Capture location data

Learn how to implement an IP to location provider.

The localization information is displayed under the Location tab in the Analytics section of Umbraco Engage dashboard.

Umbraco Engage Analytics natively supports storing and reporting localization information for incoming traffic. Localization refers to identifying the (physical) origin of an incoming request. Web requests from a visitor's browser do not contain location information, so you must provide an implementation for this.

Most localization services, such as Maxmind, use IP addresses to perform a (rough) lookup. The information is compiled into a database where lookups can be performed. However IP addresses do not contain any information regarding their (physical) origin, rather they only identify a device on the internet. Localization information for any given IP address is tracked manually and can change overtime. We recommend either using an external service or acquiring a copy of a GeoIP database for localization lookup purposes.


Once you have a service that can provide localization information, integrating it into Umbraco Engage is straightforward.

For this purpose, implement the interface Umbraco.Engage.Business.Analytics.Processing.Extractors.IRawPageviewLocationExtractor. This interface allows the localization information for a pageview, defined as a single visitor's visit to a specific point in time. The pageview contains the property IpAddress which can be used for Geo IP lookup.

First, define a class that implements ILocation, to hold the localization information that will be returned through the interface in our implementation:

using Umbraco.Engage.Business.Analytics.Processed;
public class GeoIpLocation : ILocation {
    public string Country { get; set; }
    public string County { get; set; }
    public string Province { get; set; }
    public string City { get; set; }

Next, implement the location extractor to read and validate the incoming IP address and filter out local IP addresses with the native IsLoopback method. Then, call your Geo IP localization implementation:

using Umbraco.Engage.Business.Analytics.Processing.Extractors;
public class MyCustomLocationExtractor : IRawPageviewLocationExtractor
    public ILocation Extract(IRawPageview rawPageview)
        if (!IPAddress.TryParse(rawPageview?.IpAddress, out var ipAddress) || IPAddress.IsLoopback(ipAddress)) return null;
        string country, county, province, city;
        // Perform your own GEO IP lookup here
        // ...
        var location = new GeoIpLocation
            Country = country,
            County = county,
            Province = province,
            City = city
        return location;

Lastly, let the IoC container know to use your implementation for the IRawPageviewLocationExtractor. Umbraco Engage has a default implementation of this service, which only returns null. This default service is registered using Umbraco's RegisterUnique method. To override this service, call RegisterUnique after the Umbraco Engage dependencies have been initialized, which is after the UmbracoEngageApplicationComposer:

using Umbraco.Engage.Business.Analytics.Processing.Extractors;
using Umbraco.Engage.Common.Composing;
using Umbraco.Core;
using Umbraco.Core.Composing;
public class UmbracoEngageComposer: IComposer
    public void Compose(IUmbracoBuilder builder)
    {<IRawPageviewLocationExtractor, MyCustomLocationExtractor>();

After implementing this, Umbraco Engage will begin collecting and displaying localization information for pageviews. This can be viewed in the Analytics section of the Umbraco Engage dashboard.

If the custom implementation returns null, ILocation will display as "Unknown".

The LocationExtractor only processes new pageviews and will not apply retroactively to historical data.

If the pageviews contain location information, the table with countries is displayed:

From the country, you can drill down to the city. This will then filter the displayed graph and table data to only display session and pageview information for the selected country. Even though Umbraco Engage does support the storage for county and province, the UI only supports displaying data by country and city.

Last updated