The Umbraco Engage Section
Explore the Engage section to access Analytics, A/B Testing, and global settings for Umbraco Engage.
When you install Umbraco Engage, a new section called Engage is automatically enabled in the Umbraco backoffice.
If you do not see the Engage section, it is likely that you have not been granted access to it. You can set up access in the Users section of Umbraco. If the Engage or Users section is not visible, ask your administrator for assistance.
The Engage Section
In the Engage section, you will find several subsections, each providing insights into a specific feature of Umbraco Engage.
Currently, the available sections are:
Analytics: The most important feature of Umbraco Engage is where all data is collected.
A/B Testing: Set up new projects and start A/B testing directly.
Personalization: Implement your marketing strategy and set up your personalizations.
Profiling: See how visitors engage with your site.
Reporting: See how your optimizations contribute to your goals.
Settings: View and configure various global settings used throughout Umbraco Engage.
The Dashboard
On the dashboard, you can view the current version of the Umbraco Engage installed and see how the license is configured.
Last updated