
In order for you to be able to work with your Cloud database, there are a few steps you will need to do. At the end of the article, you will be ready to start working with the database.

Connecting to your Cloud database locally

First, Umbraco Cloud automatically overrides whatever is in the 'umbracoDbDsn' connection string in the web.config or the appSettings.json when the site is running on Cloud. This means that any connection string in there named 'umbracoDbDsn' will only ever be used when you run the site locally (cloned). In rare cases, you might need the database timeout increased on Cloud, for that you'll need to reach out to support for assistance.

Second, for security, your database on Umbraco Cloud is running behind a firewall. In order to connect to the database, you'll need to open the firewall for the relevant IPs. This can be a single IP, a list of IPs, or even an IP range. It's done from the Connection Details page on your project. Click the "Settings" menu in the upper right corner of your project and select "Connection Details". If you don't see the menu item, it's due to permissions and you'll need to contact the administrator of your project.

Opening the firewall

The easiest way to open the firewall for your IP address is to click the "Add Now" link. It'll automatically add your current IP address and save the settings. It might take up to five minutes for the firewall to be open for your IP.

If you need to open specific IP addresses, click the "Add New IP Address" button.

When adding a new IP, it is required to give it a name. This gives an overview of who the different IPs that have been added belong to.

Setting up SQL Management Studio

Once the firewall is open, it's time to fire up SQL Management Studio and connect to the database. Be aware that a database exists for each environment you have on Umbraco Cloud. Any changes you make to custom tables need to be done for each of them.

To connect, choose "Connect Database Engine" and copy the values from the Connection Details page on Umbraco Cloud. You'll find handy "copy" shortcut buttons to the right of each value. In the "Connect to Server" dialog in SQL Management Studio, choose "SQL Server Authentication" as the authentication type. Remember to click the "Options" button before you connect. Paste the name of your database in the "Database" input field; otherwise, security settings on Umbraco Cloud will prevent you from connecting. You can see it all in this short video:

Moving on

Now that you've connected you can work with the databases on Umbraco Cloud, like you could on any other host. Remember to let Umbraco Cloud do the work when it comes to the Umbraco-related tables (Umbraco* and CMS* tables).


LocalDB is no longer supported in the latest major version of Umbraco. The documentation below is only relevant if you are on Umbraco 9 and below.

When you clone a site locally, Umbraco Cloud automatically creates a local database and populates it with data from your website running on the Cloud. If you don't specify database settings before the local site startup, it defaults to a SQL CE database located in the umbraco/Data folder. If you wish to use a local SQL Server instead, you can update the connection string in the web.config or appSettings.json file (from v9+). However, it's important that you do so before your site starts up the first time.

By default when Umbraco Cloud restores a local database it will be a Umbraco.sdf file in /App_Data folder. However, if LocalDB is installed and configured, the restore will create a Umbraco.mdf file. To use LocalDB ensure applicationHost.config is configured with loadUserProfile="true" and setProfileEnvironment="true":

<add name="ASP.NET v4.0" autoStart="true" managedRuntimeVersion="v4.0" managedPipelineMode="Integrated">
   <processModel identityType="ApplicationPoolIdentity" loadUserProfile="true" setProfileEnvironment="true" />

If you don´t see the lines in the applicationHost.config, you can add them manually to the <applicationPools> section.

Usually applicationHost.config is located in this folder for IIS: C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config

and in one of these folders for IIS Express:


If you're using Visual Studio 2015+ check this path: $(solutionDir)\.vs\config\applicationhost.config

In Visual Studio 2015+ you can also configure which applicationhost.config file is used by altering the <UseGlobalApplicationHostFile>true|false</UseGlobalApplicationHostFile> setting in the project file (eg: MyProject.csproj). Source: MicroSoft Developer Network (MSDN) forum.

Now that you are all set and ready you can continue to work with your database locally. ).

Last updated