Content Security Policy nonce configuration

In this section, you will learn how to add a Content Security Policy (CSP) nonce to scripts & styles injected by Engage.

Engage automatically injects different scripts and styles into the returned HTML when requesting content. It also adds the option to set a nonce for the duration of a request to be picked up and added to said scripts and styles. This can be used when a CSP requires a nonce for scripts.

This feature has been added in version 13.3.0+ of Engage.

How to set a nonce

Because a nonce should only be used once, it must be set in a location that gives control for individual requests. This could be in a Render Controller Action or a Service with lifetime Scoped or Transient. The following steps use a Render Controller to set a nonce.

  1. Get an instance of IContentInjectionSecurityService from the Umbraco.Engage.Infrastructure.Common.Security namespace into your controller using dependency injection.

  2. Call the .SetNonceForCurrentRequest("Your-Nonce-Here") method before rendering content.

  3. Proceed as you to return content.

public class HomeController : RenderController
    private readonly IContentInjectionSecurityService _contentInjectionSecurityService;

    public HomeController(
        ILogger<RenderController> logger,
        ICompositeViewEngine compositeViewEngine,
        IUmbracoContextAccessor umbracoContextAccessor,
        IContentInjectionSecurityService contentInjectionSecurityService) : base(logger, compositeViewEngine, umbracoContextAccessor)
        _contentInjectionSecurityService = contentInjectionSecurityService;
    public IActionResult Home()
        return base.Index();


When a nonce is present for the current request, it will be added to the following locations:

  • The bot detection (ping) script within the Head tag.

  • The client-side analytics initializer script within the Body tag.

  • The cockpit scripts (only if the cockpit partial is added).

  • Any applied Personalization that makes use of CSS or Javascript.

Engage does not modify the existing CSP and doesn't set a nonce to scripts and styles added without Engage.

Last updated

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