Examine settings

Information on the Examine settings section

Since the majority of Examine configuration takes place in code, this section is small and contains only one setting to change: LuceneDirectoryFactory. This setting allows you to change the behavior of the ExamineIndexes directory.

This section has a default value, and does not need to be configured, configuring Examine might look something like this:

"Umbraco": {
  "CMS": {
    "Examine": {
      "LuceneDirectoryFactory": "Default"

This is how Examine is configured by default. There is three different types of Lucene directory factories:

  • Default - The index will operate from the default location: umbraco/Data/TEMP/ExamineIndexes

  • SyncedTempFileSystemDirectoryFactory - The index will operate on a local index created in the processes %temp% location and will replicate back to main storage in umbraco/Data/TEMP/ExamineIndexes

  • TempFileSystemDirectoryFactory - The index will operate only in the processes %temp% directory location

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