The followed method is called on the "PublishedContentRequest.PrepareRequest()" method: FindPublishedContentAndTemplate()
. We discuss shortly what this method is doing:
FindPublishedContent ()
Handles redirects
No content?
Run the LastChanceFinder
Is an IContentFinder, resolved by ContentLastChanceFinderResolver
By default, is null (= ugly 404)
Follow internal redirects
Take care of infinite loops
Ensure user has access to published content
Else redirect to login or access denied published content
Loop while there is no content
Take care of infinite loops
Use altTemplate if
Initial content
Internal redirect content, and InternalRedirectPreservesTemplate is true
No alternate template?
Use the current template if one has already been selected
Else use the template specified for the content, if any
Alternate template?
Use the alternate template, if any
Else use what’s already there: a template, else none
Alternate template is used only if displaying the intended content
Except for internal redirects
If you enable InternalRedirectPreservesTemplate
Which is false by default
Alternate template replaces whatever template the finder might have set
/path/to/page/template1?altTemplate=template2 template2
Alternate template does not falls back to the specified template for the content
/path/to/page?altTemplate=missing no template
Even if the page has a template
But preserves whatever template the finder might have set
/path/to/page/template1?altTemplate=missing template1
If it’s there, sets the published content request to redirect to the content
Will trigger an external (browser) redirect

Finds the deepest wildcard domain between
Domain root (or top)
Request’s published content
If found, updates the request’s culture accordingly
This implements separation between hostnames and cultures
Last updated