Extension Types

The Extension types have some general features and some are provide specifically to a type.

General features

The general features of all Extension Types can be read as part of the Extension Manifest Article

General Extension Type

The system provides Extension Types for certain needs and then there is a few that has a general prupose.

The bundle type enables you to gather many extension manifests into one. These will be registered at startup.

The backofficeEntryPoint type is used to execute the method of a JavaScript file when the backoffice is initialized. This file can be used to do anything, this enables more complex logic to take place on startup.

Most Extension Types support conditions. Defining conditions enables you to control when and where the Extension is available. This Type enables you to bring your own Conditions for the system.

The Kind-type enables you to base your Extension registration on a preset manifest. A kind provides the base manifest that your manifest will be ammending. A typical Kind declaration would provide a default Element, making it posible for you to only configure the Element via properties of the Manifest.

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