How to support polymorphic outputs from custom Management APIs
For security reasons, the System.Text.Json serializer will not serialize types that are not explicitly referenced at compile time.
This can be a challenge when dealing with polymorphic API outputs. As a workaround, the Management API provides two options for enabling polymorphic outputs.
Polymorphism by interface
This approach requires that all output models implement the same interface - for example:
publicinterfaceIMyItem{Guid Id { get; }string Value { get; set; }}
publicclassMyItem(string value) :IMyItem{publicGuid Id { get; } =Guid.NewGuid();publicstring Value { get; set; } = value;}
The ProducesResponseType annotation on the endpoints must also be updated to use the interface:
...[ProducesResponseType<PagedViewModel<IMyItem>>(StatusCodes.Status200OK)]publicIActionResultGetAllItems(int skip =0,int take =10)...[ProducesResponseType<IMyItem>(StatusCodes.Status200OK)]public IActionResult GetItem(Guid id)...
Polymorphism by annotation
This approach requires that all output models implement a common base class. The base class will define all its derived types by annotation - for example:
[JsonDerivedType(typeof(MyItem),nameof(MyItem))][JsonDerivedType(typeof(MyOtherItem),nameof(MyOtherItem))]publicabstractclassMyItemBase(string value){publicGuid Id { get; } =Guid.NewGuid();publicstring Value { get; set; } = value;}