Content Management Sample

Learn how to access and work with the Content Management API on your Umbraco Heartcore project.

This sample guide will cover how you can access and work with the Content Management API from the client library.


  • .NET/.NET Core (2.0 or newer) or .NET Framework (4.6.1 or newer)

Getting Started

  1. Add the Umbraco.Headless.Client.Net package to your project.

    dotnet add package Umbraco.Headless.Client.Net

  2. Add environment variables for your project alias and your API key.

        "Heartcore": {
            "ProjectAlias": "your-project-alias",
            "ApiKey": "your-api-key"
  3. Register the ContentManagementService to your dependency injection container. The registration of the ContentManagementService is handled by the AddUmbracoHeartcore extension method.

Program.cs / Startup.cs
builder.Services.AddUmbracoHeartcore(options =>
    //configure options
  1. Inject the ContentManagementService into your non-static class.

    private readonly ContentManagementService _contentManagementService;
    public UmbracoService(ContentManagementService contentManagementService)
        _contentManagementService = contentManagementService;

Now you are ready to start using the ContentManagementService.


When working with content, the ContentManagementService can Get, Create, Update, Publish, Unpublish, and Delete content.

Get Content

The ContentManagementService has three methods for getting content.


Gets all content at the root of the tree.

To use this method, call the method on the ContentManagementService instance:

var content = await _contentManagementService.Content.GetRoot();

GetById(Guid id)

Gets a specific content item matching a GUID.

To use this method, call the method on the ContentManagementService instance and pass in the GUID of the content item you want to get:

var content = await _contentManagementService.Content.GetById(yourGuidObject);
var content = await _contentManagementService.Content.GetById(Guid.Parse("your-guid-as-a-string"));

GetChildren(Guid id)

Gets all content that is a child of a specific content item.

To use this method, call the method on the ContentManagementService instance and pass the GUID of the content item to get the children:

var content = await _contentManagementService.Content.GetChildren(yourGuidObject);
var content = await _contentManagementService.Content.GetChildren(Guid.Parse("your-guid-as-a-string"));

Create Content

The ContentManagementService has one method for creating content.

Create(Content content)

Creates a new content item based on the passed-in Content object.

To use this method, call the method on the ContentManagementService instance and pass in the content item you want to create:

var newContent = await _contentManagementService.Content.Create(yourContentObject);

Update Content

The ContentManagementService has one method for updating content.

Update(Content content)

Updates an existing content item based on the passed-in Content object.

To use this method, call the method on the ContentManagementService instance and pass in the content item you want to update:

var updatedContent = await _contentManagementService.Content.Update(yourContentObject);

Publish Content

The ContentManagementService has one method for publishing content.

Publish(Guid id, string culture = "*")

Publishes an existing content item based on the passed-in GUID and culture.

To use this method, call the method on the ContentManagementService instance and pass in the GUID of the content item you want to publish:

var publishedContent = await _contentManagementService.Content.Publish(yourGuidObject);
var publishedContent = await _contentManagementService.Content.Publish(Guid.Parse("your-guid-as-a-string"));

Optionally, you can also pass in the culture of the content item you want to publish:

var publishedContent = await _contentManagementService.Content.Publish(yourGuidObject, "en-US");
var publishedContent = await _contentManagementService.Content.Publish(Guid.Parse("your-guid-as-a-string"), "en-US");

Unpublish Content

The ContentManagementService has one method for unpublishing content.

Unpublish(Guid id, string culture = "*")

Unpublishes an existing content item based on the passed-in GUID and culture.

To use this method, call the method on the ContentManagementService instance and pass in the GUID of the content item you want to unpublish:

var unpublishedContent = await _contentManagementService.Content.Unpublish(yourGuidObject);
var unpublishedContent = await _contentManagementService.Content.Unpublish(Guid.Parse("your-guid-as-a-string"));

Optionally, you can also pass in the culture you want to unpublish the content item in:

var unpublishedContent = await _contentManagementService.Content.Unpublish(yourGuidObject, "en-US");
var unpublishedContent = await _contentManagementService.Content.Unpublish(Guid.Parse("your-guid-as-a-string"), "en-US");

Delete Content

The ContentManagementService has one method for deleting content.

Delete(Guid id)

Deletes an existing content item based on the passed-in GUID.

To use this method, call the method on the ContentManagementService instance and pass in the GUID of the content item you want to delete:

var deletedContent = await _contentManagementService.Content.Delete(yourGuidObject);
var deletedContent = await _contentManagementService.Content.Delete(Guid.Parse("your-guid-as-a-string"));


When working with media, the ContentManagementService can Get, Create, Update and Delete media.

Get Media

The ContentManagementService has three methods for getting media.


Gets all media at the root of the tree.

To use this method, call the method on the ContentManagementService instance:

var rootMedia = await _contentManagementService.Media.GetRoot();

GetById(Guid id)

Gets a specific media item matching a GUID.

To use this method, call the method on the ContentManagementService instance and pass in the GUID of the media item you want to get:

var media = await _contentManagementService.Media.GetById(yourGuidObject);
var media = await _contentManagementService.Media.GetById(Guid.Parse("your-guid-as-a-string"));

GetChildren(Guid id)

Gets all media that is a child of a specific media item.

To use this method, call the method on the ContentManagementService instance and pass in the GUID of the media item to get the children:

var mediaChildren = await _contentManagementService.Media.GetChildren(yourGuidObject);
var mediaChildren = await _contentManagementService.Media.GetChildren(Guid.Parse("your-guid-as-a-string"));

Create Media

The ContentManagementService has one method for creating media.

Create(Media media)

Creates a new media item based on the passed-in Media object.

To use this method, call the method on the ContentManagementService instance and pass in the media item you want to create:

var newMedia = await _contentManagementService.Media.Create(yourMediaObject);

Update Media

The ContentManagementService has one method for updating media.

Update(Media media)

Updates an existing media item based on the passed-in Media object.

To use this method, call the method on the ContentManagementService instance and pass in the media item you want to update:

var updatedMedia = await _contentManagementService.Media.Update(yourMediaObject);

Delete Media

The ContentManagementService has one method for deleting media.

Delete(Guid id)

Deletes an existing media item based on the passed-in GUID.

To use this method, call the method on the ContentManagementService instance and pass in the GUID of the media item you want to delete:

var deletedMedia = await _contentManagementService.Media.Delete(yourGuidObject);
var deletedMedia = await _contentManagementService.Media.Delete(Guid.Parse("your-guid-as-a-string"));

Further reading

Last updated