Media Service

Examples on how to create a new folder and a new media item from a stream by using the MediaService.

In this article, you can find some examples on how to create a new media folder and a media item from a stream programmatically.

Samples in this document will require the following using statements:

using Umbraco.Cms.Core;
using Umbraco.Cms.Core.IO;
using Umbraco.Cms.Core.Models;
using Umbraco.Cms.Core.PropertyEditors;
using Umbraco.Cms.Core.Services;
using Umbraco.Cms.Core.Strings;
using Umbraco.Extensions;

Creating a new folder

To create a new folder at the root of the media archive, your code could look like the following:

// Initialize a new media at the root of the media archive
IMedia folder = _mediaService.CreateMedia("Samples Media Item Folder", Constants.System.Root, Constants.Conventions.MediaTypes.Folder);

// Save the folder
var result = _mediaService.Save(folder);

Alternatively, you can replace the Constants in the above sample with hardcoded values.

// Initialize a new media at the root of the media archive
IMedia folder = _mediaService.CreateMedia("Samples Media Item Folder", -1, "Folder");

// Save the folder
var result = _mediaService.Save(folder);

For the CreateMedia method, the first parameter is the name of the folder to be created.

The second parameter is the ID of the parent media item. Constants.System.Root is a constant defined in Umbraco with the value of -1, which is used for indicating the root of the media archive. Instead of specifying the numeric ID of the parent, you may instead specify either a Guid ID or an IMedia instance representing the parent media.

The third parameter is the alias of the Media Type. As Umbraco comes with a Folder Type by default, we can use the Constants.Conventions.MediaTypes.Folder constant to specify that the alias of the Media Type is Folder.

Besides the three mandatory parameters, you can specify a user's numeric ID for media creation attribution. Unspecified cases default to the "Administrator" user with ID -1.

Creating a new media item from a stream

You can specify a Stream for the contents of the file that should be created.

As an example, if you have an image on disk named unicorn.jpg in the images folder of wwwroot. You can open a new stream for a file on the disk, and then create a new media item for that file in Umbraco:

Please be aware that you will need to inject the following services:

  • MediaFileManager _mediaFileManager

  • IShortStringHelper _shortStringHelper

  • IContentTypeBaseServiceProvider _contentTypeBaseServiceProvider

  • MediaUrlGeneratorCollection _mediaUrlGeneratorCollection

  • IMediaService _mediaService

  • IWebHostEnvironment _webHostEnvironment

string webRootPath = _webHostEnvironment.WebRootPath;
var path = Path.Combine(webRootPath, "images", "unicorn.jpg");

// Open a new stream to the file
using (Stream stream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(path))
    // Initialize a new image at the root of the media archive
    IMedia media = _mediaService.CreateMedia("Unicorn", Constants.System.Root, Constants.Conventions.MediaTypes.Image);
    // Set the property value (Umbraco will handle the underlying magic)
    media.SetValue(_mediaFileManager, _mediaUrlGeneratorCollection, _shortStringHelper, _contentTypeBaseServiceProvider, Constants.Conventions.Media.File, "unicorn.jpg", stream);

    // Save the media
    var result = _mediaService.Save(media);

Again Umbraco will make sure the necessary properties are updated.

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