Connecting to the Database on Mac

In this guide, we show you how you can connect and work with your Cloud Database on Mac.


Connecting to the Database

Follow the steps below to connect and work with your Umbraco Cloud Database on a Mac.

  1. Go to SQL Connection Details in the Configuration menu on Umbraco Cloud.

  2. Note down the Server name, Login, Password, and Database.

  1. Open Azure Data Studio.

  2. Click "Create a connection" on the welcome page in Azure Data Studio.

  1. Change the Authentication type to SQL Login and enter the following information in the Connection details dialog:

    1. Add the Server name.

    2. Add the Login.

    3. Add the Password.

    4. Add the Database.

  1. Click Connect once the connection details have been filled out.

You have now connected to your database. You can work with the databases on Umbraco Cloud like you could on any other host. Remember to let Umbraco Cloud do the work when it comes to the Umbraco-related tables (Umbraco* and CMS* tables).

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