Working with Linux/macOS

One of the features built into Umbraco Cloud is the ability to work locally with your Umbraco site. This can be done without having a Windows machine with a local web server installed on it. This enables people on macOS or Linux-based OS to use their favorite editor to modify code in their Umbraco Cloud site.

The Solution

  1. On the Umbraco Cloud portal, go to your project and clone the site using your favorite Git client.

  2. Configure a SQL Server connection string using ConnectionStrings in appsettings.json or appsettings.Development.json (the launchSettings.json configures the local instance to run as 'Development'):

    "ConnectionStrings": {
        "umbracoDbDSN": ""
  3. Additionally, it's recommended to configure the local instance to install unattended with the following settings in appsettings.Development.json:

    "Umbraco": {
        "CMS": {
        "Unattended": {
            "InstallUnattended": true,
            "UnattendedUserName": "",
            "UnattendedUserEmail": "",
            "UnattendedUserPassword": ""

The UserName, Email, and Password are optional properties and only needed if you want to set up a local backoffice user. You can use your Umbraco Id to sign in to the backoffice.

  1. On the terminal, navigate to src/UmbracoProject folder and run the following commands to start the project:

    dotnet build
    dotnet run
  2. When running the site for the first time, the database schema is automatically inserted into the database (with "InstallUnattended": true in appsettings.Development.json), so the site starts up ready for use.

Last updated