
Get an overview of the configurations options in Umbraco Engage.

Most of the Umbraco Engage configuration options are stored in the configuration file. Umbraco Engage uses the standard for .NET Core applications, in which we make use of the appsettings.json (and environment variable support). Because of this new standard, most configuration options no longer require the application to restart to take effect. This comes with a few exceptions.

Umbraco Engage ships with an appsettings-schema.json file, allowing Visual Studio or Jetbrains Rider to auto-complete the configuration options. It comes with information about default values and a description of what each configuration option does. Do not change the -schema.json files!

The default configuration will look like this:

  "Engage": {
    "Settings": {
      "DatabaseConnectionStringName": "umbracoDbDSN",
      "Enabled": true
    "Analytics": {
      "VisitorCookie": {
        "ExpirationInDays": 365,
        "CookieName": "umbracoEngageAnalyticsVisitorId",
        "IncludeSubdomains": false
      "DataCollection": {
        "AnonymizeIPAddress": false,
        "FlushRateInRecords": 100,
        "FlushIntervalInSeconds": 30,
        "InternalSiteSearch": {
          "AutomaticSearchTracking": true,
          "SearchTermParameters": "q",
          "SearchBoxParameters": "",
          "CategoryParameters": ""
      "DataProcessing": {
        "IntervalInSeconds": 30,
        "SessionLengthInMinutes": 30,
        "IsProcessingServer": true
      "DataStorage": {
        "AnonymizeAnalyticsDataAfterDays": 730,
        "DeleteAnalyticsDataAfterDays": 1095,
        "DeleteControlGroupDataAfterDays": 180,
        "DeleteRawDataAfterDays": 5
      "DataCleanup": {
        "StartAfterSeconds": 300,
        "IntervalInSeconds": 1800,
        "NumberOfRows": 1000
    "ABTesting": {
      "RequiredVisitorPercentageBeforeShowingAdvice": 10,
      "MinimumPercentageMacroGoalWarning": 10
    "DeliveryApi": {
      "Segmentation": {
        "ContentById": true,
        "ContentByIds": true,
        "ContentByPath": true,
        "ContentByQuery": true
    "Profiles": {
      "Potential": {
        "ActiveThresholdInDays": 30,
        "EngagedThresholdInSeconds": 300,
        "EngagedThresholdNumberOfSessions": 3
      "Identification": {
        "Name": "{{name}}",
        "Abbreviation": "{{name[0]}}",
        "ImagePropertyAlias": "avatar"
    "Reporting": {
      "DataGenerationEnabled": true,
      "DataGenerationTime": "04:00:00"

All these settings are also visualized in Umbraco Engage. This overview can be found in the section 'Engage' -> Settings -> Configuration.

You cannot change any of the settings in the backoffice. To use the new settings the website must be restarted.

Last updated