",
        "hasNextPage": true,
        "hasPreviousPage": false,
        "startCursor": "eyJ0cmVlUGF0aCI6WzYsMF19"

Picked Color

type PickedColor {
  The color.
  color: String!
  The label.
  label: String!


  product {


  "data": {
    "product": {
      "color": {
        "color": "ff0000",
        "label": "Red"


interface Element {
  The Content Type alias.
  contentTypeAlias: String!


  product {
    features {


  "data": {
    "product": {
      "features": {
        "contentTypeAlias": "feature"


interface Content {
    The ancestors.
        Specifies the number of edges to return starting from `after` or the first entry if `after` is not specified.
        first: Int,
        Only look at connected edges with cursors greater than the value of `after`.
        after: String,
        Specifies the number of edges to return counting reversely from `before`, or the last entry if `before` is not specified.
        last: Int,
        Only look at connected edges with cursors smaller than the value of `before`.
        before: String
        The culture to fetch the value in. If empty the contents culture will be used.
        culture: String
        Filter the returned data.
        where: ContentFilterInput,
        Sort the returned data.
        orderBy: [ContentOrderByInput],
    ): ContentConnection!
    The children.
        Specifies the number of edges to return starting from `after` or the first entry if `after` is not specified.
        first: Int,
        Only look at connected edges with cursors greater than the value of `after`.
        after: String,
        Specifies the number of edges to return counting reversely from `before`, or the last entry if `before` is not specified.
        last: Int,
        Only look at connected edges with cursors smaller than the value of `before`.
        before: String
        The culture to fetch the value in. If empty the contents culture will be used.
        culture: String
        Filter the returned data.
        where: ContentFilterInput,
        Sort the returned data.
        orderBy: [ContentOrderByInput],
    ): ContentConnection!
    The Content Type alias.
    contentTypeAlias: String!
    The create date.
    createDate: DateTime!
    The descendants.
        Specifies the number of edges to return starting from `after` or the first entry if `after` is not specified.
        first: Int,
        Only look at connected edges with cursors greater than the value of `after`.
        after: String,
        Specifies the number of edges to return counting reversely from `before`, or the last entry if `before` is not specified.
        last: Int,
        Only look at connected edges with cursors smaller than the value of `before`.
        before: String
        The culture to fetch the value in. If empty the contents culture will be used.
        culture: String
        Filter the returned data.
        where: ContentFilterInput,
        Sort the returned data.
        orderBy: [ContentOrderByInput],
    ): ContentConnection!
    The unique identifier.
    id: ID!
    The level.
    level: Int!
    The name.
        The culture to fetch the value in. If empty the contents culture will be used.
        culture: String
    ): String
    The parent Content, can be null if content is at root.
        The culture to fetch the value in. If empty the contents culture will be used.
        culture: String
    ): Content
    The sort order.
    sortOrder: Int!
    The update date.
        The culture to fetch the value in. If empty the contents culture will be used.
        culture: String
    ): DateTime
    The url.
        The culture to fetch the value in. If empty the contents culture will be used.
        culture: String
    ): String

Content Connection

A connection from an object to a list of objects of type `Content`.
type ContentConnection {
  A list of all of the objects returned in the connection.
  This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API;
  rather than querying for \"{ edges { node } }\" when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead.
  Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the \"cursor\" field on the edge to enable efficient pagination,
  this shortcut cannot be used, "and the full \"{ edges { node } } \" version should be used instead.
  items: [Content]!
  A list of edges.
  edges: [ContentEdge]!
  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

Content Edge

An edge in a connection from an object to another object of type `Content`
type ContentEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!
  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: Content


interface Media {
  The ancestors.
      Specifies the number of edges to return starting from `after` or the first entry if `after` is not specified.
      first: Int,
      Only look at connected edges with cursors greater than the value of `after`.
      after: String,
      Specifies the number of edges to return counting reversely from `before`, or the last entry if `before` is not specified.
      last: Int,
      Only look at connected edges with cursors smaller than the value of `before`.
      before: String
  ): MediaConnection!
  The children.
    Specifies the number of edges to return starting from `after` or the first entry if `after` is not specified.
    first: Int,
    Only look at connected edges with cursors greater than the value of `after`.
    after: String,
    Specifies the number of edges to return counting reversely from `before`, or the last entry if `before` is not specified.
    last: Int,
    Only look at connected edges with cursors smaller than the value of `before`.
    before: String
  ): MediaConnection!
  The create date.
  createDate: DateTime!
  The descendants.
    Specifies the number of edges to return starting from `after` or the first entry if `after` is not specified.
    first: Int,
    Only look at connected edges with cursors greater than the value of `after`.
    after: String,
    Specifies the number of edges to return counting reversely from `before`, or the last entry if `before` is not specified.
    last: Int,
    Only look at connected edges with cursors smaller than the value of `before`.
    before: String
  ): MediaConnection!
  The unique identifier.
  id: ID!
  The level.
  level: Int!
  The Media Type alias
  mediaTypeAlias: String!
  The name.
  name: String!
  The parent Content, can be null if content is at root.
  parent: Media
  The sort order.
  sortOrder: Int!
  The update date.
  updateDate: DateTime
  The url.
    Change the background color of the image.
    backgroundColor: String,
    The width of the output image.
    width: Int,
    The height of the output image.
    height: Int,
    Quality percentage of the output image.
    quality: Int,
    The image crop mode.
    cropMode: ImageCropMode,
    The image crop anchor.
    cropAnchor: ImageCropAnchor,
    Use a dimension as a ratio.
    ratioMode: ImageCropRatioMode,
    If the image should be upscaled to requested dimensions.
    upscale: Boolean = false,
    Change the format of the output image.
    format: ImageCropFormat
  ): String

Media Connection

A connection from an object to a list of objects of type `Media`.
type MediaConnection {
  A list of all of the objects returned in the connection.
  This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API;
  rather than querying for \"{ edges { node } }\" when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead.
  Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the \"cursor\" field on the edge to enable efficient pagination,
  this shortcut cannot be used, "and the full \"{ edges { node } } \" version should be used instead.
  items: [Media]!
  A list of edges.
  edges: [MediaEdge]!
  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

Media Edge

An edge in a connection from an object to another object of type `Media`
type MediaEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!
  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: Media


For all Document Types a FilterInput type is generated. The name is the type name postfixed by FilterInput e.g. given a type named Product the name will be ProductFilterInput.

Default Filter Fields

To filter the allContent field, ancestors, children and descendants connections the ContentFilterInput is used.

All filter inputs for Content Types will also have the default fields.

A filter input for the type `Content`.
input ContentFilterInput {
  All of the filters must match.
  AND: [ContentFilterInput]
  Some of the filters must match.
  OR: [ContentFilterInput]
  None of the filters must match.
  NOT: [ContentFilterInput]
  Field must equal value.
  contentTypeAlias: String
  Field must match any of the values.
  contentTypeAlias_any: [String]
  Field must start with the value.
  contentTypeAlias_starts_with: String
  Field must end with the value.
  contentTypeAlias_ends_with: String
  Field must contain the value.
  contentTypeAlias_contains: String
  Field must equal value.
  createDate: DateTime
  Field must be greater than the value.
  createDate_gt: DateTime
  Field must be greater than or equal the value.
  createDate_gte: DateTime
  Field must be less than the value.
  createDate_lt: DateTime
  Field must be less than or equal the value.
  createDate_lte: DateTime
  Field must equal value.
  id: ID
  Field must match any of the values.
  id_any: [ID]
  Field must equal value.
  level: Int
  Field must be greater than the value.
  level_gt: Int
  Field must be greater than or equal the value.
  level_gte: Int
  Field must be less than the value.
  level_lt: Int
  Field must be less than or equal the value.
  level_lte: Int
  Field must match any of the values.
  level_any: [Int]
  Field must equal value.
  name: String
  Field must match any of the values.
  name_any: [String]
  Field must start with the value.
  name_starts_with: String
  Field must end with the value.
  name_ends_with: String
  Field must contain the value.
  name_contains: String
  Field must equal value.
  sortOrder: Int
  Field must be greater than the value.
  sortOrder_gt: Int
  Field must be greater than or equal the value.
  sortOrder_gte: Int
  Field must be less than the value.
  sortOrder_lt: Int
  Field must be less than or equal the value.
  sortOrder_lte: Int
  Field must match any of the values.
  sortOrder_any: [Int]
  Field must equal value.
  updateDate: DateTime
  Field must be greater than the value.
  updateDate_gt: DateTime
  Field must be greater than or equal the value.
  updateDate_gte: DateTime
  Field must be less than the value.
  updateDate_lt: DateTime
  Field must be less than or equal the value.
  updateDate_lte: DateTime

Filtering is possible only on non-complex Property Editors like Text Area and Label. Filtering on more complex types like Content Picker and Multi-node Tree Picker has to be done client-side.


For fields returning String the following filter fields are generated.

Given the following type:

Product implements Content {
  sku: String

The following type will be generated, incl. the fields from the ContentFilterInput.

A filter input for the type `Product`.
input ProductFilterInput {
  All of the filters must match.
  AND: [ProductFilterInput]
  Some of the filters must match.
  OR: [ProductFilterInput]
  None of the filters must match.
  NOT: [ProductFilterInput]
  Field must equal value.
  sku: String
  Field must match any of the values.
  sku_any: [String]
  Field must start with the value.
  sku_starts_with: String
  Field must end with the value.
  sku_ends_with: String
  Field must contain the value.
  sku_contains: String


For fields returning Int or Decimal the following filters are generated.

The type is either Int or Decimal depending on the output type.

Given the following type:

Product implements Content {
  price: Decimal

The following type will be generated, incl. the fields from the ContentFilterInput.

A filter input for the type `Product`.
input ProductFilterInput {
  All of the filters must match.
  AND: [ProductFilterInput]
  Some of the filters must match.
  OR: [ProductFilterInput]
  None of the filters must match.
  NOT: [ProductFilterInput]
  Field must equal value.
  price: Decimal
  Field must be greater than the value.
  price_gt: Decimal
  Field must be greater than or equal to the value.
  price_gte: Decimal
  Field must be less than the value.
  price_lt: Decimal
  Field must be less than or equal to the value.
  price_lte: Decimal
  Field must match any of the values.
  price_any: [Decimal]


For types returning Boolean the following filters are generated.

Given the following type:

Product implements Content {
  purchase: Boolean

The following type will be generated, incl. the fields from the ContentFilterInput.

A filter input for the type `Product`.
input ProductFilterInput {
  All of the filters must match.
  AND: [ProductFilterInput]
  Some of the filters must match.
  OR: [ProductFilterInput]
  None of the filters must match.
  NOT: [ProductFilterInput]
  # Field must equal value.
  purchase: Boolean


For types returning Content the ContentFilterInput is used.


For types returning DateTime the following filters are generated.

Given the following type:

Product implements Content {
  availableDate: DateTime

The following type will be generated, incl. the fields from the ContentFilterInput.

A filter input for the type `Product`.
input ProductFilterInput {
  All of the filters must match.
  AND: [ProductFilterInput]
  Some of the filters must match.
  OR: [ProductFilterInput]
  None of the filters must match.
  NOT: [ProductFilterInput]
  Field must equal value.
  availableDate: DateTime
  Field must be greater than the value.
  availableDate_gt: DateTime
  Field must be greater than or equal to the value.
  availableDate_gte: DateTime
  Field must be less than the value.
  availableDate_lt: DateTime
  Field must be less than or equal to the value.
  availableDate_lte: DateTime


For types returning Media the MediaFilterInput is used.

A filter input for the type `Media`.
input MediaFilterInput {
  All of the filters must match.
  AND: [MediaFilterInput]
  Some of the filters must match.
  OR: [MediaFilterInput]
  None of the filters must match.
  NOT: [MediaFilterInput]
  Field must equal value.
  mediaTypeAlias: String
  Field must match any of the values.
  mediaTypeAlias_any: [String]
  Field must start with the value.
  mediaTypeAlias_starts_with: String
  Field must end with the value.
  mediaTypeAlias_ends_with: String
  Field must contain the value.
  mediaTypeAlias_contains: String
  Field must equal value.
  createDate: DateTime
  Field must be greater than the value.
  createDate_gt: DateTime
  Field must be greater than or equal the value.
  createDate_gte: DateTime
  Field must be less than the value.
  createDate_lt: DateTime
  Field must be less than or equal the value.
  createDate_lte: DateTime
  Field must equal value.
  id: ID
  Field must match any of the values.
  id_any: [ID]
  Field must equal value.
  level: Int
  Field must be greater than the value.
  level_gt: Int
  Field must be greater than or equal the value.
  level_gte: Int
  Field must be less than the value.
  level_lt: Int
  Field must be less than or equal the value.
  level_lte: Int
  Field must match any of the values.
  level_any: [Int]
  Field must equal value.
  name: String
  Field must match any of the values.
  name_any: [String]
  Field must start with the value.
  name_starts_with: String
  Field must end with the value.
  name_ends_with: String
  Field must contain the value.
  name_contains: String
  Field must equal value.
  sortOrder: Int
  Field must be greater than the value.
  sortOrder_gt: Int
  Field must be greater than or equal the value.
  sortOrder_gte: Int
  Field must be less than the value.
  sortOrder_lt: Int
  Field must be less than or equal the value.
  sortOrder_lte: Int
  Field must match any of the values.
  sortOrder_any: [Int]
  Field must equal value.
  updateDate: DateTime
  Field must be greater than the value.
  updateDate_gt: DateTime
  Field must be greater than or equal the value.
  updateDate_gte: DateTime
  Field must be less than the value.
  updateDate_lt: DateTime
  Field must be less than or equal the value.
  updateDate_lte: DateTime


For types returning [Decimal], [Int] or [String] the following filters are generated.

The type is [Decimal], [Int] or [String] depending on the output type

Given the following type:

Product implements Content {
  tags: [String]

The following type will be generated, incl. the fields from the ContentFilterInput.

# A filter input for the type `Product`.
input ProductFilterInput {
  All of the filters must match.
  AND: [ProductFilterInput]
  Some of the filters must match.
  OR: [ProductFilterInput]
  None of the filters must match.
  NOT: [ProductFilterInput]
  Field must match all of the values.
  tags_all: [String]
  Field must match any of the values.
  tags_some: [String]


The result can be ordered by specifying a value for the orderBy argument.

An OrderBy type is generated for all Document Types. The name is the type name postfixed by OrderByInput e.g. given a type named Product the name will be ProductOrderByInput.

Fields returning DateTime, Decimal, Boolean, Int or String can be used to order by.

Default OrderBy Fields

To filter the allContent field, ancestors, children and descendants connections the ContentOrderBy is used.

All order by inputs for Content Types will also have the default fields.

An order input for the type `Content`.
enum ContentOrderByInput {
  Order by `contentTypeAlias` in ascending order.
  Order by `contentTypeAlias` in descending order.
  Order by `createDate` in ascending order.
  Order by `createDate` in descending order.
  Order by `level` in ascending order.
  Order by `level` in descending order.
  Order by `name` in ascending order.
  Order by `name` in descending order.
  Order by `path` in ascending order.
  Order by `path` in descending order.
  Order by `sortOrder` in ascending order.
  Order by `sortOrder` in descending order.
  Order by `updateDate` in ascending order.
  Order by `updateDate` in descending order.

### Custom OrderBy Fields

Given the following type:

Product implements Content {
  price: Decimal
  sku: String

The following type will be generated, incl. the fields from the ContentOrderByInput.

An order by input for the type `Product`.
enum ProductOrderByInput {
  Order by `price` in ascending order.
  Order by `price` in descending order.
  Order by `sku` in ascending order.
  # Order by `sku` in descending order.

Default ordering

If you don't specify any order the data returned will be ordered by the path they appear in, in the Umbraco Backoffice tree.

Last updated

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