External Profile Data

Umbraco Engage does not provide a built-in way to add additional data to a profile. You can store the data in any format and in any way.

Your system may associate an Umbraco Engage visitor with other data coming from an external system such as a Customer Relation Management (CRM) system.

If you want to use external data in a custom segment you have to write the data access yourself in the custom segment code.


It is possible to visualize this external data alongside the Umbraco Engage profile in the backoffice by providing a custom AngularJS component for this purpose.

When this component is registered a new tab will be rendered in the Profiles section when viewing profile details. This will render the custom component that was provided and get passed the Umbraco Engage visitor ID.

External profile data tab
External profile data tab

Register custom components

To render this External Profile Tab with a custom component, you have to create your component and register it with Umbraco Engage. The following code will show how to do both. Add the below code in a JavaScript file in the App_Plugins folder and load it using a package.manifest file. If you have your own custom module, you can use this:

angular.module("myCustomModule", ["Engage"]);
// angular.module("umbraco").requires.push("myCustomModule");
// angular.module("myCustomModule").run([ ... ]) 
// Create a component. We create a component named "myCustomExternalProfileDataComponent" here:

angular.module("umbraco").component("myCustomExternalProfileDataComponent", {
  bindings: { visitorId: "<" }, 
  template: "<h1>My custom external profile data component! visitorId = {{$ctrl.visitorId}}</h1>",  
  controller: [function () {   
   this.$onInit = function () {     
    // Your logic here    
// Register your custom external profile data component.
// Please note you have to use kebab-case for your component name here
// just like how you would use it in an AngularJS template (i.e. myCustomComponent -> my-custom-component)
angular.module("umbraco").run(["myCustomComponents", function (customComponents) {  
  customComponents.profiles.externalProfileData = "my-custom-external-profile-data-component";

This is all that is required to render your custom component.

Last updated